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Old 10-29-2003, 05:48 AM
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Default New plumbing set up

Well as has been stated I got two MAK4's to replace my mag 12's.. I am real impressed as I am getting about twice the flow on my return, but they are way to loud to be in my movie watching room

so I did some plumbing and have the return pump mounted on the other sideof the wall now.

this pic is the inside of the stand whare the pump used to be

this is the other side of the wall whare both the return and skimmer pump will end up

If they are still to loud at least I can build a sound proof box around them in this location.

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Old 10-29-2003, 07:01 AM
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nicely done Steve... but one question... dose the wife know that you are taking over yet another area, and drilling holes in the wall

looks good though... i would love to relocate my sump to another room... but i do not think i can convince any one here drilling hole in the wall is a good idea.
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Old 10-29-2003, 08:07 PM
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Mak4 arent loud, I can barely hear mine, I put them on a 1" foam pad the one they use for soundproof, it cuts the virations of the pump.
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Old 10-29-2003, 11:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Just2Bad
Mak4 arent loud,
it wasn't the vibrations that is loud it is the cooling fan and yes compared to s submersed mad drive they are very loud hehe.. I imagin if I took the cooling fan off they would be a lot quieter but I think i want to keep it on..

the major problem is that the tank is in my room with my dolby digital 6.1 set up and my 50" TV so I like absolute quiet so I can hear my movies

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Old 10-29-2003, 11:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Just2Bad
Mak4 arent loud,
it wasn't the vibrations that is loud it is the cooling fan and yes compared to submersed mag drive they are very loud hehe.. I imagin if I took the cooling fan off they would be a lot quieter but I think i want to keep it on..

the major problem is that the tank is in my room with my dolby digital 6.1 set up and my 50" TV so I like absolute quiet so I can hear my movies

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Old 10-30-2003, 03:19 AM
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well just to show that the external stuff wasn't the only thing that got reworked.

here is the new return system, I have 6 outlets at various hights, the longer ones will be behind the rock work.

and this is the new overflow installed with dual dursos installed and a temparary (maybe permanant screen to keep fishies out.

this is just like getting a new tank.. once again I am building and it is like christmas

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Old 11-03-2003, 04:34 AM
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well both Mak4's are in the garage now and there is still a hum. I was running just the return and there was no hum but when the MAK4 has to work to drive a skimmer it gets louder, so I will be insulating the space they are in to make it even more quiet but it is hardly a problem now.

this is now the back of the tank befor I added the SPS (the power head is temporary.. not there anymore)

the end

and the front with only some LPS in temp locations

and here is the front after my inital aquascaping.

still waiting for water to clear but it is getting there.

oh a sad point I did have a few casulities with the move. I lost my flam angel, my midas blennie, my lawnmower blennie (maybe.. might be hiding in a rock)

I did think I lost my clam but I found him burried unser the sand so I hope he will make it as he was burried for 3 days

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Old 11-03-2003, 04:38 AM
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looks good. Is the rock piled against the glass on the kitchen side? Cleaning might be tough.
All you need now is to buy a large orange cap as a center piece!!
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Old 11-03-2003, 04:57 AM
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Originally Posted by reef_raf
looks good. Is the rock piled against the glass on the kitchen side? Cleaning might be tough.
All you need now is to buy a large orange cap as a center piece!!
ya, I might make a wooden cover for the back of the tank to give the new mandrin couple some "quiet time if you know what I meen )

nope.. I think I have to many large caps as it is.. got to get the 25 gal hooked up quick so I can moce some coral to it with the manits.

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Old 11-03-2003, 05:16 AM
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Looking good Steve.

So you have one pump still under the stairs and another in the garage?
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