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Old 11-29-2010, 11:14 PM
Nebthet Nebthet is offline
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Thanks very much Madreefer and Chris88. I am slowly learning how to use the macro lense. I suck at the tripod part right now though.. I need to learn a little patience and get a remote shutter to prevent the shaking.. But I am loving it. If I drove, I would be begging other hobbiests in my area to let me take pics of their tanks for practice.
Originally Posted by o.c.d. View Post
Nebthet Special Forces Aqua Division...Codename Nebanatior...Mission: Coral Recovery..... Don't say anymore on this form I've detected a key tap surveillance system ..I think they are on to you.. what hu no.. no....please..
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Old 11-29-2010, 11:34 PM
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Those are some killer pics there Sarah!!!.....and it looks like you have some sweet pieces...........of coral.....I really like those zoas in the first pic....
260g mixed reef, 105g sump, water blaster 7000 return, Bubble King SM 300 skimmer, Aqua Controller Jr, 4 radions, 3 Tunze 6055s,1 tunze 6065, 2 Vortech MP40s, Vortech MP20, Tunze ATO, GHL SA2 doser, 2 TLF reactors (1 carbon, 1 rowa). . Tank Video here and here
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Old 11-29-2010, 11:42 PM
Nebthet Nebthet is offline
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Thanks Doug. It has really come a long way and has a little bit to go. lol... I can't wait for the turbo snail to clean the hair algae off the clowns area in the back.... of course that is provided the clowns stop attacking them every time the turbo approaches.

I got those zoas off of Oceansdirect based out of Toronto. They are growing nicely in my tank and have multiplied. Can't wait for them to spread to the other rockwork. I have been trying to get some contrasting coloration to add dimension to the tank.

There are still certain corals on my wish list I want to get eventually, but I have been heavily debatting upgrading my tank to a 100g+, but I have to find the room in my apartment and I am worried a little about the transfering of the coral But it would give me sooo much more room.
Originally Posted by o.c.d. View Post
Nebthet Special Forces Aqua Division...Codename Nebanatior...Mission: Coral Recovery..... Don't say anymore on this form I've detected a key tap surveillance system ..I think they are on to you.. what hu no.. no....please..
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Old 12-19-2010, 04:04 AM
Nebthet Nebthet is offline
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I have some more monthly pix. If you go back to some pix from Oct, you can see some definite growth happening.

Tricolor Valida. I had to move this guy from where he was beside the poccilapora as he was losing the stinging battle as you can tell by the dead part on the tip.

Tan Green pink rimmed MontiCap after the trimming, with the icefire beside it.

Sebae anemone continuing to grow and color up. It is getting a greenish tinge to the darker brown tentacles now.

Red Digi has really taken to growing since the RO water switchover

The poccilopra has really taken off and filled in nicely. This sucker packs a sting that other sps can't take so will be happy with it's ability to keep the pt digi under control in the future.

Rainbow encrusting Monti continues to recover.

Purple fusion encrusting monti continues to grow.

Paly's got moved from the sand bed onto the rock work where they are spreading like nuts.

This green acro has been growing out too.

Xmas Favia

It isn't often I get to take a pic of this blue tenuis because of it's position at the rear of the tank. It isn't easy to photograph.

Front Tank Shot 12-18-2010
Originally Posted by o.c.d. View Post
Nebthet Special Forces Aqua Division...Codename Nebanatior...Mission: Coral Recovery..... Don't say anymore on this form I've detected a key tap surveillance system ..I think they are on to you.. what hu no.. no....please..
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Old 12-19-2010, 04:09 AM
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Nice pics. Glad you got things figured out! I gave up on the photography.
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Old 12-19-2010, 03:56 PM
chris88 chris88 is offline
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there is definetly some growth happening. Have you ever tried to scrap the algae and coraline off the glass? It really makes the corals stand out when its clean. I use a kent pro scrap with a metal blade and it works like a charm.
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Old 12-19-2010, 09:40 PM
Nebthet Nebthet is offline
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I have sort of used a scrapper when I had a major algae issue, but the turbo snails are slowly eating it. I have been more concerned with the RO water switchover. I made my first $100 in frag sales this month. yippee.. but man did I have to educate some people on proper tank husbandry and inform them they don't have the right lighting and perameters to keep corals healthy. Very frustrating.

