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Old 02-06-2011, 01:38 AM
dsaundry dsaundry is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Chilliwack
Posts: 943
dsaundry is on a distinguished road

The yellows maybe common by tang standards at some of the lfs's but have always been one of my faves. The Purple I picked up fron Chin Lee years ago and the Sailfin I have had since he was tiny. The Hippo/Regal I picked up from a fellow Canreefer a bunch of yrs ago as well, All the others are all between 4-5 yrs old including the Chromis's. I am going to put together a cuc, I forgot there is a couple of Cucumbers as well, but I am thinking maybe some Sandsifter stars, A Conch or Abalone, some more snails etc. I would like to add a Wrasse of some type...will cross that bridge a bit later I guess. Right now I am just happy the transfer went well and quickly as it was way less stressful on the fish..than me. I have had these guys for a long time I would hate to lose one due to the transfer. All were eating well today and looked to suffer no ill effects.
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