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Old 04-28-2010, 10:43 PM
Albertan22 Albertan22 is offline
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Default Yellow Watchman with a hole in it's side!

My yellow watchman has had some kind of skin/scale irritation for awhile now. I had posted about it a couple of weeks ago and got no response. Well it's gotten significantly worse. He must be rubbing it quite a bit because he's worn a hole right through his side. It's to the point that I can actually see his internal organs now. The strange thing is, he still eats voraciously and is acting normally.

I've removed him to a quarantine tank and am treating with a broad spectrum antibiotic. I don't know what else to do for the poor guy, every time I look at him now I can't believe that he's still alive, let alone eating. Is there anything else I can do for him? Can a fish heal from an injury like this?
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Old 04-28-2010, 11:07 PM
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Here's your old post (for reference):

Originally Posted by Albertan22 View Post
Hi all,

So I brought home a yellow watchman goby on the weekend and have noticed white patches on his sides. I noticed the first patch the day after he went into the tank, and today (third day in the tank) he seems to have more on both sides of his body. It almost looks like scrapes (see picture below, in the middle of his body). He has spent most of the evening today swiming laps along the glass at the top of the tank, and stops and sticks himself to the overflow teeth every once in awhile. His breathing seems normal, but he hasn't been eating. Ammonia, and nitrite levels aren't detectable, and I haven't observed any agression with other fish in the tank (2 clowns and 4 chromis). I'm a little worried about this guy and am debating setting a QT up for him but I don't know what, if anything, to treat for. Any ideas?

Thanks for looking.
~ Mindy

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Old 04-28-2010, 11:10 PM
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[In my experiences gobytron...]

I think you're on the right track using a broad spectrum antibiotic. Which one are you using? I would also suggest you make sure the water isn't too warm as this will speed up any infection. Aim for 78 or so. Feed him often as much as you can get him to eat (without leaving waste and polluting the QT). I would suggest you add a vitamin drop (like Selcon or Kent Zoe) and garlic to the food as well. It is a good idea to feed both vitamins and garlic regularly anyway (a few times a week).
~ Mindy

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Old 04-29-2010, 01:48 AM
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Yup Myka is spot on. THe only thing I would add is after the broad spectrum antibiotic I would use melifix it will add in the healing process and help to fight off any secondary infection. I think Carmen has some very good pics of an angel in one of her threads she posted about MV she had. I think it was Carmen, I don't think this is MV just and open cut that has progressed and became infected by some sort of bacteria. I wish I had seen your original post.

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Old 04-29-2010, 02:39 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
[In my experiences gobytron...]

I think you're on the right track using a broad spectrum antibiotic. Which one are you using? I would also suggest you make sure the water isn't too warm as this will speed up any infection. Aim for 78 or so. Feed him often as much as you can get him to eat (without leaving waste and polluting the QT). I would suggest you add a vitamin drop (like Selcon or Kent Zoe) and garlic to the food as well. It is a good idea to feed both vitamins and garlic regularly anyway (a few times a week).

For someone who seems really smart, you just don`t get
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Old 04-29-2010, 03:52 PM
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How is your fish today Albertan? Is he still eating well?

Originally Posted by gobytron View Post
For someone who seems really smart, you just don`t get
Oh, I do though. In my opinion, I am making fun of you. Your initial uncalled for rudeness towards me bothers me. I admit that you were affecting my "real life" mood, and the hubby was not happy about this. Seeing as we are on the internet I can't just take you out back and damage your teeth (I'm joking, I don't advocate violence), so making fun of you allows me to smile when I read your posts.
~ Mindy

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Old 04-29-2010, 04:11 PM
freddy freddy is offline
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I had a yellow watchman goby one day he had this hole in his side a big hole thought it was some kind of infection found out he was being attacked by a crab,skewered the crab hole healed up,may not be in your case but something to look out for.
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Old 04-29-2010, 11:31 PM
Albertan22 Albertan22 is offline
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My goby isn't doing very well today. He hasn't really eaten since I put him into quarantine, and he isn't swimming well anymore. He's kind of crawling around the bottom of the tank, it's hard to describe, but it's not a healthy looking movement. He doesn't look alert today anymore either, kind of dopey. Is this the drug maybe? I'm currently treating with Neoplex.

Here's a photo from this afternoon:

I appologize for the poor quality of the photo, my quarantine tank doesn't have very good lighting.
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Old 04-30-2010, 12:15 AM
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Sadly, I don't think he will survive. Especially considering he has quit eating now. There isn't much you can do except to continue what you are already doing, and offer small amounts of food. If you have a turkey baster, maybe you could get the food right down in front of him.
~ Mindy

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Old 04-30-2010, 12:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
How is your fish today Albertan? Is he still eating well?

Oh, I do though. In my opinion, I am making fun of you. Your initial uncalled for rudeness towards me bothers me. I admit that you were affecting my "real life" mood, and the hubby was not happy about this. Seeing as we are on the internet I can't just take you out back and damage your teeth (I'm joking, I don't advocate violence), so making fun of you allows me to smile when I read your posts.

My goby isn't doing very well today. He hasn't really eaten since I put him into quarantine, and he isn't swimming well anymore. He's kind of crawling around the bottom of the tank, it's hard to describe, but it's not a healthy looking movement. He doesn't look alert today anymore either, kind of dopey. Is this the drug maybe? I'm currently treating with Neoplex.
It's probably best to put the poor little guy out of his misery, try feeding like Myka said but if he doesn't bite aim of the game is quick and painless.

Can you actually see inside of him? I can't quite tell from the photo.
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