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Old 10-26-2010, 02:01 AM
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Originally Posted by naesco View Post
I was thinking the same.

MedHat, do cleaner wrasse also 'clean' nigers? If so it was likely dieing when the trigger attacked.
That's the strange part, I've seen the Niger hang around the cleaner wrasse and hold its gill out so the cleaner could give it the royal treatment. Last night I was just watching the fish when before I could do anything the Niger came along and bit a chunk right out of the belly of the Wrasse, it squirmed as it sank but there was no chance of survival and certainly no guessing as to who the culprit was.
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Old 10-26-2010, 02:28 AM
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Originally Posted by medhatreefguy View Post
That's the strange part, I've seen the Niger hang around the cleaner wrasse and hold its gill out so the cleaner could give it the royal treatment. Last night I was just watching the fish when before I could do anything the Niger came along and bit a chunk right out of the belly of the Wrasse, it squirmed as it sank but there was no chance of survival and certainly no guessing as to who the culprit was.
Than you are right nigers can't be trusted with small fish.
The cleaner which was it's friend turned into sushi!
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Old 10-26-2010, 02:47 AM
ALang ALang is offline
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Ugh-oh! I just added a niger into my reef. It has clams and cleaner shrimps.
So far he's good, but he's only a couple of inches long. He's "rooming" with the cleaner shrimps in the same mound of live rocks. He gets the "kiss" marks from my large algae blenny ( I think that the blenny wants to evict the trigger).

So feed him frozen clams?? Like mussels, to wear down his teeth?
He's eating flakes (Formula One and Two), pellets, mysis and nibbles on the romaine lettuce that I left for my tangs.

I am now praying to the fish gods for a good trigger.
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Old 10-26-2010, 03:42 AM
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All I can say is be aware as it matures, one common statement that I have heard from quite a few people is that its not that the Nigers show signs of aggression, but have a tendency to snap at random and kill a fish or invert. IMO if you choose your tankmates carefully you will find the reward that comes with owning one of these beautiful fish far outweighs the risks. Like I said earlier I wouldn't part with mine for anything.
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Old 10-26-2010, 03:48 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by medhatreefguy View Post
All I can say is be aware as it matures, one common statement that I have heard from quite a few people is that its not that the Nigers show signs of aggression, but have a tendency to snap at random and kill a fish or invert. IMO if you choose your tankmates carefully you will find the reward that comes with owning one of these beautiful fish far outweighs the risks. Like I said earlier I wouldn't part with mine for anything.

the problem lies when they get older they start seeing other sources of food and as they get bigger they get more cocky and are willing to go a little further like stated above mine would snap at small fish generally around feeding time i think food motivates their behavior more than aggression mine ate cleaner shrimp and gave my puffer a hard time around feeding time.mine out grew my tank but i would of had to remove him or the smaller fish.i think they are beautiful and def worth putting in and i plan to own another once my new tank is up.they do get to be a big size mine was about 7" and still showing signs of getting bigger
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Old 10-26-2010, 05:27 AM
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My way I am brining that fish in with my female mandarin in the tank. wow, voracious! so I will have to wait until I have no more clam and small fish. Maybe one day

Originally Posted by medhatreefguy View Post
That's the strange part, I've seen the Niger hang around the cleaner wrasse and hold its gill out so the cleaner could give it the royal treatment. Last night I was just watching the fish when before I could do anything the Niger came along and bit a chunk right out of the belly of the Wrasse, it squirmed as it sank but there was no chance of survival and certainly no guessing as to who the culprit was.

Last edited by daniella3d; 10-26-2010 at 05:44 AM.
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Old 11-01-2010, 05:32 PM
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Ok I don't know if I did well but I could not find a blue throat and found a nice very blue looking niger and bought him. He was very friendly with other fish so I will see. I currently have no shrimps in my tank either. He is around 3" and the color is very nice.

Time will tell.

Can I put a niger with a blue throat together in a 75 gallons?
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Old 11-02-2010, 02:53 AM
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I had one also my carpet Nem ate it then I sold the nem I will get another one, mine would pick the narsarious snails out of the sand by their tube and try and eat them but that is all he bothered with. I had corals and shrimp with him but in generally if they want some thing they get it sooner or latter. I really like them maybe even better than tangs....

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Old 11-02-2010, 03:49 AM
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every sit you go to on this fish says not reef safe. and our lfs has two in right now i had thought of adding one to my 90g. the ones at the lfs are juvies. as for my cleaner wrass i could catch and move it to my other tank. i should probably wait until i upgrade the tank next year to the 120 this way i wont stress as much out in the process. tempting tho very tempting.
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Old 11-02-2010, 05:32 AM
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I just have 1 question.... What is this "teeth wearing down" business? I have never heard of this before and am curious as to what it means.
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