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Old 02-18-2010, 11:22 PM
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Default Mac versu PC,{snicker,snicker}

I know we have hashed this to death and I will get 50% different answers but here goes anyways.

This is the Macs owners chance to speak out. Convince me.

Still looking at new laptops. Close to the Mac purchase a couple times already. Yesterday, seen a new Sony with a 16.4in. screen. Back lit keys and a very nice layout. Has the i7 processor. I think 1.8GHz or something similar with a turbo boost to 2.8. Dont have that all figured out yet. 4g memory and me thinks hard drive was around 640gb.

Looks pretty fast. The Mac book had a 2.3GHz processor, 2g memory and 250 hard drive. But of course Mac owners still say thats as fast because its not loaded with crap.

Besides posting on Canreef and surfing other boards, I mostly read sports and news, etc. I do a lot of pics between family and reefing. Thus I like the Macs capability here.

So the Sony was $1299, may be on for $100 less this week. Mac is $1099, and pro is same as Sony. Smaller screen on mac is not an issue, as I have a 22in monitor to connect to. Decided either to go smaller like the 13in. for portability and keep my monitor or go larger than 16in. screen and chuck all my previous stuff.

Mac owners, sell me on why for the same price as the Sony I should get the Mac.
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Old 02-18-2010, 11:53 PM
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I'd go for whatever's cheaper and does what you want it to do. Macs are great but so are PCs. I will warn that with PC laptops I ALWAYS format them ASAP to get rid of the 'junkware' every manufacturer includes. I'm an avid PC user but I wouldn't hesitate to get a Mac is it was cheaper and ran what I wanted it to (2gig ram not enough for some of the programs I run unfortunately).
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Old 02-18-2010, 11:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Crytone View Post
I'd go for whatever's cheaper and does what you want it to do. Macs are great but so are PCs. I will warn that with PC laptops I ALWAYS format them ASAP to get rid of the 'junkware' every manufacturer includes. I'm an avid PC user but I wouldn't hesitate to get a Mac is it was cheaper and ran what I wanted it to (2gig ram not enough for some of the programs I run unfortunately).

I think the Mac has the lesser of the included crap. Sony seems to be not bad, or even Gateway in comparison with HP. They seem to have lots of junkware, perhaps as they are such huge sellers.
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Old 02-19-2010, 12:43 AM
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Once you go Mac, you never go back

Seriously though, I have used them all; Windows, Mac, various flavours of Unix and the Mac is the best integrated and user friendly. Also, aside from the lack of included bloatware you get a bunch of really useful free apps.

2 Gigs is no big deal. Memory is cheap and easy to install. Just don't buy it from Apple at their overinflated prices.
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Old 02-19-2010, 12:59 AM
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I have been running Macs for about 8 years now, I have never run an anti virus, I open any email and go on any sight and have never, not even once had to re-format.

That alone is worth going Mac if you ask me

Also I have never had a Mac "crash" the worst thing that has ever happened to me was it froze (once in 8 years) all I had to do is re-boot and poof, good as new.
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Old 02-19-2010, 01:08 AM
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I am a PC fan for the simple reason that if you need to repair or upgrade down the road the PC will cost WAY less. Mac has improved in this regard but still has a long way to go. I have yet to crash a PC laptop and do only minor routine maintenance which is all scheduled .....but yeah choose the one that will do the best job of what you want is to do and cost you the least. Either could make you happy
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Old 02-19-2010, 01:20 AM
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I considered a macbook when I was looking for a more portable notebook, the macbook was nice but for the money it was still missing a few things I wanted and would expect. I ended up getting an acer timeline special addition which not only saved me $400 but does more for me than the mac. Smaller and lighter which was a plus for me, more hard drive, more ram, similar LED monitor but a little slower of a processor which to me didn't seem to relevant since it's just a small portable laptop. However what really sold me was the card reader and the HDMI out with full HD capability. I also prefer the operating system, windows 7 is nice and familiar with equally good features and it's compatible with the rest of my life.

Anyways my point is don't think of mac and pc being so different and just focus on getting a notebook that best fits your needs and wants. I think if people do this 9 times out 10 there coming out with a PC and some extra coin in there pocket.
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Old 02-19-2010, 01:46 AM
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just buy my asus g2 thats gathering dust
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Old 02-19-2010, 01:47 AM
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One of the things I like most about my MacBook pro is the very solid construction. No creaking plastic or flimsy screens. Made to last. Mine is almost 3 years old and still feels new.
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Old 02-19-2010, 02:17 AM
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Have thought about a Hackintosh? Mac OS on intel processor or vmware. Fun and challenging project to do. Snow leopard installed on i7 920 overclocked to 4.2 ghz 6gb mem and 1t HD. Also running snow leopard in vmware. Get the best of both worlds. Snow leopard only cost $35 for the os.
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