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Old 03-18-2010, 02:15 PM
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Default Converting Reef to FOWLR

So I'm thinking of converting my 260g reef to Fowlr. I don't have a lot of coral in there, pretty small stuff n frags and I have a 70g I was thinking of moving them to. I also have an 8" Clam I would like to keep in the big tank, but I'm sure angel's will pick at it?
So I guess my question is has anyone converted before? Do you keep lots of rock like a reef, or move a bunch to the sump to allow more swimming room? I have a 3-4" Black sandbed, should I take some out or can I leave it as is? Oh, and here is a stock list, which ones should probaby move to the 70g?
2 Perc Clowns
1 Black Perc
1 Maroon Clown and GBTA
1 6" Foxface
1 4" Yellow Tang
1 4" Blue Throat Trigger
1 1" Damsel
1 Dragon Goby
1 Bristle Tooth Tang
1 10" Tang (not sure what kind it is, but its big and green, sometimes turns completely white)
1 Cleaner Goby
2 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Yellow head jawfish.

I would like to get Dwarf and Full sized Angels, maybe a stars and stripes puffer.

Thanks for your e-pinions.
"what do you mean you need another tank??"
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Old 03-18-2010, 03:20 PM
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When i upgraded a tank i kept my old one for fish only. I used to feed my puffer and triggers live clams. I think your clam will turn in to a good meal for the fish you would like to have. I did not have a sump on that tank but i tried to create alot of caves and hiding spots with alot of swimming room. I kept mostly aggressive fish as i think they are the coolest looking fish with the weirdest behaviors. I got bored of looking at no colors with out corals and i could'nt control the aptasia as i was to afraid to put my hand in to rid them. So i sold the tank.
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Old 03-18-2010, 09:05 PM
rodsboys rodsboys is offline
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Only advice I can give is for you to sell the maroon clownfish to me if it is a white stripe. :P
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Old 03-21-2010, 09:32 PM
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I've moved my coral's into my 70g 48" Tank with the clown fish. I moved my PFO 1200w Fixture onto that tank, only firing 2 of the 400w lights. Its lots of light and it looks like it will do well. BUT now my 260 is without light temporarily. What kind of light could you guys recommend for this tank? I was thinking 2 36" T5 6bulb Sunlight Supply Tek fixtures with Giesemann Bulbs (half actinic+ half aquablue+) Would that be enough light? Too much? Tank is 2.5' deep.

"what do you mean you need another tank??"
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Old 03-21-2010, 10:04 PM
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If your set on getting the Puffer you'll have to take your clams, shrimps and whatever snails you have out. Puffers love them. If you're not keeping any corals it doesn't really matter what you have for a light. As long as you're happy with the amount of light, the fish don't really care.
225g reef
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