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Old 10-28-2010, 08:50 PM
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Dyspnea Dyspnea is offline
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I have a couple questions.

I've been running vertex pellets for the last 7 days. I started with 500ml (150gallon net water volume) The pellets are tumbling nicely, never had any clouding of my water.

Right from the start my skimmer went crazy, I had too adjust my skimmer and it is now it's max setting. The skimmate is wet and black and the bubbles just don't have the surface tension they used too.

I read that my skimmer was suppose to return to normal with in several hours to usually two days later, however I also read that "nitrate and phosphate locking" could cause a more lengthy break in period, due to old live rock (which i have plenty of)

I haven't lost any livestock, I haven't had an algae outbreak, the tank looks good overall.

Anything I should really be concerned of at this point? Should I remove some of my pellets?
My 265 gallon build!

Last edited by Dyspnea; 10-28-2010 at 09:52 PM.
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Old 11-06-2010, 09:13 PM
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I have received many questions in regards to skimmer function and the use of pellets, the simple answer in regards to the skimmer is to just give it time and the skimmer will return to normal function; albeit, more stinky function within a few days after starting pellets.

People also need to realize that there is absolutely not a one molecule difference between the NpX Bio Beads and the others like Vertex and the original NP brand. They are all sourced from the identical supplier. The only difference is how much volume you get for the price and how fancy the bag looks.

The NpX brand is the best value for the price with a higher volume per bag. the only pellets I would worry about are the ones made of a completely different compound like the Warner Marine brand and possibly some of the other new types surfacing on the market.

Originally Posted by Dyspnea View Post
I have a couple questions.

I've been running vertex pellets for the last 7 days. I started with 500ml (150gallon net water volume) The pellets are tumbling nicely, never had any clouding of my water.

Right from the start my skimmer went crazy, I had too adjust my skimmer and it is now it's max setting. The skimmate is wet and black and the bubbles just don't have the surface tension they used too.

I read that my skimmer was suppose to return to normal with in several hours to usually two days later, however I also read that "nitrate and phosphate locking" could cause a more lengthy break in period, due to old live rock (which i have plenty of)

I haven't lost any livestock, I haven't had an algae outbreak, the tank looks good overall.

Anything I should really be concerned of at this point? Should I remove some of my pellets?
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Old 11-17-2010, 01:44 AM
blkhwk blkhwk is offline
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I just got my pellets and reactor,vertex uf-15 with 500ml of pellets.Will the mag 3 pump be enough to tumble these and should i start with all the pellets at once or start with half and add the rest later?My set-up is a 46 bow tank.
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