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Old 07-10-2010, 05:10 AM
Greenmaster Greenmaster is offline
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Originally Posted by bauder1986 View Post
I would say so, I have this month to gather the bare neccesities to run my tank, sump, pump, skimmer, plumbing, rock, substrate, salt, RO water, and at least one MP40 and then I can start cycling it. I can bring the light into the picture by mid august and then by the end of august or begining of september, i can have fish!
Basically I'm waiting on a drill bit to arrive and that's at least 2 weeks away. Then I will be putting my tank on the stand and start setting up the plumbing (it will take at least one week to do, That's the start of august if I'm lucky... probably mid august)... I'll give the plumbing about 1 week to cure then I can start adding the rest of the rocks and sand (if I have to glue any rocks to hold them in place I'm looking at another week min to cure.) I'm hoping some time in September... maybe the end of September.
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Old 07-10-2010, 02:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Greenmaster View Post
Basically I'm waiting on a drill bit to arrive and that's at least 2 weeks away. Then I will be putting my tank on the stand and start setting up the plumbing (it will take at least one week to do, That's the start of august if I'm lucky... probably mid august)... I'll give the plumbing about 1 week to cure then I can start adding the rest of the rocks and sand (if I have to glue any rocks to hold them in place I'm looking at another week min to cure.) I'm hoping some time in September... maybe the end of September.
Oh the fun of waiting Eh? Its torture enough to see the tank just sitting there, taunting you to hurry up and put it to use
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Old 07-10-2010, 04:01 PM
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be careful on "glueing" the rocks in place it makes for harder future aqua scaping. what some ppl do is drill holes in the rocks and ad plastic pegs to hold them in place then you can take them apart and move if need be in the future. i tried using frag putty to hold a few rocks in place as well and it doesnt seem to stick and just pops apart. most of my rocks are just carefully placed as to not cause a rock slide.

but since you are doing the waiting game set up a mock tank out of carboard or wood and pre plan your aquascape gives you time to get that litle bit of perfection without getting as wet
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Old 07-10-2010, 04:49 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Large plastic tie straps work well with small pieces and mixed with acrylic rods for bigger pieces just drill some holes it's how I kept my eel from toppling over his mountain lair when I had him
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Old 07-10-2010, 04:51 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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I really liked your homemade liverock idea and I'm gonna try it out over the next few weeks I'm going to gather up materials next week and you'll probably here from me asking what went wrong lol looking forward to love projects like this
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Old 07-10-2010, 07:30 PM
Greenmaster Greenmaster is offline
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Originally Posted by lockrookie View Post
be careful on "glueing" the rocks in place it makes for harder future aqua scaping. what some ppl do is drill holes in the rocks and ad plastic pegs to hold them in place then you can take them apart and move if need be in the future. i tried using frag putty to hold a few rocks in place as well and it doesnt seem to stick and just pops apart. most of my rocks are just carefully placed as to not cause a rock slide.

but since you are doing the waiting game set up a mock tank out of carboard or wood and pre plan your aquascape gives you time to get that litle bit of perfection without getting as wet
As I said if I have to I will glue... don't plan on it though... but I'm taking my rocks out tomorrow so I will have lots of time to try and figure out what I'm doing.

Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
Large plastic tie straps work well with small pieces and mixed with acrylic rods for bigger pieces just drill some holes it's how I kept my eel from toppling over his mountain lair when I had him
I may use the tie straps and rods but I will see first how well I can stack them.

Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
I really liked your homemade liverock idea and I'm gonna try it out over the next few weeks I'm going to gather up materials next week and you'll probably here from me asking what went wrong lol looking forward to love projects like this
I find making the rocks a blast... one thing to keep in mind is in my video I said 1 part cement I would not do it again with less then 1.5 parts.
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Old 07-10-2010, 07:33 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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What did you find when using just one part? Is there anysize restrictions to rock or larger pieces just take longer to cure??
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