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Old 04-12-2010, 04:44 PM
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Wingin It Wingin It is offline
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ALL stores should mark the prices on the tanks! I hate asking constantly, "how much is this one?" A lot of the time price will dictate whether or not i'm getting that particular item at that particular time. I can't say i've bought any SW fish or corals from that particular place b4, mostly 'cause they're so darned expensive compared to other places.
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Old 04-12-2010, 04:58 PM
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BlueWorldAquatic BlueWorldAquatic is offline
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I know we are in the practice of marking each tank individually. Helps finding fish in the store easier.

Makes it easy to look for that hideror snad dweller, and know if he's there or not (ie.pistol shrimp). If its written on the tank, it's there.

Guarenteed the Magnificent was what the employee assumed, foxfaces should be no more than $40 for a regular sized, a few bucks more for a larger one.

Ken - BWA

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