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Old 08-30-2010, 05:48 AM
wolf_bluejay wolf_bluejay is offline
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One of the things to keep in mind -- once you have the cert. you don't just get to dive anything you want. The dive master will want to see your log book, and the judge what he'll let you do.
For the most part -- if the lake is not frozen, a good 7mm wetsuit (double layer) or a drysuit will keep you warm as the water gets cold down deep anywhere is Canada.
As a bonus, if you do the open water part in full wetsuit gear (I did), you get much more used to doing things like recovering your regulator. With that you get a response from the Caribbean dive masters of "Oh, your a cold water diver. Do whatever you want"

I don't know if I would do an mostly on-line version of the course. Where I did mine, there was 1 hour of theory followed by 1 hour in the pool for a total of 6 nights. That spread out practice was great. It gave you the time to try things, get comfortable with them and think about the mistakes you made.

My wife pulled her weight belt at the bottom of the pool (15 lbs) instead of her BC strap. A good evening of think about what went wrong (she put the belt back on underwater as she didn't let go of it), and what was the right thing to do. Of course, don't let go of any strap you are pulling and "think" you've got it right.

I try to remind newbies of the fact that the cert. doesn't mean you can do anything you'd like. If you go out on a charter boat dive, most will look at your logs, experience and decide. They are simply not going to let you go through that chute at 80ft after 4 dives, and you're silly if you try.

Overall the course here in Kamloops was a little pricey compared to Van/Vic, at $300, but it's a one time cost that will last a lifetime. I know I'd get $300 more vacation in warm water.

PS. As a funny side note: Our first dive ever was in Grenada. The dive shop owner, that live in the dive shop at the beach was amazed that we like near Van/Vic. and took 4-5 trips a year to go diving because "The diving is so much better there". I only wish I knew the area was so amazing years ago.
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Old 08-30-2010, 04:56 PM
trilinearmipmap trilinearmipmap is offline
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Originally Posted by Jeff_ View Post
Yup Theory is the same but there is a lot more biodiversity to see if you get it certified out on the coast but that also is costly to come out just to get certified. trilinearmipmap, if you don't mind me asking, how much was it to do the course online? Did it specify that the practical must be done in the Caymans or is that up to the attendee?
It costs $120.00 U.S.

Once you do the e-learning you can take the open water certification anywhere that does PADI courses.

Overall if I remember correctly the cost for doing the e-learning plus the open water practical certification worked out to a little bit more than doing the whole course in person, but not much of a difference, it will depend on what the dive centre charges.
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Old 08-30-2010, 05:07 PM
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I second, or third, getting your certification done prior to your trip. It's much nicer to be able to just dive and enjoy yourself rather than worrying about performing some of the required skills. The other thing is that the more dives you do the more comfortable you become underwater. This always helps with your buoyancy and your breathing. Both are important to enjoyable dives.

Don't let cold water dissuade you from diving. Like it's been stated, after diving cold water, especially if you dive with a dry suit, the warmer waters are heaven and yes are much much easier to dive. Good luck and always remember to take pictures to share.
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Old 08-30-2010, 05:10 PM
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Some resorts don't require a course, but will require you to do a swimming test. A good example is the Palladium Resorts. Scuba is absolutely free to guests, but if you can't do 6 laps doing the crawl, then you don't get to go.

I personally do the snorkelling, and believe that you should have proper courses. Of which I DON'T have. Once in Dominican, I saw a boy come up and start screaming as he is drowning, the boat/instructors did not hear him at first. Watching this was kinda scary.

Maybe on day I will get certified, I do alot of Caribbean vacations to Dominican or Cuba. I envy you all that take those great pic's.

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Hardware: Super Reef Octopus SSS-3000, Tunze ATO, Mag 18 return, 2x MP40W, 2X Koralia 4's Wavemaker
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Old 08-30-2010, 06:35 PM
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I would get it done before you go on your trip. One thing to keep in mind is the fact that you dont have to do the 4 open water dives in canada. You can do everthing in the course and save the 4 dives till you get somewhere, then you dont have to do them in the cold lake/ocean in canada.
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Old 08-30-2010, 07:04 PM
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The most time-efficient, cost-effective, and pleasant way to do this is to do all the classroom work and pool dives here, before you go. The course costs less here and you don't burn vacation days sitting in a classroom.

Then, if you can, try to pick a resort with a dive operation on the premises. This will make is a LOT easier and you will spend less time away from the family. Finally, pre-arrange with the dive shop to do your open-water "referral" dives with them. You will just pay for 2 dives (there will likely be a surcharge because you will need 1-on-1 time with a divemaster on those dives -but it's not a lot).

When you arrive, they will take you on an easy dive or perhaps just into the surf and have you go through some basic exercises. You'll then do a couple of easy and fairly shallow dives (50' or less) and as long as you can recover your regulator, maintain buoyancy, clear your mask underwater, etc. you're done and they will certify you. You will then receive a temporary C-card. A permanent one will come by mail later.

That's it. You can now get cylinders filled and dive where you want (subject to your experience level and the judgement of a divemaster).


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Old 08-30-2010, 10:32 PM
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phoned one dive shop and they'll still do the open water (at Jasper) until mid October, imagine others the same.

Any recommendation on who to go with in Edmonton for the course?
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Old 08-30-2010, 11:49 PM
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Dude let me tell you, you dont want to do your open water in october. I did mine last year in october (1st week I think?) and it is f-ing cold.

As for a recommendation I found that PADI is more universally accepted and more PADI dive shops around. I could be wrong but it seems that way..... Its not as advanced from what I have read/seen but it will do the trick. We went to an island in Venezuela population like 50 and it had 2, PADI and I cant remember the other. Some places dont accept PADI vs. others and vice versa if that makes sense.
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Old 08-31-2010, 02:13 AM
tinman tinman is offline
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Default diving cert

well in the dominican it can run you about 600 us for padi or in calgary 200 bucks and 1 weekend in the pool and i think it's about 150 for your open water and they go till it freezes there is a dry suit rental till winter then they head to the west coast or you can finish up at the resort of your choice i'm doing mine in calgary, most diving shops offer a pretty good discount on gear also
200 gal system.
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Old 08-31-2010, 02:55 AM
russp russp is offline
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If you just want to give diving a try almost all the hotels offer a resort course , they will do a little class & pool time them take you on a single tank dive to a max of 40 ft. It is a great way to check it out & they will credit the dive towards your certification within a certain amount of time. I have a few friends that did there open water in Minnawanka & they say that a lot of people are turned away from diving after the cold water experience but everyone has there own opinion
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