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Old 08-24-2010, 11:41 PM
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Default euroreef rs80 problems

so i am on my last legs with this skimmer. it worked great up until i moved the tank and now it will work for 2 weeks and than stop producing bubbles.

i would take it apart, put it all back together and it will for for another 2 weeks and the same thing. i'm on my last legs with this and am debating about selling it for pennies and buying a vertex 80 to replace it. If anyone has any ideas that would be awesome. i prefer doing a quick fix over a new skimmer esspecially since i rarely see the tank

oh and the venturi is pulling in air, but nothing at the neck of the skimmer
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Old 08-25-2010, 02:28 PM
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nobody has any ideas?
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Old 08-25-2010, 02:29 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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it seems obvious on the surface that their is an airline clog in the venturi line or valve...

It sounds like you've thoroughly checked this out though...

I know on almost all the venturi skimmers I've used I just pop the air intake valve off as they clog up too easily/frequenly...

I also replace the Venturi line (if the skimmer design allows for it) a few times a year....

If the pump is working fine and pulling water no problem, the issue should be within the venturi valve or line itself...
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Old 08-25-2010, 03:45 PM
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If there is an airline clog, EuroReefs will overflow, not stop skimming. Seems to me the skimmer is getting too much air. I am guessing when you clean it, you are removing a partial clog, and then the skimmer gets too much air, water line drops, and the bubbles don't reach the collection cup. Turn the knob to restrict air to the skimmer a bit, the water line should go up, and the bubbles should reach the collection cup. Once you have set the skimmer in its new "freshly cleaned" setting it should be good to go. When you notice the skimmer starting to skim wetter than usual you will need to clean the airline tubing or the venturi where the airline goes in. If you are on top of it, you will notice it getting wetter before it overflows.

Also, anytime you clean the collection cup, when you first plug the skimmer in use the airline to suck up some freshwater to clean the airline tubing. You will still eventually get a calcium deposit on the venturi where the airline goes in, but rinsing does help.

~ Mindy

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Old 08-25-2010, 04:26 PM
trilinearmipmap trilinearmipmap is offline
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Whenever I have had a skimmer stop skimming it has been either the airline/venturi blocked or else the pinwheel plugged up.

Other possibilities include: when you moved the tank, did you change the water level in the skimmer chamber of your sump? Maybe make sure you are within the recommended water level range for your skimmer. Another factor to look at is the output restriction, have you gate valved the outflow pipe from your skimmer? My old Euroreef used to be quite inconsistent until I did the gate valve mod.
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Old 08-25-2010, 04:51 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
If there is an airline clog, EuroReefs will overflow, not stop skimming. Seems to me the skimmer is getting too much air. I am guessing when you clean it, you are removing a partial clog, and then the skimmer gets too much air, water line drops, and the bubbles don't reach the collection cup. Turn the knob to restrict air to the skimmer a bit, the water line should go up, and the bubbles should reach the collection cup. Once you have set the skimmer in its new "freshly cleaned" setting it should be good to go. When you notice the skimmer starting to skim wetter than usual you will need to clean the airline tubing or the venturi where the airline goes in. If you are on top of it, you will notice it getting wetter before it overflows.

Also, anytime you clean the collection cup, when you first plug the skimmer in use the airline to suck up some freshwater to clean the airline tubing. You will still eventually get a calcium deposit on the venturi where the airline goes in, but rinsing does help.

From my reading of the OP, I assumed that the water flow was there, but no air bubbles.
the op says that his skimmer is pulling air at the line in, but no bubbles are being created in the neck or body of the skimmer, so to me, I can't see how a skimmer producing no bubbles could be sufferin from too much air...

some clarification from the OP might help us offer some sounder advice before they go buy a vertex...
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Old 08-25-2010, 05:16 PM
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Originally Posted by gobytron View Post
I can't see how a skimmer producing no bubbles could be sufferin from too much air...
Originally Posted by lorenz0 View Post
oh and the venturi is pulling in air, but nothing at the neck of the skimmer
Sounds like he has air, but the bubbles aren't reaching the collection cup. I guess Lorenzo will have to clarify.

In all the EuroReefs I have owned and the one Vertex, if I open up the airline completely the water level in the skimmer drops because the venturi is pushing more air than water. Close the airline, and the skimmer will overflow. It doesn't make sense in text, but that's the way it works.

I have always liked the gate valve mods on this style skimmer so you can pump tonnes of air in (which lowers the water level), then use the gate valve to restrict the output which raises the water level back up so it reaches the collection cup.
~ Mindy

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Last edited by Myka; 08-25-2010 at 05:20 PM.
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Old 08-25-2010, 09:15 PM
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thanks for all the input guys. i will have to go and take a look and than get back with anything i find.

only reason i have been considering just buying a new skimmer is because the tank is at my parents place and i don't spend enough time there and i just want everything running tip top between visits.
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Old 08-25-2010, 09:26 PM
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I don't think you will like a Vertex any more than the EuroReef since essentially it is the same design. Skimmers need regular attention to run in top performance. I have always found this design of skimmer to be a bit fussy, but if you pay attention to the air input on the venturi it runs much better. I pull the airline off, and use a small dental tool gently inside that little plastic tube on the venturi once every 2-3 weeks. I leave the skimmer pump in the sump to do this - just unplug it. No more fussy skimmer.
~ Mindy

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