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Old 10-17-2010, 06:19 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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ok so after selling all my tanks im left with just my little 33 ive had to sell the carpet and most of the bigger corals for room so now this is pretty much my zoa tank untill the new 200g is up and running around christmas
time cheers hope you like the pics

heres a fts

thanks to jeff(vitaminz) for these next pics

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Old 10-17-2010, 06:33 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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heres some more from my phone

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Old 11-07-2010, 03:18 AM
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Your Zoa tank reminds me of mine, minus the Valonia! We have a lot of the same Zoas too. Where'd ya get the Tonga branch from? I need some for my tank!! Looks good...maybe I missed it, but how long have you had it set up?
~ Mindy

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Old 11-07-2010, 05:06 AM
torrid_07 torrid_07 is offline
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in the first couple of pictures i see the lid of your tank. what is it made of?
im trying to fit a lid to my 5g and looking for the best result
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Old 11-07-2010, 03:52 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Your Zoa tank reminds me of mine, minus the Valonia! We have a lot of the same Zoas too. Where'd ya get the Tonga branch from? I need some for my tank!! Looks good...maybe I missed it, but how long have you had it set up?

thanks mindy , too bad ive let the tank go to hell lately, i battling a brutal aiptasi problem , like 300 heads in a 33g i have a filefish whos starting to make a dent but just about all my zoas are sandbed ridden and they all have aiptasia growing from them, it makes me sad that its gone this far but im slowly making ground ive been breeding berghias but they take too long and in fear of losing my tank i had to buy the file fish all my zoas are still alive but ive lost some because of the aiptasia lucky they were common and not rare.ive been thinking about moving some of the rare ones to my roomates ten gallon but i dont want to introduce aiptasia into his tank

the tank has been running for almost 3 yrs its gone through about a million changes it started off as a fish only then it went through several mixed reefs untill i decided a few months ago it would be my zoa only tank.i had all my zoas in my 110g and 180g but they werent growing good and they had very little color then when i moved them to this system they started growing like crazy lol

im loving the tonga branch i got it off a friend who ordered to much so it was pressure washed and given to me and i love what its done to my tank it went purple in a week and now is a really nice purple and blends in completely it stood out for a bit and looked weird where it was white lol
i have a few pieces left over if your ever in town its not much just a couplke pounde but if your ever in edmonton you can have it free of charge its never hit my tank yet so no aiptasia its in my liverock bin so its " live " but there doesnt be a whole lot of life on it as theres not really any holes its solid branch so it needs to be mixed with other rock is what i was told

right now the tank is horribly full lol i have about 50lbs or more in that tank i had 35lbs in there then added 20lbs of branch and used black tie straps to keep the branch together and have it wrap around my other rock, the branch doesnt stack well and i was fearful my snowflake eel would topple it without the straps.

we do have alot of the same zoas lol i usually buy a small frag when ever i get to a store and i have alot of reef friends in edmonton who have zoas as well so ive been lucky to get frags off them here and therewhen i last counted i was up to 47 different kinds lately ive been looking for rare ones, i placed a thread looking for rare zoas with a list of what i wanted and to my surprise ive gotten alot of replies with people willing to make a frag

when my new tank is up and running i want to have one of the sections a zoa only but im afraid to tear down my 33 its been running so long lol kinda attached to it now

sorry the pics arent great im going to take some pics of all my zoas as soon as i can get a decent camera all my pics are done on my phone and i cant really get fts or a good shot of my zoas everyone always says my pics dont do it justice so id love for someone with a real camera come over and help me get some pics but i need to solve my aiptasia and weed problem first