I am in the process right now of either upgrading to a larger tank, or taking a 33g (36lx12wx18h) that I have in the bedroom and setting that one up in addition to this one. If I do that, I plan on making it an AIO system and using my PAR38 bulbs for the lighting.
Originally Posted by o.c.d. View Post
Nebthet Special Forces Aqua Division...Codename Nebanatior...Mission: Coral Recovery..... Don't say anymore on this form I've detected a key tap surveillance system ..I think they are on to you.. what hu no.. no....please..
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Old 01-07-2011, 05:19 AM
Nebthet Nebthet is offline
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Time for some new pix of my new stuff.

Ric Yumas. I traded some of my frags for this frag of three heads.. it now has two new heads starting on the rocks and these went from half an inch in size to almost 3 inches diameter. They are very happy in my tank.

New firefish

New Bangaii cardinals.. #1 is still out and active. #2 on the other hand is MIA after 4 days.

Now some of the older....
Paly's are growing like wild fire.

McCosker's is flashing away today

Brown zoas improving after I snapped back some of my red monticap.

Sebae update.. doing well and getting darker.

Whatchu Looking at Foo?

Originally Posted by o.c.d. View Post
Nebthet Special Forces Aqua Division...Codename Nebanatior...Mission: Coral Recovery..... Don't say anymore on this form I've detected a key tap surveillance system ..I think they are on to you.. what hu no.. no....please..
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Old 01-31-2011, 06:33 AM
Nebthet Nebthet is offline
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Ok.. now for some end of the month pictures, mostly macros.


Rainbow Monti

Blueberry Monti

Red and Green Monti Cap

Purple tipped Digi

Acan garden with gsp, yuma rock, gsp chalices and duncans


Blue Tenuis

Another type of tenuis.... good lord tenuis are such slooooow growers.

Purple with White polyp unknown: Sorry for the crappy pic.. it is hard to get a pic of.

Green Bottlebrush

Toxic Chalice... this one has grown back nicely from nearly nothing.

Brown/Green Pocci... I really want to get a pink one.

Green unknown acro

True Tricolor growing back and liking it up there closer to the lights.

Unknown acro: this one hasn't done well in my tank until recently when I moved it down to the sandbed to see if that was low enough light for it.. it almost died when I had it on the side of the tank closer to the lights. So I am hoping over time it colors back up.

Red rimmed zoas

Red skirted zoas

Tank update: well unfortunately all my clams are dead. I am not sure of the definite cause, but I am thinking it was some sort of pathogen as only clams were affected for the most part, although some other corals were not happy when the clams started dying. They were withdrawn and the encrusting monti's started losing their colors.

Whatever it was, it was strange. It attacked the foot of the clam and killed it from the inside out. Right up to nearly the time of death, the clams would act normal from above, their mantles expanding and contracting, but you would have a hole you could see and mucous showing either from the side of the clam or through the foot.

Once I saw this I took the clams out, with one exception, and that was the clam my RBTA is attached to. It is very happy where it is and I don't want to screw that up.

After the two larger maximas died.. and oh how I loved my gold teardrop... ... and I did a large water change and put in new carbon the corals started improving and gaining their color back, very quickly I might add. You wouldn't know today that the encrusting monti's were almost all white.

My icefire is receeding now .. had rtn, but it has stopped so now I have almost all white stick in that area. Grr. But on the bright side, my green monti is darkening in color a lot. and everything else is growing just fine, especially the acans.

Now over the next month, I have to figure out how the heck I am going to move two juvi clowns out of this system into their own tank.. The bottle trick didn't work.. and trying to get the one from below during lights out didn't work either.. any thoughts?
Originally Posted by o.c.d. View Post
Nebthet Special Forces Aqua Division...Codename Nebanatior...Mission: Coral Recovery..... Don't say anymore on this form I've detected a key tap surveillance system ..I think they are on to you.. what hu no.. no....please..
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Old 01-31-2011, 03:33 PM
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Sorry to hear of the tank troubles. Sucks about the clams - but indeed once you get a pathogen in there like that they just go one by one. It's very disheartening.

FWIW though man that last set of macro photos are just stunner. You wouldn't know you're having frustrations based on those shots. Some very nice stuff there and really exquisite colours showing up.

Hope the upward trend continues.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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