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Old 12-24-2010, 04:34 PM
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bignose bignose is offline
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Hey Denny I have a question for you. Your return lines seem low to me, when your pump is turned off all the water above the return will flow to your sump. Do you have enough room in your sump to hold all that water? I've seen your tank and that's a lot of water you wouldn't want on your floor!

*edit* Never seen the answer in your own post.
My old tank journal
90G sps reef
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Old 12-24-2010, 04:56 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by bignose View Post
Hey Denny I have a question for you. Your return lines seem low to me, when your pump is turned off all the water above the return will flow to your sump. Do you have enough room in your sump to hold all that water? I've seen your tank and that's a lot of water you wouldn't want on your floor!

*edit* Never seen the answer in your own post.

o yeah big sump lol so when the power goes out im filling about half my sump i have it set so my main drains are about three inches from my durso and both are working fine and ive been shutting the power off alot to see if anything changes so basically every five inches of display height is about 50 gallons so im down around 3 inches and pointing slightly up.

my sump is 80 gallons so after 40-50 gallons spill in in still just past half now i dont want to fill it either as it would be pushing it by how thick the glass is

all this was done not including my refuge or frag tank which isnt hooked up to the display at all
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Old 12-24-2010, 05:09 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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after adding some padding under my pumps ive reduced the noise almost to nothing but im still not happy lol i want no noise what so ever not even a single splash , as it turns out my return pump is silent and the noise im getting is from my skimmer pump not the vibrations but the running noise itself i dont have any doors on the back yet so its hard to tell if ill hear it when they are on but for now im on a mission

also im working on the light ring today im gonna get it mounted to my ceiling and hopefully get some pendants mounted thats if i got everything i need its so easy to forget something when your runnning around and me like a retard got salt for 200g as i had a little bit but didnt take into account for my sump while i was grabbing things so now im short on salt and here doing all the math on my tanks and how much water they can run off lol

also i now have the stand ready for paint if i can get enough time today ill get to working on that too and have it finished in a few days for trim lucky i work doing renos so far the complete stand hasnt cost me a thing its all been from left over jobs unlike my last stand which i had a hard time even walking after buying the materials lol

*****upon closer inspection my returns are only about an inch below thats just from the pics as i was filling and didnt want a syphon sorry*****

Last edited by reefwars; 12-24-2010 at 05:17 PM.
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Old 12-24-2010, 05:28 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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here are some pics taken this morning and last night sorry for the quality its a very crappy camera untill the misses comes home

and for those who didnt think i would get my helper over washing sand heres the proof lol its the worst job he said he ever had to do thats sand from 3 different set ups it was quick washed and stored in bins i made him do a good job too lol all i had to pay him was lunch and a few drinks while he was here

adda boy der johnny bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get in er deep!!!!!!!

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Old 12-24-2010, 05:30 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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lol the second pic is him croaking from the smell lololol!!!!
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