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Old 02-19-2010, 12:18 AM
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Well said Steve. I must concur with you on your points. There wasn't a single hiccup until that point. From what I hear people in the stadium had no idea there was a malfunction as they weren't informed until after.

As for London making sly remarks of the games.. It irks me a bit too. And the worst Olympics ever? That's going a bit far I think. No one can control the weather and it's just been terrible this year... Karma will get them in a few years though I feel. As someone once said "Don't dish it unless you can take it".

And as for the complaints about the lack of French.. I think that's just a minority in Quebec who won't be happy until there's absolutely NO English at all in the Olympics. I felt they had plenty of French (and yes, I speak French). We have to remember only 1 province is, what most would consider, 'francophone' and they do not represent 1/2 the population of Canada like they sometimes seem to think.

As for Snowboarding halfpipe I think it needs a small revamp on their marking scheme. I think it should be ran like other sports with 5 marks given but the lowest and highest are 'thrown out' and you get a mark out of 30 instead of 50. Might level the playing field a bit more (Shawn White would likely still place very well though but everyone else would be more leveled).

Men's Hockey going on now and it's looking good so far (1 goal Canada! whooo).

Just my thoughts.
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Old 02-19-2010, 12:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Crytone View Post

And as for the complaints about the lack of French.. I think that's just a minority in Quebec who won't be happy until there's absolutely NO English at all in the Olympics. I felt they had plenty of French (and yes, I speak French). We have to remember only 1 province is, what most would consider, 'francophone' and they do not represent 1/2 the population of Canada like they sometimes seem to think.
The sad (or funnny) part is that the foreigners spoke much better french then any of the Canadians. I still have trouble understanding quebecois. That accent drives me nuts.
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Old 02-19-2010, 12:46 AM
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Going 90mph down an ice chute with a crazy carpet under your backside is bad enough but head first is just dumb.
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Old 02-19-2010, 02:06 AM
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Wow, The game against the Swiss was way closer than it had to be. Down to a shootout! Great saves by Brodeur and Hillier but Brodeur was better. Yay Team Canada!
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Old 02-19-2010, 03:57 AM
toxic111 toxic111 is offline
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Hilier kept them in the game... out shot 17-2 (or something like that) in the third!
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Old 02-19-2010, 04:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Doug View Post
Going 90mph down an ice chute with a crazy carpet under your backside is bad enough but head first is just dumb.
there are winners and there are lugers

too soon?
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Old 02-19-2010, 04:40 AM
Kryptic4L Kryptic4L is offline
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Originally Posted by Kryptic4L View Post

4. the half pipe comp mens is over before it starts

Lets get SPS growing into the olympics. But it will have to be a 4 year event, not every 4 years.
Two clownfish were in a tank. One says to the other, how do i drive this thing?
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Old 02-19-2010, 01:49 PM
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The right skater won the gold medal, however although I like Chan and he is our mens skating future, he was marked to high. And what the hell does Weir have to do to medal. How did he end up 6th. Usual skating judging.

I think thats why I like the timed races or something like the snowboard cross. Straight flat out racing, no judging involved.
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Old 02-19-2010, 02:41 PM
Treebeard Treebeard is offline
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It was much too close! But why did Babcock sit out Iginla for pretty much the entire third period? Babcock needs to get his lines set and quit juggling.

Originally Posted by Crytone View Post
Wow, The game against the Swiss was way closer than it had to be. Down to a shootout! Great saves by Brodeur and Hillier but Brodeur was better. Yay Team Canada!
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Old 02-19-2010, 05:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Doug View Post
The right skater won the gold medal, however although I like Chan and he is our mens skating future, he was marked to high. And what the hell does Weir have to do to medal. How did he end up 6th. Usual skating judging.

I think thats why I like the timed races or something like the snowboard cross. Straight flat out racing, no judging involved.

I totally agree Doug. Judged events are quite often a joke. They have to come up with a computer that scores the performance and take the human judging element out of it.
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