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Old 05-20-2010, 11:36 PM
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well whats ****ing me off is i asked the guy, what i need to wire GFCI in a bathroom type environment to code. He then grabbed the readily available card that was by the wires and said, 16 3. So i bought 16 3. if that card is wrong, someone is going to get a ass whoopin when I get to the store. Stuff like this ****es me off. I just asked few people where i work, what gauage should be used for wiring and they all quickly said 14. Seems as though its a standard thing to know!!!

Btw as far as the humidity, the plugs are kinda sectioned off away from the water. And you are right, not going to move the stand but the GFCI is for the stand so it just made sense.
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Old 05-21-2010, 06:18 AM
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No biggie, the main thing is you now know what's required and it should be a relatively easy fix. You can always use the 16/3 as an extension cord for other gear around the house.
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Old 05-23-2010, 01:58 AM
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the manager was nice and took back the 16guage wire and gave me 14guage!! and some money back since i bought less wire!
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Old 05-23-2010, 02:07 AM
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Welp! im excited! tank is filling up with water
Here is the finished plumbing i fixed up. not more chance of leak!!

I ended up having to chip some of the teeth off the overflow because not enough flow was happening! so kids, dont cut 1/8in holes for overflow

And here is what its starting to look like

Sump filled
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Old 05-29-2010, 01:06 AM
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so RO DI went into my kitchen sink and live rock is in
I got bunch new equipment thats not been installed including
H & S skimmer, 1/4hp chiller, new sump, and marine tech calcium reactor

The tank is going to finish cycling before i start putting in the above equipment.

Here are some pictures of the RO DI
It was funny though, I had the waste and clean water hooked up backwards and spent 4 days putting in 4 inches of water in the tank!! lol

Before shots of my sink

I went to clamp on the drain for the RO DI AND IT WOULDNT FIT!! the pipe was too big

So after 5min of creative thinking, I came up with this:

Hot knife through butter

Perfect fit

i went to drill a hole for the top faucet and turns out i didnt have any metal drill bits.... so i started with a very tiny wood drill bit for about 15min, then to a 1/4 wood drill bit, then some needle nose pliers to widen it a bit. This wasnt the first time a hole was too small for me. anyways after a half hour it went in nicely

I do have to say, this stage of the project was all about being creative since i didnt have the tools.

And now for the live rock
I think there is close to 250lbs of this stuff. (this was my first aquascape so dont be mean!!)

feedback on aquascaping?
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Old 05-29-2010, 01:51 AM
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Looking good so far Milad.
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Old 05-29-2010, 03:41 AM
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Aquascaping looks good for a fish only tank. If you are going to go with a reef tank I might consider putting some rock in your sump and letting the corals fill up the open water space. It's surprising how quickly corals grow. You probably don't want them touching the water surface right off of the bat. Right now the closest coral I have to the water surface is about 6" from the top of the coral (the coral itself is about 8" tall). This is just my personal opinion as I've seen beautiful tanks with rock piled really high as well.
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Old 05-29-2010, 07:25 AM
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thanks for tip, right now the sump is full of live rock to so until i put new sump in I have no room. you think the gaps between the rocks are too big in the middle?
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Old 05-29-2010, 12:58 PM
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when it comes to aquascaping milad its all about your vision. i think it looks good i wouldnt worry about gaps being to big or too small just be sure you dont have a rock slide and broken glass is my only concern. if you are happy and rock is secure... you are good to go
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Old 05-31-2010, 05:18 PM
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well the thing is I only have 150 MH so I wanted to get some height on the rock so I can put a few SPS in there. I can remove rock later right? When I get the new sump in Ill have more room to put rock in the sump.

Im also thinking of putting a small rubbermaid container in the sump to act as a refugium. Anyone think thats a bad idea? I dont want to put glass in, I was just gonna put the container in and drill some holes to let water slowly flow through.
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