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Old 11-16-2010, 05:25 PM
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Yeah now I'm leaning towards favoring a return to the old ways. The power we had before was rarely ever abused and It's pretty obvious it was a handy thing to have.
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Old 11-16-2010, 06:19 PM
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I personally prefer the old way as well, works great for for sale items and as I recall it was really useful during the nano contests. I'm not sure I see any advantages to this new way since this is a fish forum and not a legal one so editing old posts should be up to the discretion of the original poster and moderators. Also I don't really see how searching through old for sale posts for comparative pricing is an advantage.

However having said that I'm not trying to be difficult or convince anyone to switch it back, not my site so whatever is decided is fine with me. In the end it really doesn't matter.
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Old 11-16-2010, 07:04 PM
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No worries, feedback is fair.

Speaking as a user and not a moderator, I can offer the perspective that I always appreciate being able to search on prices when I'm trying to sell something. I always look up the last 2-3 asking prices of something I'm selling, like if I have a RBTA clone or something just to get an idea of what the going rate is. I always get tripped up when I find posts and the entire content is just one word "SOLD" and I kinda wish people wouldn't do that. At that point we might as well just delete old buy/sell threads after a certain age but then of course we get needing to determine how best to define a cut-off point and so on. Anyhow without trying to get too much off into the weeds all I meant to say is I'm one who appreciates searching on a price (for what my opinon is worth anyhow, I know that some people are looking at my post right now and just seeing a blank white box instead of "blabbity blabbity yackity yack yack Whee!" but that's a whole other matter anyhow.)
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Old 11-16-2010, 07:23 PM
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All you really need by the sounds of things is another rule. Just like how putting a price up is now mandatory, so now make it mandatory to leave the price.

I'm certainly guilty of editing for sale posts and leaving the one word "sold" but I thought that was best. Now I know otherwise so quite simply I won't delete everything from now on, well not that I can now
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Old 11-16-2010, 07:39 PM
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
All you really need by the sounds of things is another rule.
you didn't just really say that, did you?? Generally we get flack for too many "rules" -lol

I'm trying to think of a way around this, as some people are really upset about this change and we don't want her to be sad forever
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Old 11-16-2010, 07:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
I'm trying to think of a way around this, as some people are really upset about this change and we don't want her to be sad forever

And rules are awesome!

Last edited by sphelps; 11-16-2010 at 07:43 PM.
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Old 11-16-2010, 08:18 PM
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I have to say I perfer the idea of being able to edit posts. I edited many of posts in the past ie when I had velvet go through my system I'd update the 1st post so everyone could see how things where without having to sift through all the pages. I also do that with my tank journals and it's nice in the buy/sell when someone has several items for sale to quickly look and see on the 1st page what's still available and what's pending to someone else, also saves the buyer from getting many pm's for something already pending to someone else.

So I'd rather there be a rule stating that the items for sale and prices remain up and not deleted so others can see what it was for sale and have a reference for price wise.
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Old 11-16-2010, 10:09 PM
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I'm kind of for the new way:

1. It makes people accountable for what they say.
2. If there is information to be shared, why not put in the reference library? That way people don't have to come across posts made by individuals with links in signatures. If one would still like to have signature links they could lead back to one central information depot.
3. I'm not sure about others but I generally miss information added to posts in the middle of the thread, especially if it's one I have subscribed too. If I've been through the thread once I tend to jump right to the "Last Page" to find updates and new information.
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Old 11-16-2010, 10:20 PM
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Ok, I've turned it back on (I think) and I'll post a request in the buy/sell forums to leave all content intact. We'll try that for a while to see how it goes.
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Old 11-16-2010, 11:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
On the SaskReef website you can go back to edit anytime. It handy for tank Journals for sure!
They just added that, did they not. Before it was like most boards, except Canreef. Limited or no editing.

I dont really care one way or the other either. I did however like to be able to edit.

Good point someone made though, besides the many good reasons members wish to edit it also allows some to "edit" sometime after posting, their "hit the post button before thinking edit". Me thinks I have done that, so will leave it at that.
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