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Old 07-16-2010, 07:26 PM
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Kien you do bring up a good point, I also have to say that the condition of the colony isn't anything like what was posted for sale . In the photos below you can clearly see that the colony was stressed to the point of loosing tissue and coenenchyme mass, I would love to compare it to the original photo but the poster has removed it for some odd reason.

I have seen tones of zoas come in from the ocean and there is no way that the transport did that to them, colonies will close up but in no way will they loose tissue mass during transport. Loss of the mat occurs from irritation over time, I would time check the posters original photo but again it has been removed. I might argue that the original poster posted an old photo and that that colony went into recession causing him to sell it. If this is the case then shipping back and forth is going to result in a piece of liverock with no expensive polyps on it...

I think everyone has lost here... Hopefully you guys can come to a resolution but posting openly that your going to break each others legs and get the police involved is only acting to antagonize an already convoluted mess...

Originally Posted by tang daddy View Post
Well since everyone has an opinion I will post up picks.......

I just got home from work to find this and it seems that there are a few people with big comments.....

The fact of the matter is that I paid for 100 polyps and only received 65ish if your counting the baby heads that can hardly be seen.....

I shipped greyhound because I thought it was cost effective and arrived the next day. The order arrived well with only 5 heads that were flattened and those polyps were on the side and did open up.

The package was shipped excellent in a styrafoam box, double bagged, lots of water and 5 heat packs no worries there.

here is the colony I recieved....

And just so were clear I PAID FOR 100 POLYPS!!!!! that is the point, not how much I paid.

For those of you that saw the original add you know these are alittle less than what was pictured.
Old 07-16-2010, 07:56 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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man, those are some nice palys...
bet they look incredble under actinics.

maybe I can paypal the original seller some money and go pick this up from TD.

then everyones happy....especially me.

Last edited by gobytron; 07-16-2010 at 07:58 PM.
Old 07-16-2010, 08:16 PM
burblecut burblecut is offline
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The solution is simple.
Return money, return coral.
problem solved. Think about it, it's a chunk of coral...srsly. Just phone eachother and be civilised, there is nothing worse than bickering back and fourth over pm's and emails.

I should know, me and my wife do it daily
Old 07-16-2010, 08:46 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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what does you and your wifes love life have to do with anything?
Old 07-16-2010, 08:59 PM
burblecut burblecut is offline
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Originally Posted by gobytron View Post
what does you and your wifes love life have to do with anything?
Does canreef have a facepalm smiley?
Old 07-16-2010, 09:02 PM
Borderjumper Borderjumper is offline
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Originally Posted by gobytron View Post
what does you and your wifes love life have to do with anything?
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