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Old 05-22-2010, 09:58 PM
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Is possible to run rowaphos and bio pellets together or how cause I'm supposed to test the new pellets for them but I need to get rid of the algae!

Formally known as Svaningen
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Old 05-22-2010, 10:06 PM
chris88 chris88 is offline
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It has nothing to do with t5's. It’s simple biology. If there is an excess of nutrients and algae is present it will grow. test kits are useless because the algae is going to grow in relation to how much nitrates and phosphates are in the water, thus giving you zero or low readings anyways. Do all of the common sense things, feed less, more water changes, bigger skimmer, run a carbon source, etc. Nothing that would eat it would make a difference either, because it will just grow back unless you cut off the source. Try reducing your photoperiod and run a bit more blue light, but in the end you have to get rid of the extra nutrients or find a way to export them.
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Old 05-22-2010, 10:53 PM
Blowfish Blowfish is offline
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i would not worry about the algae your talking about as thats an easy fix like lowering nutrients, but the dictyota in your first is is the one i would be VVVERY fearful of, it thrives in low nutrient and high nutrient, nothing eats it and spreads like herpes. it is probably the worst macro out there
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Old 05-22-2010, 11:07 PM
trinac trinac is offline
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I had a problem algae when I was feeding flake & pellet food and up to 3 times per day. The algae loved this dissolvable food making my water very nutrient rich. Now, from recommendations I feed the frozen mysis shrimp with excess liquid strained through a coffee filter, and only two times per day, with a bit of pellets. The problem algae has decreased quite a bit. The critters keep everything else pretty clean.

But you may be already employing that technique hey!! If so, perhaps it will help someone else who reads this.

I also now have a deionized water system... but I just used it with a water change today so I can't comment on its effectiveness quite yet!
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Old 05-22-2010, 11:36 PM
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I think it might be the fact I use tapwater

Formally known as Svaningen
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Old 05-22-2010, 11:40 PM
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I thought the dictoya was good so I've kept it. The saltwater guy at aquariums west told me I had a rare macro algae and to keep it. I could pull it off easy. What do u guys advise to clean up my tank, I'm thinking an urchin and snails

Formally known as Svaningen
35 gallon Red Sea Max
Only 16 years old!!!!
CALL AFTER 3:00 ON WEEKDAYS. 604 782 3313
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