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Old 02-25-2010, 11:23 PM
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Don't go with telus tv. I had it for a while and had nothing but trouble.

We just moved and canceled everything to do with telus. Were going to go with shaw this time around.
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Old 02-25-2010, 11:37 PM
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FTA is not Dish Network it is different and you can pickup any and all satilites that transmite in the C band or K band. In Winnipeg a friend of mine uses a older Bell dish as they were in the C band. If you change satalites you do hae to download the decoding program for that satilite off the new. FTA is the way to go if you have extra money the better decoder boxes cost a couple hundred theb theres the different LNB's you can buy they cost about 50 each With FTA buy the best you can get.

Telus is alright I have not had any troubles they just charge to much as far as I am concerned. Shaws little Pasive repeater out side your house is just that they use 2 different filter on it a band pass and a digital filter. They use to use a third filter which was also a band pass but was only for the basic chanels.Only shaws basic chanels or analog everything else is digital to the box they are working on changing it so all chanels are digital. The company that I was layed off rom was doing testing for this up grade.

In the end it is all up to the individual customers prefference and how they precive the service they get. In Winnipeg MTS also sack Tel is kicking Shaws but when it come to TV and Telephone but they are different companies one is still goverment owned the other just got into TV faster than Shaw got into Telephone and MTS TV is supierior.


Last edited by bvlester; 02-25-2010 at 11:41 PM.
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Old 02-26-2010, 12:57 AM
hlywd hlywd is offline
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From what I understand, anytime you have a cable feed coming into your house that feeds both internet and tv, it will slow down both processes. With that in mind, I was a customer of Telus for both internet and tv, but couldn't get fast speeds on my internet which drove me crazy. My friend informed me that Telus has a ridiculously bad history of moving too much of your allotted bandwidth to feed to your tv, and cutting it away from your internet, rather than just giving you alot for each function. I've switched to Shaw, for both services, and couldn't be happier!!!! Anytime you use HD services, they obviously take up alot of your bandwidth as well.
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Old 02-26-2010, 03:04 AM
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Originally Posted by hlywd View Post
From what I understand, anytime you have a cable feed coming into your house that feeds both internet and tv, it will slow down both processes. With that in mind, I was a customer of Telus for both internet and tv, but couldn't get fast speeds on my internet which drove me crazy. My friend informed me that Telus has a ridiculously bad history of moving too much of your allotted bandwidth to feed to your tv, and cutting it away from your internet, rather than just giving you alot for each function. I've switched to Shaw, for both services, and couldn't be happier!!!! Anytime you use HD services, they obviously take up alot of your bandwidth as well.
You see with Telus there are many things that will afect your speeds that you get the first and formost ofender is how far you are from the box that is feeding your house. Telus has problems with their internet not for this reason they don't have enough bandwidth to feeding their conection to the internet. Telus has to install more chastas I think that is how you spell it anyways it is a piece of equipment that pops you onto the internet after the gateway. Yes all Telus equipment sits behind a firewall and Shaws does not that is why I use Telus a bit more secure. If you do on line banking or make purchases over the internet with Shaw it is very posible for your information to be duplicated while you are making that transaction. I did an install in Leduc Albert for a guy that was using Shaw he was run an ani-virus scan and in the time he went to the shopping store and back his entire hard drive was downloaded by someone. He had to change all his bank accounts and cancel his credit card and have new ones sent out. He found out that who ever did it had tried to use his credit card and access his on line bankig info after he had canceled them.

I believe it is consumer beware out there and that is why there are so many programs for firewalls and security.

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Old 02-26-2010, 01:50 PM
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Originally Posted by bvlester View Post
. I did an install in Leduc Albert for a guy that was using Shaw he was run an ani-virus scan and in the time he went to the shopping store and back his entire hard drive was downloaded by someone. He had to change all his bank accounts and cancel his credit card and have new ones sent out. He found out that who ever did it had tried to use his credit card and access his on line bankig info after he had canceled them.

I believe it is consumer beware out there and that is why there are so many programs for firewalls and security.

I suspect he is telling you a story on that one. yes they can get info, but it is very hard and if your running any anti virius at all it is unlikely. if you have a firewall then that is another hurdle. also online banking ect is 128bit encription, it is going to take a super computer a week to break that, so unless a group is specificly targiting you not to much to worry about there.

Shaw also has firewall, anti virius and e-mail filters you chose to use them or not. telus internet is slow unless you are close to where they have there main equipment, the farther away the slower it is. in outlining comunities it is almost painfull.

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Old 02-26-2010, 03:05 PM
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I have Telus TV too, we've been with them for a little over a year now with no issues at all. We have three TVs, each with its own box. The downside is that to get the third set, we had to pass on HD. It does depend on the signal strength at your house too, ours is very strong according to the installer who set it up.

