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Old 01-20-2011, 02:11 AM
jzz30tt jzz30tt is offline
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Also don't look online, call them in person. I rented a 8x10 and it was a fraction of what it said it would be online.
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Old 01-20-2011, 02:18 AM
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Originally Posted by ScubaSteve View Post
Sure a train is that much? I shipped a car from Manitoba to Vancouver and it had it's own container all to itself and it was only like $900 or so.
I used the train to ship a steamer trunk from Calgary to Vancouver for a reasonable price.
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Old 01-20-2011, 02:19 AM
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Look into buying a used cargo trailer. Sell it when you get home. You may actually get more than you paid if you score a good enough deal.
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Old 01-20-2011, 02:48 AM
JonT JonT is offline
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Try the train again.

I have helped friends build crates before. Take a skid, nail some plywood around it. some 2x4's in the corners for support, and you're good to go.

Mark what side you put on last. It makes opening it easier later

Depending on the size of the items your sending, you can add shelves into this box too. When you call them to pick up the crate, be very specific that they need to bring a pump truck, and a truck that will suit your loading conditions (if your doing this from a driveway, they need a lift on the truck)
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Old 01-20-2011, 03:06 AM
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Watch out for trucks, I work in the industry (used to throw freight now Im a commercial transport mechanic.) They charge by weight or footprint, whatevers bigger and no one, not the guy throwing the freight or the truckdrivers are particuallarly nice with the stuff. Id get another quote on the train too, seems like 5000 for train is steep. That or the trailer idea, its always handy having that around, and its not like your giving your trailer back when your done either. Half of 5000 and you could snag a sweet deal on a very reasonable trailer and with U-hauls reputation the trailer youd buy would probably be way more reliable.
"I think were doomed."

"Nah, unless they got any big, giant robot camels I think were ok."

"Ah.....Jim.......robot camels"
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Old 01-20-2011, 03:07 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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problem with the train is it doesnt go to newfoundland as there are no trains that far east, but as luck would have it i got a message from a moving company they say 2400 all in all fees waved as hes going that ways anyways...includes insurance etc.

then another guy messaged me and said hed do it for 2000 so im trying to get an exact amount on the stuff im taking and hes gonna get it to me in writing as i know people who got screwed before with hidden fees and what not.

both of these companys say i need to insure it and no manual lifting will be done on the tank it will be crated and padded and put on a pallet and lifted by forklift and if anything happens to it they give me the 1000 for cost 100 and because of my tank is such a special request they wont do it without the insurance and i wouldnt even consider it without anyways lol both companys had the same answer for this. so tonight i go to bed with no solid answers but it looks alot better than it did today.

the first guy allows 2000lbs of stuff for 2400 the other guy has 7000lbs of space free for 2000 i hope its not to good to be true.the second company is 2 guys with big hearst so they are a popular moving awaiting his response
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Old 01-20-2011, 02:10 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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DO NOT use 2 small men with big hearts.
I thought that being a larger company that my stuff would be in better hands than some of the cheaper independent movers Id looked at.


I had a brand new sectional couch that during a move from New West to Coquitlam (so within the GVRD) they actually DRAGGED it across the ground, scratching the leather something awful.

The driver also ran up on the curb and ruined my lawn in addition to snagging my telephone line as his truck was too high while up on the curb and took out my phone and internet...

I had insurance with them and refused to pay them anything until they'd fixed it...
They told me that the phone line was the telephone companies problem as the cable was simply hung too low...

They refused to admit they had done the damage to my couch until I started taking pictures of how the plastic they had wrapped it in was actually scratched right into the leather.

They would not replace it, they would only send it off to be fixed and refused to tell me where it was being done.
that took 3 MONTHS and when I got it back, the frame was so loose from all their rough handling that I had to put it in a corner so it doesnt look crooked.

These guys were rude and could care less about anything and this attitude started at the very top...

The guy who runs their operation here in Van actually called my mom a female dog (the b word, yes) while on the phone with me.
He would NEVER agree to meet me in person and was never in the office the 2times I stopped by to ask where my couch was.


dont believe me?
check the BBB

Last edited by gobytron; 01-20-2011 at 02:13 PM.
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Old 01-20-2011, 02:22 PM
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How much stuff do you have and what's it worth? Might be better to sell everything and start over, you can buy used furniture and whatnot when you get down there. May cost less than $5000.
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Old 01-20-2011, 02:28 PM
Jamieh Jamieh is offline
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I have sent you a PM on this as I have relatives in moving business in NL.
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Old 01-20-2011, 02:31 PM
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Originally Posted by gobytron View Post
DO NOT use 2 small men with big hearts.
I thought that being a larger company that my stuff would be in better hands than some of the cheaper independent movers Id looked at.


I had a brand new sectional couch that during a move from New West to Coquitlam (so within the GVRD) they actually DRAGGED it across the ground, scratching the leather something awful.

The driver also ran up on the curb and ruined my lawn in addition to snagging my telephone line as his truck was too high while up on the curb and took out my phone and internet...

I had insurance with them and refused to pay them anything until they'd fixed it...
They told me that the phone line was the telephone companies problem as the cable was simply hung too low...

They refused to admit they had done the damage to my couch until I started taking pictures of how the plastic they had wrapped it in was actually scratched right into the leather.

They would not replace it, they would only send it off to be fixed and refused to tell me where it was being done.
that took 3 MONTHS and when I got it back, the frame was so loose from all their rough handling that I had to put it in a corner so it doesnt look crooked.

These guys were rude and could care less about anything and this attitude started at the very top...

The guy who runs their operation here in Van actually called my mom a female dog (the b word, yes) while on the phone with me.
He would NEVER agree to meet me in person and was never in the office the 2times I stopped by to ask where my couch was.


dont believe me?
check the BBB
That's insane. Hard luck with those guys huh? Sounds more like 2 Small men with Smelly Farts might be more appropriate. Ha ha!

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I wonder... does anyone care enough to read signatures if you make them really small? I would not. I would probably moan and complain, read three words and swear once or twice. But since you made it this far, please rate my builds.
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