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Old 02-17-2010, 06:25 PM
sitandwatch sitandwatch is offline
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I find that the good thing about the Olympics is that there is a sport for almost everyone and really when your county makes a big play or wins a medal in anyone of them then you get excited.

I have screamed at the TV and cheered out load a few times and can say that never happens in regular TV viewing.

Even my boys 5 and 2 are into it they want to watch and like to cheer for everyone.
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Old 02-17-2010, 06:26 PM
sitandwatch sitandwatch is offline
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Oh love that they have to bring out the 15 year old Calgary Zamboni to clean the ice for speed skating.
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Old 02-17-2010, 06:34 PM
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I was proud as a reefer that our first gold came in "moguls" even though it had nothing to do with metal halide lighting
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Old 02-17-2010, 06:44 PM
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Ya, not very good advertising for Olympia. I bet their sales just took a nosedive! It still boggles my mind why they didn't have a backup.

And I have to agree totally. The Olympics is about offering things that appeal to a broad audience. Curling might not be super intense but if we win medals in Curling I'd be just as happy. I challenge anyone to try curling once, if you haven't. It's a LOT harder than it looks. I think it's also more of a sport where a poorer country has just as much chance of winning as the next guy (don't need hightech speed suit or expensive custom gear to play). It really all comes down to skill.
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Old 02-17-2010, 06:47 PM
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ok i was watching the canada/finland game last night and I know that iggy got the hat trick on the last deflection but today I see he only got credited for 2 goals? whats up???

I searched the net for just abit and see that some papers say he got 3 goals and then I check the olympic website and it says 2?

maybe someone can enlighten me
- John -

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Old 02-17-2010, 07:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Crytone View Post
Ya, not very good advertising for Olympia. I bet their sales just took a nosedive! It still boggles my mind why they didn't have a backup.

And I have to agree totally. The Olympics is about offering things that appeal to a broad audience. Curling might not be super intense but if we win medals in Curling I'd be just as happy. I challenge anyone to try curling once, if you haven't. It's a LOT harder than it looks. I think it's also more of a sport where a poorer country has just as much chance of winning as the next guy (don't need hightech speed suit or expensive custom gear to play). It really all comes down to skill.
The first Olympia puked all over the ice. The back-up Olympia then chewed the ice up. Then they had no choice but to go with the Zamboni from Calgary.
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Old 02-17-2010, 07:22 PM
sitandwatch sitandwatch is offline
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Originally Posted by fkshiu View Post
The first Olympia puked all over the ice. The back-up Olympia then chewed the ice up. Then they had no choice but to go with the Zamboni from Calgary.
Oh and the 3rd Olympia messed up the ice also, they had three, all of them failed
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Old 02-17-2010, 07:56 PM
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Wow! Olympia failed big time on that one for the entire world to see. I didn't know they had 2 backups and they ALL failed. If I was Olympia I'd be pulling some crazy PR stuff right now, otherwise they just advertised expensive ice paperweights.

And as for Iginla's goals there was debates last night too. There's question if he deflected the puck or not. CTV was saying afterwards the same thing; that the Olympics were bouncing back and forth between 2 or 3 for him. Last I heard it was 3 but I guess they decided on 2?
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Old 02-17-2010, 09:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Crytone View Post
I'm pulling for the 100m Downhill Crazy Carpet for the 2014 Winter Olympics!

Alrighty. Looking forward to that.
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Old 02-17-2010, 09:48 PM
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
Oh come on Doug, don't get me wrong I don't have a problem with curling, it's a fun sport but along the same lines as bowling which I really do enjoy playing. But honestly if you can watch curling on TV and get excited by it then yes IMO you need to get out more, just saying. As far as an Olympic sport it just doesn't make sense to me, we might as well add bowling to the summer Olympics, or actually even better let's add lawn bowling.

Rather than bringing in curling they should have brought in something like, I don't know, WOMENS SKI JUMPING!

Hey now, treading on curling is one thing but lets leave bowling out of this. 5 pin bowling in the games would be good. It just so happens I have a Canadian gold, so even though over the hill, ya never know.

And I,m in agreement. Womens ski jumping should have been in. 100%. Even though our ladies hockey is hallowed ground, besides Canada/USA, not much competition. It may wind up going the way of ladies fastball from the summer games, due to lack of it, if something does not change.

Say what you want about curling but its very competitive between most countries entered, in both mens and womens.
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