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Old 09-22-2010, 05:42 PM
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
Yeah good point lol. The ocean has far fewer LEDs and 20k halides than our tanks. I don't think they'd look the same. Not that many try and simulate the sun's color temp when setting up a reef. I guess it started with trying to mimic the coloration at a deeper depth and then we tried drawing every colour out.

Yup, gotta agree with you there Brett. If you turn the actinics off and had only 5000K lighting you would be closer to what the ocean's corals look like: much more drab looking. Some deeper water corals floresce quite well though under the bluer light.
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Old 09-22-2010, 06:49 PM
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Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
Why does it matter so much to you what has been done to the photos? He has already stated he only corrects them. This makes them much more accurate than if he were to post an untouched photo that you would approve of. He has also been backed up by two people who have nothing to gain by backing him and said his corals are gorgeous and these photos are accurate. Actually three people, one of which is a vendor.

Publicity for what? He doesn't/can't sell here. Why is he being treated any different from anyone else that wanted to post pictures from their tank?

Beautiful stuff by the way Cherry!!!
Alright Justin. Let's turn your argument on its head: since CC doesn't/can't sell here, what's the harm in questioning the amount of re-touching in the photos? We certainly aren't affecting his business. And the last time I checked, commentary - whether positive or negative - was allowed on this board.

And you wouldn't have had others backing him up and verifying the veracity of the photos were it not for the initial doubtful postings. Without those doubters, many Canreef members may be left with the impression of "Gee, those corals look too good to be true" and would not have had the benefit of the verifying posts. In fact, I submit, that CC has in fact acutally benefitted from the doubting posts as this thread has evolved.

Last edited by fkshiu; 09-22-2010 at 06:55 PM.
Old 09-22-2010, 07:08 PM
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Lets end this with a cage match to the death.... GSP vs. fkshiu or you guys could agree to disagree and this thread could die....finally. This being said with all due respect of coarse.. or is that course. this seems to be a bit coarse of course.
Old 09-22-2010, 07:09 PM
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Originally Posted by fkshiu View Post
Alright Justin. Let's turn your argument on its head: since CC doesn't/can't sell here, what's the harm in questioning the amount of re-touching in the photos? We certainly aren't affecting his business. And the last time I checked, commentary - whether positive or negative - was allowed on this board.

And you wouldn't have had others backing him up and verifying the veracity of the photos were it not for the initial doubtful postings. Without those doubters, many Canreef members may be left with the impression of "Gee, those corals look too good to be true" and would not have had the benefit of the verifying posts.
Yes basically too good to be true is kind of what my origional post was all about. I never called into question the quality of the frags, nor the beauty, nor the photographers skills. What I did call into question was the colours in the backgrounds. Yellowish algae? Electric Blue Spots on the frag discs? I just made me think Hmmmm about the whole picture. I may not know what I am talking about apparently but I have seen quite a few photographs here posted by a lot of photographers of various skills but I had never seen backgrounds that looked like that. It just kind of made the whole thing look fakeish to me. I am sorry if the OP cant take a little bit of criticism but I did not deserve to be attacked as such for posting my personal thoughts. If you want immunity from anything negative being posted about your stuff in the future then you'll have to pay for sponsorship status here.
Old 09-22-2010, 07:14 PM
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This could end up a Battle Royale
Old 09-22-2010, 07:24 PM
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Originally Posted by fkshiu View Post
Alright Justin. Let's turn your argument on its head: since CC doesn't/can't sell here, what's the harm in questioning the amount of re-touching in the photos? We certainly aren't affecting his business. And the last time I checked, commentary - whether positive or negative - was allowed on this board.

And you wouldn't have had others backing him up and verifying the veracity of the photos were it not for the initial doubtful postings. Without those doubters, many Canreef members may be left with the impression of "Gee, those corals look too good to be true" and would not have had the benefit of the verifying posts. In fact, I submit, that CC has in fact acutally benefitted from the doubting posts as this thread has evolved.
I'd be the first to question him about what he has done to the photos but in a polite way. People just started to assume he enhanced them before asking and then after he answered people then continued to assume he has enhanced them. He isn't selling here and even if he was, just don't buy them if you don't think its a "real" photo.

He only got this response because he is a vendor (in another country) and its wrong. He can't sell here. So what...he got a big buzz over something that isn't going to make him any money amongst the buzzing people. And trust me, whatever buzz is happening in Canada isn't going to help him in the US. For one, half the states barely know Canada exists and the rest don't give a...

Im not too sure what benefit he has gained in a market he cannot make money off of legally. Please explain.
Old 09-22-2010, 07:31 PM
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Ok seriously I *demand* to see some CITES documents and ASAP.

My 67 392 225 101 94 34 97 404 28 93 209 gallon reef.
Old 09-22-2010, 07:33 PM
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Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
I'd be the first to question him about what he has done to the photos but in a polite way. People just started to assume he enhanced them before asking and then after he answered people then continued to assume he has enhanced them. He isn't selling here and even if he was, just don't buy them if you don't think its a "real" photo.

He only got this response because he is a vendor (in another country) and its wrong. He can't sell here. So what...he got a big buzz over something that isn't going to make him any money amongst the buzzing people. And trust me, whatever buzz is happening in Canada isn't going to help him in the US. For one, half the states barely know Canada exists and the rest don't give a...

Im not too sure what benefit he has gained in a market he cannot make money off of legally. Please explain.
I thought the pictures looked enhanced. So I asked if anyone else felt that way. Got myself a new @ss whole ripped for my efforts. But as a vendor you would think he would want to know what people really think of his photos wether good or bad.
Old 09-22-2010, 07:36 PM
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Old 09-22-2010, 08:25 PM
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Holy Bitchfest, Batman! Seriously, can't you all just hug and make up?

Some guy just posts some pictures of some snazzy looking corals and your all up in arms about it. Have you seen some of the pictures in the POTM threads? Here look at this one from Sphelps: Anyone getting all ****y over that one? Nope. Or check out ZoaElite's zoa pics... Freakin' cool stuff.

There are more diplomatic ways of questioning the authenticity of something (which you are totally within your rights to do). "Hey dude, those are some pretty sweet looking corals. What lights do you use to make them look like that or do you edit your photos after? I want mine to look like that". "Aw, thanks man! Ya, they totally look like that in the tank, you need some serious lighting to get that though. I only change the white balance after so they don't look washed out." Done. Finished. Everyone's friends. No need for 6 friggin' pages of people trash talking each other.

Aquarium nerds, there are bigger fish to fry than arguing over the internet about someones pictures! (See what I did there? That's punny stuff!)

By the way, my zoas glow like that it night, maybe even more... that's why I keep them. If you want to figure out why yours don't let's start another thread and talk about it over there.

Hey mods, how about... you know... doin' some moderatin'?
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