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Old 05-20-2010, 01:55 AM
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Default Babysit Fish For 2 Months? (PG)

Is there anyone in PG who would be willing to babysit 4 fish plus a snail for 2 months? I am going on vacation and while I can stash the dog in the kennel the fish are a bit harder.

I have 1 vagabond butterfly, 1 lunare wrasse, 2 clowns, and 1 snail. They are all small fish, are all disease-free, and are not the least bit fussy about food. They don't need to be fed every day.

If you have an extra tank and would consider doing this, please PM me and let me know what you'd charge. This would be from end of May to beginning of Augsust. I can bring the fish to you and I can provide the food...


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Old 05-20-2010, 02:06 AM
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Allan could do it but it might cost you $$$.

Total Pet might do it but there's a higher chance they wont survive.

As a last resort I could do it but it would be better if you can find someone else. The butterfly would be fine in my sump but the other three might end up giant green death brittle star food if they aren't large enough.
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Old 05-21-2010, 01:07 AM
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Thanks for the suggestions. My smaller clown would definitely be brittle star bait.

Do you mean Alan of All Clear?

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