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Old 09-29-2010, 12:28 AM
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Default 34g Red Sea Max-any interest Edmonton/Cowtown area

34g Red Sea Max-T5 lighting
couple of years old
Friend is going through a divorice, it will be in my garage soon. I will take some pics as soon as in is there, just wondering if there might be some interest in the Edmonton area, I could probably bring it as far as cowtown. I think he wanted $450. But will get details and pics if there is interest, sorry I know the info is limited, but if there is interest, I will do everything possible to get something up here. Thanks,
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Last edited by The Codfather; 09-29-2010 at 04:21 AM.
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Old 09-29-2010, 02:24 AM
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Stand? Any rock or livestock any equipment upgrades?
360 gallon sps reef, 180 gal sump, bubble king supermarine 300, 4xmp40Wes, 2 x 6215 tunze waveboxes, 4 ghl mitras

360 Reef Tank
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Old 09-29-2010, 03:39 AM
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Ya, details are a bit lacking right now, I am supposed to go see it in a day or two. It does come with a matching stand and does have some live rock and fish, which include 2 clowns, royal gramma and a yellow wrasse. I hope to have pics in the next couple of days. Don't know about any mods.
If no interest I will just keep it in the garage and dump his fish in with mine, just wondering if some one was interested, if so I would move a little faster to try to accommodate.
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Old 09-29-2010, 03:42 AM
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I would love to have that
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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Old 09-29-2010, 04:20 AM
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I have been answering several pms on this, so I might as well address it on the thread. I have not seen the unit as of yet, but knowing how he keeps everything else, I would have to say it has to be in real good shape. I hope to have it here on the weekend so I will post some pics as soon as it arrives. As for the livestock, somebody wanting the tank can probably get a real good deal for everything as I am in the process of minimizing my own tank and don't really need the extra fish and rock. Thanks and sorry for the lack of info. but I was kind of surprised when he told me of his "unfortunate circumstances" and didn't ask a tonne of questions about the tank. If you are interested, I will pm in order in which I received after it arrives.
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Old 09-29-2010, 08:29 PM
Seth72 Seth72 is offline
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I just bought a used one from a very nice guy....he paid 1150 dollars for it he still had the reciept,i paid 350 dollars for it and it was less than a year old only used 6 months.Perfect shape.

I am going to enjoy this tank alot since it may take years to get my custom 120 gallon going. It is a great tank especially if its the 130d like mine.Anyone buying this will be very happy. Jump on it.
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