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Old 06-27-2010, 10:54 PM
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Default Rapid film algae growth

Bet you never seen anything like I have. Whatever has happened to my tank, just keeps fuelling a growth of film algae on the glass like I have never seen.

I clean it off and can grow a new film on the glass in an hour. Clean the bare bottom and its green in a couple hrs. No green on my rock but it gets covered in a brown film.

All easily removed with a toothbrush or cleaning magnet. I have done 6,0000000000000g of water changes since all the rtn event. My skimmer is skimming like crazy. Change filter socks every two days. Use to be once/week.

RO water is reading 0ppm coming from the DI resin. I only have my pair of clowns and an old pj cardinal nobody wanted, so feeding is not abundant, although they eat well. I even gave my ravenous cleaners to Mike. On my 3rd. bag of Chemi-pure Elite in a couple weeks. Something is crap here and no idea what.

I tell ya. Its getting close.
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Old 06-27-2010, 11:32 PM
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Anything die?
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Old 06-27-2010, 11:41 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Anything change in your temp or lighting I was having heat problems and mixed with my lights and house temp and was getting same thing , I cut my halides back slightly and got a cooler temp going and it's helped, good luck on your battle
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Old 06-27-2010, 11:53 PM
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Doug, I don't think you've done enough water changes. Try a few more. JK
Seriously though, if it's not nutrients then try less light for fewer hours. It certainly can't hurt. Any other types of micro algae showing up?
225g reef
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Old 06-28-2010, 12:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Doug View Post
Bet you never seen anything like I have. Whatever has happened to my tank, just keeps fuelling a growth of film algae on the glass like I have never seen.

I clean it off and can grow a new film on the glass in an hour. Clean the bare bottom and its green in a couple hrs. No green on my rock but it gets covered in a brown film.

All easily removed with a toothbrush or cleaning magnet. I have done 6,0000000000000g of water changes since all the rtn event. My skimmer is skimming like crazy. Change filter socks every two days. Use to be once/week.

RO water is reading 0ppm coming from the DI resin. I only have my pair of clowns and an old pj cardinal nobody wanted, so feeding is not abundant, although they eat well. I even gave my ravenous cleaners to Mike. On my 3rd. bag of Chemi-pure Elite in a couple weeks. Something is crap here and no idea what.

I tell ya. Its getting close.
If your RO/DI readings are zero and your water parameters are within range the problem you are likely having is some sort of bacterial aggregation.
Begin at the beginning.
Stop the Chemi-cure, go back to normal water changes, normal filter changes and leave the glass alone.
Things are likely to go to hell for a few days and than settle down.
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Old 06-28-2010, 01:05 AM
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Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
Anything change in your temp or lighting I was having heat problems and mixed with my lights and house temp and was getting same thing , I cut my halides back slightly and got a cooler temp going and it's helped, good luck on your battle
Temps are fine. My halide was ok before, although I do wonder about it at times. I have cut back on lighting already.

Originally Posted by Lance View Post
Doug, I don't think you've done enough water changes. Try a few more. JK
Seriously though, if it's not nutrients then try less light for fewer hours. It certainly can't hurt. Any other types of micro algae showing up?
No other algae Lance, just this rapid film growth. I may cut the lights a bit more. Trying to run them enough for the lobo and chalice I have left.

Originally Posted by naesco View Post
If your RO/DI readings are zero and your water parameters are within range the problem you are likely having is some sort of bacterial aggregation.
Begin at the beginning.
Stop the Chemi-cure, go back to normal water changes, normal filter changes and leave the glass alone.
Things are likely to go to hell for a few days and than settle down.
Sounds like a good theory Wayne. Its Chemi-Pure, which is just a carbon/resin. The Elite version is suppose to have gfo also, which is why I use it in my tank. Use to be a good product but this is the first I have run the elite version. Doubt its causing any problems.
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Old 06-28-2010, 01:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Wayne View Post
Anything die?
Just a whole bunch of acro,s. The rtn event is what I believe to be the cause of this but should be cleaned out by now. All fish and inverts are fine.
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Old 06-28-2010, 02:04 AM
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My money is on doing nothing at all.
After awhile it will eat all your nutrients and die off, scraping it will just have it die and create more nutrias, let it live till its eating whatever its living on and wait.
Sometimes its best to do nothing at all and let it take care of itself.
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Old 06-28-2010, 02:13 AM
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its really weird too its like having excessive calcium and you get that chalky film on your glass. but its green from the algae. Doug you forgot to pick up the GFO from me to use....

Are you going to try the BIO pellets that everyone is using.
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
You don't know as much as you think.
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Old 06-28-2010, 12:40 PM
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Originally Posted by asmodeus View Post
its really weird too its like having excessive calcium and you get that chalky film on your glass. but its green from the algae. Doug you forgot to pick up the GFO from me to use....

Are you going to try the BIO pellets that everyone is using.
Thinking of ordering them Mike. I found that shorty reactor that fits my bottom shelf.

HOWEVER, as I need a few other things as you know, its like a puzzle trying to find them all at one place. Ones got this and not that and the other this and that. For craps sakes.

Think I will just order more Phosban and be done with it.
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