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Old 07-08-2009, 11:12 PM
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Looks great. Well done Kevin.

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Old 09-03-2009, 05:24 PM
mseepman mseepman is offline
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Any updates on how this tank is filling out? How does the customer like it?

290g Peninsula Display, 425g total volume. Setup Jan 2013.
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Old 07-19-2010, 09:24 PM
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Can anyone update this thread? Is the tank still running and how does it look? Thanks.
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Old 07-19-2010, 10:34 PM
Red Coral Aquariums Red Coral Aquariums is offline
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Originally Posted by Snaz View Post
Can anyone update this thread? Is the tank still running and how does it look? Thanks.
You Bet:

The tank is looking awesome.
I go in for maintenance once a week for 1 hour. I can do a 50 gallon water change, clean the skimmer, clean the glass, fill the auto feeder, in an hour and still have time for the million and one questions from customers there that are delighted with the system.

I do have 2 regrets and changes I would make if I was to start over.
1) They had the option of a coral (reef tank) or a Fowler and they chose the fish.
As the building is a complete glass house (perse) Stampede agreed to tint the upper windows around the building. This being agreed upon we went with T5 lighting and we ran only appropriate electrical to accommodate the T5's. Unfortunately the tinting did not happen and we are finding that during the mid day hours there is so much ambient light in the building that the tank looks darker than I would like. Mornings and evenings are great. Also we don't have enough amperage in our electrical lines to accommodate metal halides.
2) One of the fish that were chosen was a panther grouper. (what a mistake). I have spent TOOOO many hours trying to catch it as it has found a taste for any fish put in under 4 inches and I would like to put in some sand sifting Gobies.

I have a hard time getting pictures as when I get there the tank the tank needs cleaning and after I am done I stir things up to the point of (not good pics again).

The Fish:

Unicorn Tang 12+ inches (beautiful and very healthy)
Blue spot Naso 12+ inches (beautiful and very healthy)
Blonde Naso Tang 12 + inches (beautiful and very healthy)
Panther Grouper 10+ inches (beautiful and very healthy)(ARRRGHHH)
French Angel 8+ inches (beautiful and changing to adult)
Koran Angel 8+ inches (beautiful and changing to adult)
Blue Face Angel 8+ inches (beautiful)
Blue throat trigger 5+ inches (beautiful and very healthy)
Yellow Tang 6+ inches (beautiful and very healthy)
Blue Tang 6+ inches (beautiful and very healthy)
Sail Fin Tang 7+ inches (beautiful and very healthy)
Clown Fish Black and Red 4+ inches (beautiful and very healthy)
Couple Damsels 4+ inches (Healthy and laid back)
Long Spine urchin Quills are 6+ inches
Red Legged Hermit The shell is the size of 2 fists. A model citizen.
Numerous snails and crabs.

6+ colonies of Mushrooms (seems the only coral that survives the Angels)

I will try to get pictures one of these days. (no promises though) You need to go see their line up of Toyota's and check out the tank at the same time.
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Old 07-20-2010, 04:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Red Coral Aquariums View Post
I will try to get pictures one of these days. (no promises though) You need to go see their line up of Toyota's and check out the tank at the same time.
Awesome update. I enjoyed this build thread and I applaud the business owner for the commitment.

Pics yes please!
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