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Old 10-30-2003, 12:23 AM
Old Guy Old Guy is offline
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My butterflies would clean that tank out in no time. All looks like prime rib.

FYI Jason- saddlebacks grow to about 8". Not really suitable for a 72.

I have a yellow tang in a 65 gal. Seems happy considering its been in a 3 foot tank for about 6 years.
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Old 10-30-2003, 01:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Old Guy
My butterflies would clean that tank out in no time. All looks like prime rib.
Most of those corals are mushrooms, with some green and brown star polyps, a devil's hand leather, and the ever-lovin' stalk pulsing xenia. The angels tried them but didn't eat any. Butterflies, such as a pearl scale, would still eat all those yucky softies?

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Old 10-30-2003, 01:24 AM
Mak Mak is offline
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Sorry, I didn't pay any attention to that pic . Yeah, most of those softies will probably get eaten. I'm still experimenting with what I can and cannot keep with my Butterflies, I'll try a frag at a time . So far they've left alone a Kenya Tree, Ricordia and my large green fuzzy mushrooms. They have eaten Polyps, blue/purple mushrooms and Frogspawn.
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Old 10-30-2003, 02:01 AM
Old Guy Old Guy is offline
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My butterflies will eat everything but ricordia. They use to farm the tops off some anthelia(sp?) that Smokin" gave me but after awhile they couldn't wait for it to grow anymore and devoured it all. I have some blue mushrooms stuck deep in a hole in the rock that have developed a fear it seems to venture forth and prosper. My 6 butterflies seem to like to farm them as well. I now know mushrooms are virtually bullet proof.
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Old 10-30-2003, 02:50 AM
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Old Guy,

What butterflies do you have, in what sized tank, and what do you feed them? I was feeding our angels PE mysis which they devoured like crazy.

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Old 10-30-2003, 04:28 AM
Quinn Quinn is offline
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There are a few people in Calgary with copperbands in reef tanks, however those are mainly SPS tanks I believe, I'm not sure how they'd fare with softies. As far as size goes, some of your angels will get far larger than any butterfly given time. And as for the lionfish, I would just make sure it's eating at AI before bringing it home...

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Old 10-30-2003, 06:28 AM
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Originally Posted by rcipema
Eight feet What are the other dimensions Steve
96W X 24D X 31H

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Old 10-30-2003, 09:37 AM
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Sorry to hear about your loss Bev.

Shao, as to your Multi-barred Angel, I find they are often difficult to feed.
Next time try thawed clams still in their shell. I've used this many times to convert difficult angels and butterflyfish. It gives them the protein and fat needed until I can get them feeding on a wider variety of foods. The downside is that it is raw seafood that has not been sterilized and may introduce disease or intestinal worms into the tank. It's a shame you lost your 1st one as I understand it was doing well until your tank move.

As to the fairy wrasses(Cirrhilabrus sp.), they range from 6cm to 11cm with a few reaching 15cm. The Flasher/Filament wrasses(Paracheilinus sp.) are a bit smaller on average Most being 6.5cm to 8.5cm with a few reaching up to 10cm. Females are more drab but similar to Anthias they will "change" to males. Their behaviour is sometimes similar in that some species operate as harems, In some species males swim together in aggregations. I find that they display far more often as a group and different species can be mixed. It's exciting to watch, they will stand vertically and display their beautiful finnage. I've even seen them display to similar sized and colored anthias.
The aggression doesn't seem to go further than that with the smaller species.

They are shy and often hide for the first day or so, getting bolder with time and spending most of the daytime in the open. They are greatly stressed by shipping but are quite hardy once acclimated. Feeding is easy and should be done often as they can be quite active (Mysis,enriched brine, etc).
They are peaceful and totally reef safe. They add little bioload and do well in groups.

People always ask me for color, I suggest them and they often pass as they are often small 5-7cm. I guess the colors don't jump out when they aren't flashing their fins. The two in our reef are very attractive and I intend to add more.

I currently have
Paracheilinus filamentosus- Filamented flasher wrasse (orange variant)
Cirrhilabrus lubbocki- Lubbock's fairy wrasse
Cirrhilabrus filamentosus- Whip fin/Yellow fin Fairy Wrasse
Cirrhilabrus joanallenae- Pulauweh Fairy Wrasse big black blue ventral fins
Cirrhilabrus jordani- Flame Wrasse I have 1 male and 2 females
Cirrhilabrus scottorum- Scott's Fairy Wrasse - red spot variety

My six line chased them for the first 3-4 days and now seems to ignore them.
- a Scott's fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus scottorum)
- a marine betta (Calloplesiops altivelis)
- a Singapore angel (Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus)
- a flame angel (Centropyge loricula)
- and something else (Species unknownus)
Not a bad setup but, I think you will find the Marine Betta hides allot.

Yes some butterflies get big but most are around 5". Some are up to 9"or even 11".
AI Man
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Old 10-30-2003, 02:04 PM
Old Guy Old Guy is offline
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Hi Beverly,

At the moment I have 4 Pakistani, 1 Klein's and 1 saddleback in a 90gal with an Ornatus wrasse,a flame angle and a mimic tang. All are still juvie's with the largest around 4". They soon will be in a new 230gal.

I would like to say that I set up the 90 in July 02 with the sole intention of keeping a school of Pakistani's. It has a 130lbs of live rock that I seeded with polyps, zoo's, xenia, anthenia, and shrooms from my reef tank. I wanted to be sure they had some natural food for maximum survival rate. As it was, I still lost 1 that came with 1 eye. Couldn't see the flame coming I guess. By the time they had munched down all the softies, the flame had tought them to eat. Now they eat anything I throw in the tank.

I feed them something different everyday. From flake to frozen. I eat a lot of seafood and when I do they do. Last night it was scallops yummy.

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Old 10-31-2003, 03:00 AM
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Thanks for all your opinions. I'll let you know in a couple of months what I put into the 72 gal

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