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Old 06-17-2010, 10:23 AM
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What you have outlined is certainly possible and will work. However, that is going to be one noisy system as the water drains out of that one standpipe. Lots of gurgling. Will likely drive you and the wife mad quite quickly.

If you want to make a quiter overflow system and HAVE to use only the one standpipe as an overflow then do a search for "durso overflow".

Personally, if it were me what I would do is implement a "herbie" overflow system. Do a search for it, lots of examples. One pipe can be your main drain, while the other will act as your emergency. Then for a return run a line from your sump up and over the outside of your tank along one of the back walls of the tank. Definitely build an overflow box around both pipes if you go this route.

You don't really need the canister filter. That's just an extra piece of equipment that you'll have to maintain (clean, inspect, etc), which really isn't necessary if you are running a sump. Just stick a filter sock on your overflow/drain line and run carbon in a reactor in your sump.
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Old 06-17-2010, 04:38 PM
Coleus Coleus is offline
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Also +1 to build an overflow because if there is ever a leak or a hole at the bottom of your standpipe and your return pump is off, the whole water in your tank will pour into your sum and eventually flood your floor. I know some will say "what a chance of that", well ask Alberta_reef :-)
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Old 06-17-2010, 04:39 PM
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Welcome to Canreef. I agree with Kien, loose the canister filter. What are you using for powerheads? (Flow?) Coleus makes a valid point, you may want to consider using the drilled holes in the bottom for a closed loop.


Last edited by Snappy; 06-17-2010 at 04:42 PM.
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Old 06-18-2010, 04:47 AM
bryceschutte bryceschutte is offline
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Originally Posted by Snappy
Welcome to Canreef. I agree with Kien, loose the canister filter. What are you using for powerheads? (Flow?) Coleus makes a valid point, you may want to consider using the drilled holes in the bottom for a closed loop.
Closed loop?

I have just the fluval canister for flow. I think I am picking up a skimmer and powerheads tomorrow, if the deal goes thru.
90 gal, 30 gal sump, T5 lights
Just getting into simple corals.
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Old 06-19-2010, 10:34 PM
bryceschutte bryceschutte is offline
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Ok so I am ditching the cannister! I picked up a skimmer and 2-koralia 3. Just need to build an overflow, set up a sump (I have the tank, just need to silicone some glass), and get a return pump. Can use the fluval as a return for now? What else am I missing? I will need to upgrade some bulbs sooner than later if I want any kind of corals.

I am going to be putting in a clown, snails, some shrimp, and a crab. And some simple LFS.

Any suggestions or comments?
90 gal, 30 gal sump, T5 lights
Just getting into simple corals.
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Old 06-19-2010, 11:07 PM
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I have been using a fluval 401 with out any media in it to feed my sump on my frag tank as is not drilled and I did not have another pump kicking around.

It took some time to get things balanced, but it has been working for a couple of months. Just use a butterfly valve or the ones that come with it to control the flow. I dont run any media in it because a filter sock is easier to change and it wont clog up and decrease the flow.

Best of luck with the new system.

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Old 07-04-2010, 06:33 PM
bryceschutte bryceschutte is offline
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Well I went a completly different route. I decided to sell my other tanks and a picked up a 90 gal already set up amd running with some fish and some simple corals. Tak e a look at my pics and tell me what you think.

Things that are'nt neccesarily in the pics are some large snails, a hermit crab, some other crab, 2 choclate chip star fish, and a sand cleaner thing that i picked up from Red Coral yesterday. ( thanks fishytime! )

Should I get rid of alot of these?

What is this green glowing type stuff? I will try and get a better pic soon.

Some type of tang?
90 gal, 30 gal sump, T5 lights
Just getting into simple corals.
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Old 07-04-2010, 06:43 PM
Leah Leah is offline
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Nice star, but not reef safe.
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Old 07-04-2010, 06:50 PM
bryceschutte bryceschutte is offline
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Originally Posted by Leah View Post
Nice star, but not reef safe.
Thats what i thought. The previous owner had it set up like this for a year now. The star fish has not touched the anenome or the green glowing stuff.
90 gal, 30 gal sump, T5 lights
Just getting into simple corals.
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Old 07-04-2010, 06:58 PM
Leah Leah is offline
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I bought one years ago form Petcetra... And was not told differently.

The feathers are will probably want to keep them, or put them in your sump if you think they are ugly.
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