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Old 10-22-2010, 02:18 AM
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
Your unknown is one of my favorite corals in my tank. John (lobsterboy) told me it is oxypora but it also looks identical to another coral someone called hollywood stunner chalice or something? I don't recall where I saw it but it's a canreefer's tank.


I did find it (scroll down a few pics):

and here's mine:

yeah, its an oxypora but at the same time its fancy name is Hollywood stunner. I think Xtreme might have gotten it from me in my old tank. It grows super quick, and watch out for stinger;s at night.
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Old 10-22-2010, 02:33 AM
xtreme xtreme is offline
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I have a colony that looks pretty much the same. Originally I got it from Fooser. You think it's Oxypora John? I've been calling mine Echinopora Lamellosa (Hollywood Stunner is what I've seen them call it in the US). Check it out in Corals of the World and tell me what you think.
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Old 10-22-2010, 02:40 AM
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Just yesterday I noticed quite a long tentacle. And for a week there has been a side that is sorta close to the LPS on my superman that has some cyano or some red slimy algae growing on it. The coral is growing well I wonder if that area got stung?

I'd keep the LPS over the superman anyday it's awesome.
My 67 392 225 101 94 34 97 404 28 93 209 gallon reef.
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Old 10-22-2010, 03:12 AM
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Originally Posted by xtreme View Post
I have a colony that looks pretty much the same. Originally I got it from Fooser. You think it's Oxypora John? I've been calling mine Echinopora Lamellosa (Hollywood Stunner is what I've seen them call it in the US). Check it out in Corals of the World and tell me what you think.
yeah your totally right Sean, sorry there Brett for the faux ID.

Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
Just yesterday I noticed quite a long tentacle. And for a week there has been a side that is sorta close to the LPS on my superman that has some cyano or some red slimy algae growing on it. The coral is growing well I wonder if that area got stung?

I'd keep the LPS over the superman anyday it's awesome.
yeah, in my old tank i was wondering why my plates were not doing well, and then i seen the stingers. OUch.
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Old 10-22-2010, 04:16 AM
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Thanks for the ID guys. I was wondering if it was a chalice, To me it didnt have the right structure, but i have never really experimented with lps too much so i am kind of slow on the subject.
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Old 10-26-2010, 06:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Borderjumper View Post
Those frags are off of the big colony Brian (Biggs) grew. Wow it was awesome.. The size and shape of a punch bowl and it just sparkled.
Brian said it was an enchino, which along with oxypora are all kinda lumped together as chalice. I figured it was a Hollywood Stunner also. I have a piece of it also and it's near the bottom under 400w and mine seems to like the light.

I I'll point out this thread to Brian and maybe he will let us know how he grew that monster.
Sorry to be so slow in responding but things have been busy. It was sold to me as an Echinopora sp. and is apparently not a very common coral. Mine grew to the size of a punch bowl and was growing at an astounding rate and that's why I had to move it. I kept a piece so I could grow it again. It liked light and lots of it! I kept it under a pair of 400W 20000K XM Halides and maintained very high Calcium levels (475 -500) and Mag levels (1400-1500). It's slow to start growing and seems once it reaches critical mass it explodes. It throws sweepers 6" long and is very aggresive....but stunning if you have the room for one!

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Old 11-03-2010, 10:44 PM
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Things are progressing!. I mentioned earlier that i was using the balling method to use up some materials that i had gotten earlier. Not sure if its that or i have found a good sweet spot for the nutrient levels in the tank, but wow. colours are starting to come out like no ones business. corals i didn't really like at the start are starting to become favourites. nice to see the vivid colours popping out.

Also added a frag of PPE's, red planet acro, garf bonsai, and a sunset monti from oceanic. Really nice pieces. bleached a little from the stress of shipping but all are coming out nicely. i could have placed them a little better but i was more focused on seeing the colony as it grows out instead of the frag. I will get some pics up as soon as i can. Mainly to get photos up as a size reference for coral to compare later down the road
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Old 12-30-2010, 12:50 AM
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Been a long time since i have updated. Usual story went home to calgary for a week over christmas and left the tank in the hands of the girlfriend. I made sure that all she had to do was to fill up the water reservoir with water and feed the fish in the morning. i even put the buckets right beside the tank with a small hose and powerhead so she wouldn't have to lift them. well she dropped the hose into the tank water and through evaporation it started a siphon. throwing the SG out of whack. so i came home to two dead birdsnest colonies and a stn'ing monti and stn'ing frags. i also lost the chalk bass yesterday which was kind of salt in the wound. he was big annd i think from what the previous owner of the tank said he was his second fish, either way not fun...

added a few new thing such as this superman rhodactis

supposed to be a garf bonsai

slowly stn(look at the base)

growing good

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Old 01-16-2011, 10:45 PM
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Slowly, lowering the extra nutrients in the tank ofter the mishaps at x-mas. did some fragging to save a colony hopefully it helps.
Saw this at a LFS and could not leave it.

Porcelain crab found a new home

And one of the puppy!
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Old 02-07-2011, 10:25 PM
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Nutrient problem is slowly getting under control. I am debating stopping use of the biopellets and running some GFO as they seem to be a little more efficient at lowering the nutrients and based on the fact that i am using the prodibio system. I had to frag a few corals in order to stop the STN. but aside from that things are on the mend and the corals are growing again.

Also decided to finally start thinking about which corals are going to get the boot and which ones are going to stay. so some things in the for sale thread shortly


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