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Old 03-23-2011, 08:05 PM
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Originally Posted by The Grizz View Post
? I would think that a pet would have to be a member of an animal species.

Just a question?
Coral's are considered an animal (pending the type that is) mushrooms are still considered fungi and leathers as well if I remember correctly.

Still don't see the fuss in here, he honestly puts in all the effort to supply a food that in reality is to costly to produce. and it works to. Laurie had a good point with KFC, print off that document and storm into one demanding to see all the ingredients. If something has been proven to work, no point questioning it
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Old 03-23-2011, 08:26 PM
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I'm just bothered by you Ryan you are making a stink about this Acan plus if you don't like it and don't agree with it then don't buy it. Personally I think that you are just causing a stink about it, because of whatever happened that your corals are not responding to it. Every type of corals and tanks are different.

give it a rest man. People on here totally disagree with me going over to Afghanistan. I don't really care what people are saying. People on here disagree that skimmer's LED's, pumps, Food whatever. I think that you got the point across and you have made your point. You don't like the food and it doesn't hold a list of materials that is used to make it. really does it matter.
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Old 03-23-2011, 08:39 PM
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When I talked them I asked specifically about coral foods and they said it needs to be listed as well. All major ingredients must be listed.
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Old 03-23-2011, 08:41 PM
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I think you need to reread my posts. I am quiet happy with it and still use it. I am just stating facts, if you dont like it you do t need to read it.
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Old 03-23-2011, 10:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
after some digging around and phone calls I have found out an indgredient list must be listed on all pet foods.

So Acan Plus and Zeovit is actually not properly labeled and cannot legally be sold in Canada.

Refer to section 3.2 a)
This guide applies to cat and dog food only. It says following in the introduction:

"The Guide applies to all claims concerning pet food products included in labelling, advertising, promotional materials and all other forms of marketing in connection with the sale of these products. Please note, however, that the Guide is restricted to the labelling and advertising of prepackaged pet food for dogs and cats, and does not apply to pet treats or to food for other pets."

Then it says under that paragraph:

"This guide is not law."

Sad fact is that we still don't know what is in our dog and cat food, because even if it has an ingredient list on the packaging, the food still contains cheap ingredients from China and I don't think they will declare the traces of melamine in it.

We can not even be sure that there is no crap in the food we consume everyday. Well, actually I do know it is overpriced garbage that is offered to us consumers, in a fancy box and at a premium price. Big Companies have a whole team of lawyers who are professionals in concealing undesirable facts and getting around laws and regulations, of course a well-sized marketing budget is set aside to make the garbage palatable to the consumer.

I really have to keep that in mind everytime I go to a large chain grocery store in a hurry instead of trying to make it to a local farmer's market or butcher's shop.

Last edited by Xenia; 03-23-2011 at 10:29 PM.
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Old 03-23-2011, 10:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
I think you need to reread my posts. I am quiet happy with it and still use it. I am just stating facts, if you dont like it you do t need to read it.
I have reread your posts you are bitching cause there isn't a list of ingredients. then dont worry about it again if its bothering you then don't buy it.

its friggin coral food OMG get over it man. I just can't believe that you are on this don't put it in your tank then you are the only prson who is havng a problem with it.

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Old 03-23-2011, 10:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
Cant we all just get along.

I use your product in my tank and have seen great results with it. I have used Fauna Marin and seen the same results as well. Both good products and its nice to see it locally made.

The problem I have with your write up is this. In one breath you say your not in it for the money.
"My personal goal is, and always will be, to make the highest quality food to
promote the greatest amount of growth and just have healthy beautiful corals
PERIOD. I believe the growth and size of my corals speak for themselves."

Yet in another breath you complain about another company trying to copy your product. Of course its going to happen. You think Mr. Ford didnt see it coming with the automobile?

Personally I enjoy sharing information with other hobbyists whether they be someones private tank or major company. It only benefits the hobby when people share their experience, what works for them, what doesnt and so on. Its only when people try to hide what has been working from everyone else that this hobby with fall. Unfortunately I am seeing more and more of it as time goes on. I am not saying go hand your recipe paper out to Fauna or any other company, you have already done that by make your product available to the public.

IMO you should be proud a big company like Fauna Marin sees you as such a big threat they need to try to use your product to sell theirs. Acan Plus has seen such great results with just word of mouth along with posts here from buyers. Why not just enjoy your success instead of complaining?

Not to mention a little competition keeps businesses honest. Put out a good product for a good price and you will reap the rewards. I am sure you know this already with Acan Plus.

Now if this is a shot at someone or someones company maybe you need to take your drama off canreef. We have seen enough of it in the past year to get our fill.
To me you need from this post you are stating that you are unhapy with the Acan plus and you are just bitching end of story.

the Problem I have with your write up is >>>>>>>>>>

I don't think people care you have a problem. if you have a problem with his food ingredients then take it to a PM .. you my friend are the drama in this post.

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Old 03-23-2011, 11:06 PM
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I'm guessing the ingrediant list is simple...

Seriously though if it works great then use it.
People still eat hot dogs and we know whats in them.

Ingrediant list or not, they seem to like it and grow well as a result.
I for one am going to buy ACAN+ as long as JMES keeps making it.
He may well decide to stop and then where does that leave us?
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Last edited by Ross; 03-23-2011 at 11:14 PM.
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Old 03-23-2011, 11:08 PM
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Maybe you should go through the thread again and quote the posts saying how much I like it.

I know your just trying to defend your little buddy and I will say it again for you because it seems to take you a while to catch on. I am not attacking James or the product.
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Old 03-23-2011, 11:27 PM
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Ok, where can I get my hands on acan plus. I wanna try it out for myself. Bring it on.
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