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Old 07-04-2010, 09:44 PM
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Originally Posted by medhatreefguy View Post
I tried, after I select Submit it still comes back as old.
Something is just not right. Have you tried reading the "other" manual... much better instructions in here in regards to programming and updating. Your modules should not read "OLD" it will cause problems. Have you tried getting support from RC in the neptune thread, all the right people lurk there including the guy that designed the system. Also send Curt a email at Neptune, their customer support is top notch and so is their warrenty services should it come to that.
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Old 07-05-2010, 02:49 AM
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Well I finally got the display to accept the firware update and everything seems to be working fine! The problem I was having before was it would hang at 30% complete and seem to stall, instead of fooling with it I just left it alone an went out for a bit, when I came home... voila! It was done. Finally the module is "OK" instead of "Old" and by the way the EB8 is working, that was the glitch. It may have been Windows 7, Internet Explorer security settings, who really knows. All that matters is (fingers crossed) it's fixed. A huge thanks for the help and comments, nice to know people are there to help! Take care all.
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Old 07-05-2010, 02:57 AM
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Awesome! hope all is well now and you will finally get to enjoy the freedom it provides.
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Old 07-05-2010, 03:00 AM
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let me give you something to live by as an IT guy
When something says firmware upgrade, try everything else before you have to upgrade the firmware. As an IT guy, that is the last thing I want to do.
Second, if you have to do a firmware upgrade, make sure its not on a stormy day or any day you may lose power or something might go wrong. And never interupt a firmware upgrade, even if its taking days.

firmware upgrades can make paper weights, and by that i mean you can have this nice fancy piece of equipment and you do a firmware ugprade and the power goes out, and boom, you have a nice paper weight. most IT guys cringe when they hear firmware upgrade.
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Old 07-05-2010, 12:41 PM
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I would not take any chance and have this thing exchanged or repaired. You cannot take that chance with a controller as you say, it is the most important thing and it means the life or death of your tank.

I hate firmware update. My Playstation 3 stopped reading DVD after the software update and it is now a huge worthless piece of junk.

Originally Posted by medhatreefguy View Post
Oh trust me, I would love to be singing the praises of the Apex just as you guys are. It was all the positive feedback that helped me make up my mind to buy it. After my little rant yesterday I decided to reinstall the firmware and reprogram everything and as of this moment everything seems to be holding steady and the controller has not changed the address of EB8. The only issue remaining appears to be switch 8 which is my Alkalinity, is not working. Switch 4 (calcium) is working fine and the icon does indicate that switch 8 is enabled, it just doesn't come on. I tried my dosing pump on a live outlet and I know it works fine. I tried to do the "manual on" and no luck. I'll still have to give Neptune a call. One thing I have noticed is when I go into the Module Setup, it shows the EB8 module as "OK" but the Display Module is "Old". Is this typical? The other thing is the display slows down drastically and speeds up for no apparent reason when navigating the through the menu on the display module. I suspect this is because the processor is busy executing a command but that's just a guess.
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Old 07-05-2010, 11:57 PM
rkelman rkelman is offline
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Why not give Neptune a chance to fix it before berating them in a public forum? You would find them the be very quick and helpful as I have.
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