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Old 03-23-2011, 03:32 AM
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Originally Posted by whatcaneyedo View Post
I got mine in July 2008 so I've had it for over two years. Even in my 5 year old 120gal I have to feed it at least twice a day to keep it from eating my coral.
Wow..that is good news....and he looks healthy, congrats.

I still wouldnt recommend them to anyone but the most dedicated and experienced.
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Old 03-24-2011, 01:20 AM
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I have 2 Copperbands, both eating well, including dry food. Here is how I got mine to eat.

I have now moved the larger one on the right to my big display tank. He now has to deal with other more aggressive tank mates at feeding time. So to make sure he gets enough, I use a turkey baster to get it right in front of him, so he can grab it before it gets gobbled up by other fish.
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Old 03-24-2011, 01:39 AM
Treebeard Treebeard is offline
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Great idea and thanks for posting this. I have had a copperband for about 4 weeks and he eats mysis and brine shimp like there is no tomorrow. He was getting hassled a bit by my yellow tang who has since found a new home but it was not affecting his food intake.
My concern is with the amount of frozen food I have been feeding. Prior to the copperband I only fed frozen twice a week, but now I am feeding everyday and I think my water quality is suffering. I will definitely give your method I try.

Originally Posted by Reef Pilot View Post
I have 2 Copperbands, both eating well, including dry food. Here is how I got mine to eat.

I have now moved the larger one on the right to my big display tank. He now has to deal with other more aggressive tank mates at feeding time. So to make sure he gets enough, I use a turkey baster to get it right in front of him, so he can grab it before it gets gobbled up by other fish.
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Old 03-24-2011, 03:58 PM
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I have a Yellow Tang too, that thinks he owns the tank. I trapped him, and stuck him in the refugium for a couple weeks, when I moved the Copperband to the display tank. That allowed the Copperband to establish his favourite spots and hiding places.

But when I returned the Yellow Tang to the main tank, it didn't take him more than a few minutes to start waltzing around the tank, like he never left it, and start chasing the Copperband. Fortunately, the Copperband is very agile, and can do a 180 turn in a fraction of a second. The chasing only lasted less than a day, though, and the Yellow Tang just takes a passing lunge at the Copperband from time to time now, just to remind him who is the boss. The Copperband seems to handle it OK, and just moves out of the way when he see the Yellow Tang coming.

But feeding the Copperband in the main tank is a bit of a chore. The problem is that it is much deeper than the refugium where I trained him, and he is reluctant to go to the surface to eat the dry food. And my voracious big Bird Wrasse doesn't help, with his splashing and darting around at the surface, when there is food.

So I need to keep feeding the Copperband with a turkey baster. He eats fine, but it just time consuming. He really likes the freeze dried plankton (San Francisco brand, 68% protein), even more so than Mysis, but it floats up to the surface. I wish they made a Mysis or Plankton pellet that would sink to the bottom, he might go for that. He won't touch regular pellet food, though.
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Old 03-24-2011, 04:03 PM
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Hi ReefPilot,

Did you try using your medical capsule strategy in the main tank? If yes, what was the result.
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Old 03-24-2011, 04:12 PM
Treebeard Treebeard is offline
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I had the exact same experience with my yellow tang. He was hassling the CBB so I trapped him, banished him to bad fish corner of the sump for two weeks and let him contemplate his evil ways. But when I put him back in the display it was like he had never left and returned to his old self. Fortunately he has a very short memory and fell for the trap again.
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Old 03-24-2011, 04:19 PM
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Originally Posted by louisxyz View Post
Hi ReefPilot,

Did you try using your medical capsule strategy in the main tank? If yes, what was the result.
Yes, I did actually, but the big bird wrasse soon discovered it, too, and scared away the Copperband. So, I have to keep using the turkey baster.

At least the Copperband is now trained to come to it. The problem is the Bird Wrasse (about 7 inches long, beautiful fish) also knows there is food there, and I need to keep trying to keep him away when I feed the Copperband,... not easy. I have even given the Bird Wrasse a few taps, with the turkey baster, when he gets close, but that doesn't seem to deter him much either.

So not sure where this will go. I am going to be setting up another tank, for frags. Maybe I will try catch the bird wrasse, and stick him in there for a while. He is now a bigger problem than the Yellow Tang.
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Old 03-24-2011, 04:21 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by Treebeard View Post
I had the exact same experience with my yellow tang. He was hassling the CBB so I trapped him, banished him to bad fish corner of the sump for two weeks and let him contemplate his evil ways. But when I put him back in the display it was like he had never left and returned to his old self. Fortunately he has a very short memory and fell for the trap again.

to reduce aggressivness you will have to change around your aquascape , problem is he has territory established and even if you remove the tang he will establish the same teritory unless he is bullied out himself...... changing around the rock work will throw off his memory.

adding pvc for hiding places will hep alot as well, in a fishes mind its out of sight out of mind....cheers guys
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Old 03-25-2011, 12:16 AM
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Wow your yellow tangs are real jerks. When I introduced my CBB I removed my purple tang for just a week because it was chasing the butterfly. When I put it back in, it didn't show any amount of aggression. However, to this day, the purple tang still picks on my +2' snowflake moray...
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Old 03-25-2011, 02:40 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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My previous yellow tang was a real jerk too. I had a 75g about 5 years ago with a yellow tang in it and added a CBB to the tank to take care of some aiptasia. My tang stabbed him about a dozen times in 5 minutes and that was by far my shortest lived fish ever.
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