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Old 01-28-2010, 03:20 PM
MrsBugmaster MrsBugmaster is offline
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Default WTB RO/DI unit

I am looking to buy a good used RO/DI unit in the Saskatoon area or someone that will ship it. I would prefer a 4 or 5 stage unit. Must be in good working conditon.
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Old 01-28-2010, 03:26 PM
ntotheblue ntotheblue is offline
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Old 01-29-2010, 04:58 AM
aoc230 aoc230 is offline
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make sure you get pics from this seller if your considering purchasing from him. Very shady cat, bought a controller(aqua controller 3 pro) which was only an aqua controller 3 for 475$ and was suppose to be bnib, got item to only find it in a grocery bag with rust on it, not brand new in its box and had been used. the 3 is only with the4 475$ mark brand new. three probes were suppose to be included, only came with two, used probes of coarse. this seller outright LIED and i'm still trying to get my money back. when i approached the issue the seller said " well i might have left it too close to my saltwater aquarium and it rusted". this seller is a lyer and if i were you id stay clear. Ive shipped my item back to seller and they received it on the 8th, it is now the 28th, and still no payment and im out the controller and 475$(for now). whether i get my money back or not, still a hassle and seller is still crooked. Will not refund money even when you send item back(having trouble with tracking number so paypal keeps throwing it out and seller thinks they got away with ripping me off), the only way i'd buy is if the item is 1/10th off original price in the hopes you win the lottery and seller doesn't sc@$w you over. since moderators dont do anything to shady sellers, its only fair for buyers to know what they are getting into. BUYER BEWARE.. im not just frustrated, no matter what this cat tells you, i'm out 475$ and he has signed for the controller i sent back.

good luck

Originally Posted by ntotheblue View Post
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Old 01-29-2010, 05:11 AM
ntotheblue ntotheblue is offline
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Item was shipped to you in good condition and has described I only mentioned 2 probes and not 3 we made our deal through paypal and only now I know why you were never able to show evidnce towards the complaint you put in only to find out that the item I sent you in excellent condition was shipped back in broken pieces you obviously wanted to get your money back from paypal without me showing them evidence so you shipped after the resolution was done and that is why you never came up with a tracking number and paypal is my full evidence that you are a lost case now why would I do paypal and send you an item not described has in the sale only to have it sent back to me and have paypal refund you the money without me being able to do anything about it. I was away for a few days and sent you $100 without even knowing the condition of the item you sent me so Now I got a broken aqua controller and out of luck for $100! Please refund me the money or find yourself for harrassment and fraud charges!!
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