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Old 03-28-2010, 12:58 AM
Okotoks Reefer Okotoks Reefer is offline
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Default looks like brown eggs/bugs

ok looks i have a massive explosion of well the title sort of says it all.... except there are a gillion billion zillion quadafillion of these everywhere. thoughgt at first ..... hmmm looks like a algae problem cause a had a little tiny bit of cyano,
then was like a week later.... well it looks like i'm having a ummm whats the spelling bear with me lol .... dinoflagettes???? probably not the spelling for it but anyway..... so i was checking all my chem levels and all were really great...
bought some brown granular stuff that comes with it's own bag....pura phoslock
would have worked great if it was phospate that was an issue(described the issue to a store guy and ..... it looked like brown algae.... so week later no improvements.... ugggg had my extra fuval caniater filter even going, carbon, pura stuff, ammonia/phosphate pads, floss going too..... no improvment so as not to get any real bio going in fuval i cleaned it out today..... well besides the hermit that got accediently sucked up when using the intake as a siphon to clean all this "algae" off my rock and stuff.... tanks like more than a year old 55gal with about 40gal sump.... well the water from the fuval i put in a bucket to see what was cleaned out.... well the lil Facker's were to small for my filtering material, some were caught but not many. then in the bucket i'm like why are these little algae congragating towards the light...... tested my theroy by dipping in a tiny cup and putting a small flashlight to one side 5 mins later they are all to the light..... now it's ok these are alive!!!!!!!! bugs these bazilagillion bugs ..... any one seen these type of things before they are everywhere and actually come back when siphoned off in hours. it's a mess and i don't want to do anymore massive water changes.... they come back!!! but how would i kill these lil buggers without killing everything in my tank? wait for the colony to crash? man that's going to suck...... i'm at a loss here.... ummm anyone wants bugs? siphon ya off a bucket for some clean saltwater one for one exchange!!!
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Old 03-28-2010, 01:09 AM
Bloodasp Bloodasp is offline
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copepods and/or amphipods i reckon.
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Old 03-28-2010, 01:39 AM
Okotoks Reefer Okotoks Reefer is offline
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have you ever seen something like this before though.... they are so small i have a jeweler's eye magnifing glass and stll can't make out any shape but a ball

and to look at the tank it's like algae over everything but it's lil guys... alot are free floating in the water colum too but i have a plan tonight .... good flashlight and then siphon lest i can dwindle the numbers.... don't want my tank to totally crash and all life done
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