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Old 01-22-2010, 08:33 PM
Juicy Juicy is offline
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Thanks asmodeus,
I will definatley look into some of those skimmers, I appreciate the advise. I never really looked into the actual load a guy could be putting on his tank with the amount of fish a guy has swimming around, thanks StirCrazy. I always thought that if it was for a 280G it should work for it. You guys have alot of good advise, I am kind of glad I joined this whole forum thing. It is neat to hear everyones different takes on things so thanks again.
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Old 01-25-2010, 02:10 PM
Juicy Juicy is offline
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For those Following this whole thread, I had my water tested on the weekend.
Both my topoff water and my tank water. All the nitrates and nitrites were at 0 and nothing was showing up in the phosphate catigory. The only thing they could find that may somehow help the cause was that my Mag was at 900. Other than that they said your water is perfect, I bought two new lights anyways just to see if that would help.
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Old 01-25-2010, 02:41 PM
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Did you check your redox level?
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Old 01-25-2010, 02:47 PM
Juicy Juicy is offline
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Sorry no I never, Could you explain what that is and I will have it tested tomorrow when the guy from the fish store comes over. I am assuming it means reduced oxygen but not to sure and I have also turned down my Calcium Reactor.
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Old 01-25-2010, 02:53 PM
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Yes it does ....sometimes low oxygen can contribute to growth. If he has a redox meter. If not LMK next time your in the city on a weekend. I can see the Ca reactor having an pH effect on that volume of water
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Old 01-25-2010, 03:23 PM
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i have crabs i have crabs is offline
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i mentioned the calcium reactor bein an issue not really because of ph or calcium/alk but because of unsued co2 getting into the tank and acting as fertilizer,
its not really a bad thing that u bought new bulbs but as far as im concerned its not gonna do squat to help ur problem, i know people will argue to the death about it but a lowered spectrum from older bulbs dosent make or break a algae issue, shure algae grows faster under a more yellow light but your dealing with something bigger than that and i highly doubt new bulbs have ever helped clear up any noticable ammount of algae issues for anyone. sorry thats enough of a rant, i just hate when people give that advice, its easy to give when its not ur money buyin stuff, buy a new skimmer that might help, oh well not my $1200 if it dosent lol.
bottom line is the algae is eating something, find out what its eating stop giving it food and watch the algae die, sounds simple but takes a bit of messin around and time.
it dosent sound like u have too many fish at all so youd have to really be over feeding to be the cause, u said ur water wasnt showing any phosphates before goin into the tank so u should be ok there,
with that outa the way i would suspect lighting or the calcium reactor, you have a couple 400 watters right, how high are they from the water? u dont have much for corals so id suggest something around 15" probably maybe even more, a par meter would be good to make shure the lights are as high as possible but still giving enough light to the corals you do have untill the algae is under control, id have to look at the thread again to remember what u had but a par in the 200 range is good enough for most softie type corals i find, problem with blaming the lights is you have algae in the sump/fuge if i remember correct, i kinda doubt u have a 400watter in there too, oh ya also with a older bulb of course, humm kinda doubt it so the algae must be feeding from something in the water, wich brings me back to excess co2, dial it way down keep a eye on your calcium and alk, and wait for your algae to slowly die
but what the heck do i know
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