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Old 01-24-2011, 11:16 PM
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It's hard enough to keep a Mandarin happy in a 90 due to the pod issue. I would cross it off your list.
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Old 01-25-2011, 12:00 AM
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I love the way these "Edge" tanks look but they sure are a pain in the butt to work in....very cool that you sumped one out!....heres a couple stocking suggestions.....what about a Yasha/pistol combo??.....or maybe a trimma type goby and some small critters like sexy shrimp and pom-pom crabs?? clown gobies would probably work too
260g mixed reef, 105g sump, water blaster 7000 return, Bubble King SM 300 skimmer, Aqua Controller Jr, 4 radions, 3 Tunze 6055s,1 tunze 6065, 2 Vortech MP40s, Vortech MP20, Tunze ATO, GHL SA2 doser, 2 TLF reactors (1 carbon, 1 rowa). . Tank Video here and here
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Old 01-27-2011, 07:02 PM
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I think small gobies would look good in there. A fire shrimp would look big in a tank that small when full grown.
My old tank journal
90G sps reef
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Old 01-27-2011, 07:32 PM
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Nice neet and clean. Like it. Your rock may be to close to the sides if you want to keep the glass clean depending on what you are using. Too early for fish has your tank cycled yet ?
28gal reef tank
nov 2010
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Old 01-27-2011, 08:13 PM
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Thumbs up Terrific Job!!!!!!!! Well Done!!!!!!!!

Great job on the build and that sump is terrific!

Must say there's never enough live rock filtration for Fluvals :-) I've been running one for about fourteen months and it's critical to watch and test it like a hawk/mad scientist... and yes, it's best to keep rock away from sides as these tanks are murder to clean (do use gloves each time as 6gals can crash from small amounts of pollutants). Oh yes, try to arrange rock so you can remove your powerhead frequently and easily.

I ended up tossing the original light bulbs when saltcreep killed them so your evap' solution will really help with that! I do use two CurrentUSA LED strips and a daylight lamp to light mine. It's a difficult thing to meter as the light must travel thru glass but my little tank is now thriving and has only had a couple nasty crashes (worst one from poor quality salt at bottom of container).

Temperature control is very tricky with these tanks so keep track of changes carefully... and open lid if your PH becomes too low.

Otherwise my own stock is: couple snails; sand sifter starfish (who can grow out in a larger tank later); couple hermits; couple zoa's; Yellow Aussie Torch; couple mushrooms; Red Aussie Chalice; Gr Aussie Acan; Corkey Finger Gorg'; Blue Ridge coral; and not much else... If I do add a fish, it'll be a small Goby... rather like those little Japanese Yellow Goby's. Anything tiny and peaceful will work just don't get talked into a Catalina Goby as they are cold water only.

Possible good news too re what looks like aiptasia in the photo with snail... it just might be a plain jane, and really harmless, tunicate! If so, you can just let them be and enjoy! (check out tunicates on

Again, congrats on a great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like a serious contender should a nano contest come up!!!!!!!!!!!!
Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bunny >:-)
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Old 01-27-2011, 09:34 PM
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yasha or flaming prawn goby paired with a pistol shrimp.

nothing more than that though.
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Old 01-28-2011, 07:54 AM
CGY_Betta_Guy CGY_Betta_Guy is offline
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Hope no one minds more pictures?

20110124 - Think I waited long enough and started stocking... Red Fire shrimp - really like the pop of red in the tank!

purple fire fish - couldnt resist this little guy... was all alone at Red Coral last week and was still there when I came by again

peppermint shrimp

pretty excited to have found this little circular shaped guy with the greenish specs in the center moving around the tank. The previous day it was on the glass and couldnt get a good shot. It is roughly 3-4mm across and doesnt seem to have any snail appendages or even a shell but was attached to the glass and looked flat and circular with no color (other than the pinkish body) and now I can see a bit of color on it.. The part touching the glass did look like a snail foot would on the glass. Any ideas as to what it is?

20110127 - New arrangement for the LR - brought a chunk out from the sump making a total of 4 large chunks with nice crevices in between them

Last edited by CGY_Betta_Guy; 01-28-2011 at 04:21 PM. Reason: better explaination to what I saw of the critter
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Old 01-28-2011, 07:54 AM
CGY_Betta_Guy CGY_Betta_Guy is offline
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Thanks everyone for your input and compliments! The tank has been cycling since December 26th and didnt have any signs of ammonia or nitrite beyond the first day I put the live rock into the tank. I left the tank sitting for a couple weeks to be sure and then added in some snails and my first peppermint shrimp. A week later I added in the extra LR to the sump and there was no indications of a mini cycle either. I have been testing the water every few days to see if there are any problems.

@Fishytime I like the idea of having a goby pistol pairing as I am pretty sure I have a pistol shrimp that came in on my LR. I have heard the clicking coming from the tank once in a while. Those Yasha gobies are really neat looking and I wouldnt mind a red spotted goby either.

@bignose Yeah the fireshrimp does look pretty big in the tank but I got him for the big pop of color couldnt resist

@pscott99 yeah I wasnt liking the way the rock was resting up against the glass on the sides and rearranged it. Some of the rock is still a bit too close to the sides but should be ok. What do you think of the change as shown in my newest FTS?

@Cranky when wet - Do I need to remove the powerhead for cleaning once in a while? Never utilized one before so I figured I would ask. Temperature seems to be pretty stable through out the day even with the little glass lid covering the opening.
Neat stocking... no fish at all? I did see the catalina goby as a contender for the tank but I guess it wouldnt work out if its cold water.

@phi delt reefer wow that flaming prawn goby is definitely a contender for the next fish in the tank.

I am definitely looking into getting a goby with everyones suggestions as the goby and shrimp pairing is really intriguing me now. Anyone see any problems with me adding 2 more goby fish into the tank with my firefish? My water volume is sitting at just over 10G.
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Old 02-14-2011, 11:51 PM
MPevine11 MPevine11 is offline
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what are the dimensions of the sides and back and bottom of the overflow?

amazing tank i love it!!
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Old 08-10-2011, 05:30 AM
CGY_Betta_Guy CGY_Betta_Guy is offline
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20110808 - Its been a very busy number of months for me and unfortunately maintenance on my tanks(especially this one) took a bit of a back seat. Now I have a renewed desire to get back at it since summer is pretty much going to end soon.

After months of removing clumps of the below growths I decided to leave it to grow and see what happens. I still dont know what to do about what this stuff is and still am not really sure what each of the growths is. If anyone can help me identify this stuff and tell me whether its good or bad that would be great. I guess its all bad and I think its about time to try and cure those live rock or replace them unless someone has a better idea.

This stuff is growing out of the joint between the elbow and the spray bar and has spread to another chunk of live rock too.

I had been fighting bubble algae for the first couple months... this is the only spot left in the tank

My fish havent seemed to mind too much.

Also found this guy in my sump... can anyone identify the snail?

Quite happy with the sump setup, I have very slow evaporation and the skimmer doesnt take out too much liquid each week.
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