mindy do the tonga branch i think your tank would look so nice with it ive also got some pieces of small rock that are in cool shapes kinda like christmas trees its like a mix of branch and fiji lol ill try to get some more pics soon of my new zoas when my roomate comes home hes got a better phone camera than me cheers
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Old 11-07-2010, 03:56 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by torrid_07 View Post
in the first couple of pictures i see the lid of your tank. what is it made of?
im trying to fit a lid to my 5g and looking for the best result
i made my top from some metal mesh i got from a friend im not sure what it is but it doesnt rust and it looks like its galvanized.i made the mesh square a 1 1/2" longer/wider than the tank and then bent it to fit then cut the corners and wrapped them around and i added a brace to the top so it doesnt dip it slides off and on very easily and its only on there because ive lost too many eels from not having a lid and i really love my snowflake and wasnt going to let this happen to him
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Old 11-07-2010, 06:54 PM
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Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
i battling a brutal aiptasi problem , like 300 heads in a 33g i have a filefish whos starting to make a dent

i have a few pieces left over if your ever in town its not much just a couplke pounde but if your ever in edmonton you can have it free of charge

we do have alot of the same zoas lol i placed a thread looking for rare zoas with a list of what i wanted and to my surprise ive gotten alot of replies with people willing to make a frag

mindy do the tonga branch i think your tank would look so nice
Ack, Aiptasia suck! I would prefer that over a lot of other things though. Be careful with the Filefish...I had one in my 90 when the Zoas were still in their and the Filefish took a MAJOR liking to Zoas after a few months. I didn't have Aiptasia, I bought him be I thought he was cool. He annihilated several mini colonies of Zoas once he developed the taste for them.

Thanks for the offer on the Tonga branch! I just might take you up on that as I will be heading to Blue World for a clam in a couple weeks. I really think the Tonga branch is the only type that will look good in my tank since my tank is such an odd shape.

Wow, that's awesome that you got replies! I was going to reply as I have a few you're looking for, but I don't have the time to frag and pack up and all that. If you're still looking next spring maybe we can do a trade then since I won't be working out of province anymore.
~ Mindy

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Old 11-07-2010, 09:02 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Ack, Aiptasia suck! I would prefer that over a lot of other things though. Be careful with the Filefish...I had one in my 90 when the Zoas were still in their and the Filefish took a MAJOR liking to Zoas after a few months. I didn't have Aiptasia, I bought him be I thought he was cool. He annihilated several mini colonies of Zoas once he developed the taste for them.

Thanks for the offer on the Tonga branch! I just might take you up on that as I will be heading to Blue World for a clam in a couple weeks. I really think the Tonga branch is the only type that will look good in my tank since my tank is such an odd shape.

Wow, that's awesome that you got replies! I was going to reply as I have a few you're looking for, but I don't have the time to frag and pack up and all that. If you're still looking next spring maybe we can do a trade then since I won't be working out of province anymore.

i love the look of them as well most think they are ugly but when you own one you start to realize how beautiful they are lol im keeping my eye on this guy because i know they are reefsafe with alot of caution and especially since my guy is very young about the size of a loonie while my other one was full grown im watching what he considers food , i have seen him suck in the arms of aiptasi but im crossing my fingers he doesnt drift to corals if you come to blue world give me a heads up and i will dig out the branch i have left i was in the same boat my zoa tank is small really so adding round rock wasnt an option i played with my tonga branch in my quarantine tank for a while then decided i would aquascape, without tiestraps i dont think i could of had the high branch that overhangs in my tank heres some recent pics please for give the aiptasia im so mad right now that i let it become this when i could have injected them long ago but i had bigger tanks and didnt care so much now that this is my only tank im looking back saying how stupid i was cheers sorry for the pics they are phone pics

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Old 11-07-2010, 09:09 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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hey myka any id on these last zoas im loving them and i thjin they are a people eater of some kind and took alot of convincing to frag lol please forgive the aiptasia its being worked on lol thanks
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Old 11-17-2010, 03:42 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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pics of an elegance i picked up today its from my phone so pics arent great and i still have some moving around to do around the elegance overall though very happy thanks redcoraledmonton

heres a fts for s#$%s and giggles

heres some zoa pics from the other day as well

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