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Old 01-27-2010, 11:51 AM
Dolf Dolf is offline
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Default Another crab...

I am down to two... and I caught one of them. Typical hitchiker, likely not reef safe though he has not been a problem that I have ever seen. He seems to sift sand for worms and grab the odd slice of Krill or prawn. I can take him to work tomorrow just after noon. 50 ave and 11 street (in the area of Shaw and Standens springs off Glenmore and Blackfoot). Probably the size of a twoonie. I really don't know what people would want with him, but the last time I caught my hitchhikers people actually wanted them and took them- so before I boil him up for supper...
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Old 01-27-2010, 04:46 PM
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Old 01-27-2010, 05:30 PM
originalozzyo originalozzyo is offline
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What color is it? If its the purple with red eyes then nobody should put it in their tank. I had one and it killed my entire hermit crab population and ate 4 chromis before i found it
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Old 01-27-2010, 09:53 PM
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Default Yup

Originally Posted by originalozzyo View Post
What color is it? If its the purple with red eyes then nobody should put it in their tank. I had one and it killed my entire hermit crab population and ate 4 chromis before i found it

Agree. I had one and it even taunted me. If it saw me though the glass it would "present arms" in what appeared to be an offensive stance.... It was in a base rock so I eventually had to get rid of the whole rock.

BAD MOFO those purple with red eye f'n crabs!!

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