I have an aquaintance who is a director with Telus in Networking. He indicated that Telus will soon be able to supply as many as six boxes and HD to a customer. His timeline for this to start rolling out was very soon, likely February or March. He indicated that current customers would be getting the upgrades first.
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Old 02-26-2010, 06:30 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Yup, they just installed the fibre optics system in my neighbourhood & started the new protocol this month. I can run up to 6 TVs now, not 2 and it doesn't affect my internet speed. Getting 11 mbs on my computer & my wife's laptop (wirelessly) as well. The installer even ran an extra long line to my back so if we ever want to hang out on the deck to let Felicia play in the backyard while we watch tv or surf the net, no problem. And more computers using our connection will NOT slow down my internet speed, so I'm happy.

With Shaw, my internet speed fluctuated constantly, depending on time of day (ie. around 3pm it was superslow).

I now have far more channels, excellent HD sports coverage to watch the Olympics, a free PVR, faster internet, wireless internet for Irene, same digital phone service, ability to watch HD tv out back & will still save about $700 this year.

I know that the earlier Telus TV service was crap. They tried to go too fast before their system was fully up to speed & they used crappy contractors who screwed things up & POed alot of customers.

I tested the internet speed & watched Telus TV at a friend's place first before switching. My internet is almost 4 times faster and so I'm a happy camper so far.

If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it!
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Old 02-26-2010, 07:41 PM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
I suspect he is telling you a story on that one. yes they can get info, but it is very hard and if your running any anti virius at all it is unlikely. if you have a firewall then that is another hurdle. also online banking ect is 128bit encription, it is going to take a super computer a week to break that, so unless a group is specificly targiting you not to much to worry about there.

Shaw also has firewall, anti virius and e-mail filters you chose to use them or not. telus internet is slow unless you are close to where they have there main equipment, the farther away the slower it is. in outlining comunities it is almost painfull.

this was alittle while ago about 6 years ago but anyways if you do not keep your ani-virus program up to date then guess what there is no way you can detect all viruses also there is no ani-virus program out there that will 100% of the viruses that is why i run 2 anti-virus program simotainusly. Fire walls are only as good as the person that sets them up if you leave anything open it leaves away for others to hack in. I had a very good firewall that had a sandbox incorperated in to it. I found at least once a month someone wouldget by the fire wall and then get stuck in the sandbox. A sandbox works by throwing endless passwords at an intruder cink of like a dog chasing his own tail around. I had one guy in there for over an hour trying to hackin, relentless if nothing else. then the company that I got that product from sold out and stopped providing security software for the home user, now all of the gateway and chastas equipment and WAN use thier software.

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Old 02-26-2010, 07:51 PM
Piscez Piscez is offline
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Actually Telus TV just launched Microsoft Mediaroom
Record shows from up to six TVs in the home with a single Personal Video Recorder (PVR)
Watch and record three programs simultaneously, with up to two in High Definition (HD)
Replay, pause, fast forward and rewind recorded shows on any TV in the home
Connect TELUS TV on up to six TVs
Experience picture-in-picture channel browsing and instant channel changes
Plan TV viewing easily and quickly with the new Interactive Programming Guide
Combine High Speed Plus with our new TELUS TV service and surf twice as fast as with regular High Speed

I have Telus Satellite TV which is same a Bell ExpressVu, yes Bell and Telus partnered up on this and the 3G+ cellular network
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Old 02-26-2010, 08:39 PM
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Telus did try and buy Bell canada last summer and CRTC said they could not as they would become a monopily anyway in The cell service world now there are a couple othe cell service providers out there they will be making anouther play at buying Bell canada. As far as hacking a friend of my departed brother was one of the first in Canada to offer security program evaluating to corporations. He would charge a yearly flate rate and hack thier system tell them what they needed to do to improve on what they had for security software. he built a program called gone in sixty seconds. It did most of the work in the begining. Now he has become a recluse as he hates big corporations as you are just a number to them. He has moved to Whitehorse with his family and is enjoying retirement. Yes hacking is hard but there are alot of people out there that do it just to see what they can get off a persons computer. With Shaws internet system you are sharing a hub with other computers it maynot be as bad as it once was but you still share your network with others. A shared network makes it easer for some one to hack your computer you can do a IP tracerout to determin if others are on a network with you. its not as hard to hack as some believe. Nortons security software is one of the most sold software packages but is is also one of the easer to hack because most people don't know how to set it up properly. Alot of univercities in the satates use it and they get hacked constanly. Good thing student records and test and such are on a seporate network.

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