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Old 03-06-2011, 02:26 AM
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Originally Posted by BlueTang<3 View Post
Wow I did not expect this, I posted to see peoples reactions as i am almost out of salt and was going to order a large quantity of this. Just wanted to see if i had a bad batch or this was a happening occurrence. I got your message Greg and appreciate your customer service i am not too worried its not like there is garbage in the salt.
Wes am I to assume then that other than the plastic bits, you found the salt itself to be of premium quality since you were wanting a large quantity after using it?

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Old 03-06-2011, 02:35 AM
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While the presence of a few piece of plastic by themselves pose no immediate harm to your reef, I would still be concerned that those pieces even got in there in the first place. If a few pieces of plastic can find its way into a bucket of salt from a manufacturer, what other unseen foreign contaminants could get in there? What if that plastic bag had previously held something nasty?

And ya, I don't see that Wes has done anything wrong by posting his findings. It isn't like he was bashing on a vendor. He found stuff in his bucket of salt that was unusual and he shared it with the community. Don't we encourage this sort of thing????

Also, this thread has demonstrated the integrity of the vendor that supplied the salt. Kudos to Snappy and the wholesaler for making it right.
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Old 03-06-2011, 02:45 AM
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Originally Posted by kien View Post

While the presence of a few piece of plastic by themselves pose no immediate harm to your reef, I would still be concerned that those pieces even got in there in the first place. If a few pieces of plastic can find its way into a bucket of salt from a manufacturer, what other unseen foreign contaminants could get in there? What if that plastic bag had previously held something nasty?
Never worked in any food grade type factory, have you?
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Old 03-06-2011, 02:48 AM
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Originally Posted by dunl View Post
Never worked in any food grade type factory, have you?
Nope, never have. Is it that bad??
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Old 03-06-2011, 02:50 AM
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Originally Posted by kien View Post

While the presence of a few piece of plastic by themselves pose no immediate harm to your reef, I would still be concerned that those pieces even got in there in the first place. If a few pieces of plastic can find its way into a bucket of salt from a manufacturer, what other unseen foreign contaminants could get in there? What if that plastic bag had previously held something nasty?

And ya, I don't see that Wes has done anything wrong by posting his findings. It isn't like he was bashing on a vendor. He found stuff in his bucket of salt that was unusual and he shared it with the community. Don't we encourage this sort of thing????

Also, this thread has demonstrated the integrity of the vendor that supplied the salt. Kudos to Snappy and the wholesaler for making it right.
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Old 03-06-2011, 02:58 AM
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Originally Posted by kien View Post
Nope, never have. Is it that bad??

Not necessarily a bad thing...just explains why you seem to have so little tolerance for something like this. It happens more than you think...especially with food items.

Sour cream and grasshopper, anyone?
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Old 03-06-2011, 03:02 AM
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Originally Posted by kien View Post

And ya, I don't see that Wes has done anything wrong by posting his findings. It isn't like he was bashing on a vendor. He found stuff in his bucket of salt that was unusual and he shared it with the community. Don't we encourage this sort of thing????

isnt this the whole point of a forum????? awareness!!!!!
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Old 03-06-2011, 03:05 AM
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Originally Posted by dunl View Post
Not necessarily a bad thing...just explains why you seem to have so little tolerance for something like this. It happens more than you think...especially with food items.

Sour cream and grasshopper, anyone?
Let me clarify my comments, BTW. I'm not condoning this, nor stating that it should be a normal part of the process, or trying to explain that the vendor accepts this by any means.

It's just that people can make mistakes - and two people out of the number of members we have on here isn't unreasonable....very likely, they may have bought two buckets from the same batch, one right after the other.
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Old 03-06-2011, 03:07 AM
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Originally Posted by dunl View Post
Not necessarily a bad thing...just explains why you seem to have so little tolerance for something like this. It happens more than you think...especially with food items.

Sour cream and grasshopper, anyone?
Yes in fact I do have a low tolerance for this sort of thing. I would hope that the foods that I eat is safe. What happened to quality control?

Listeria anyone?
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Old 03-06-2011, 03:16 AM
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Originally Posted by dunl View Post
Let me clarify my comments, BTW. I'm not condoning this, nor stating that it should be a normal part of the process, or trying to explain that the vendor accepts this by any means.

It's just that people can make mistakes - and two people out of the number of members we have on here isn't unreasonable....very likely, they may have bought two buckets from the same batch, one right after the other.
It might not have even been do to human error, could have possibly been from any sort of machinery used at the producer. I have found a chunk of black rubber about the size of a loonie in a bucket of Reef Crystals once and did not get an offer to have the whole bucket replaced buy the store so BIG KODOS to Snappy to back the products he sells, goes to show how how good a guy he is and his integrity.
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