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View Poll Results: Do you believe equality is beneficial or detrimental to society?
I believe equality is beneficial. 23 43.40%
I believe equality is detrimental. 30 56.60%
Voters: 53. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 11-24-2009, 01:53 AM
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The answer to this question is totally how you interpret the is very vague and I didn't vote because I am not sure what question I am answering and the answer would be different depending on what is actually being asked.
I personally believe in Equal Oppurtunity, but not legislation which make minority groups have more oppurtunity than others. Once minority groups have laws putting them before others, this makes unequal oppurtunity for those other groups.
I definitely don't believe that we are equal. Thank God, because it would really be a boring place if we were all identical. We are all different..even identical twins, while biologically the same, are different in interests and capabilities.
I believe that is is our equalities that make us strong as a society. Plato states that people are best doing what they are naturally suited to do. Not everyone is a leader....but those that aren't a leader might be really be good at building houses or teaching or plumbing. Generally, most people are suited to do certain things regardless of what that may be. There is not enough time in our life times to be good at everything. Therefore, this breaking down of responsibilities and skills makes us much stronger as a society and we can accomplish much more as a diverse group then individuals all trying to be individuals.
just my 2 cents worth
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Last edited by howdy20012002; 11-24-2009 at 05:43 AM.
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Old 11-24-2009, 02:23 AM
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Originally Posted by kien View Post
I believe that we are all equal!

.. but some of us are more equal than others
LMAO! This is the best reply yet

Equality: I think overall, in terms of this poll, is detrimental. Without inequalities, no one has anything to work for/toward. If everyone is equal, and everything is equal, progress does not happen, evolution is at a stand-still.

Equality is a great thing, Im all for women's rights, eliminating racism, etc.., however, not everything can be equal, or else we run in to the problem i described above.
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Old 11-24-2009, 03:56 AM
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I moved to Vernon about 4-5 years ago, semi retired, looking for a part time job. Applied at a local organization growing tree seedlings for the BC forestry industry. Big switch from my tech background to something a little closer to nature. Was not hired because I was overqualified and a male (I think). If I rememer correctly, the HR manager there said men's hands were too hammy to do the work of weeding the seedling trays. The ladies with their slender, deft fingers were a shoe in for the work. All the 'manly' irrigation jobs were taken.

Equality is a myth. Governments try to legislate it, same as culture. You can legilsate it all you want, but ultimately, it's the people themselves, regardless of legislation, that will keep a culture alive, or not, and determine the level of 'equality' that suits their environment. The pendulums of equality, political correctness, culture et al keep swinging from one extreme to the other. They are in different parts of the arc in various parts of the world at any given time. Hopefully, eventually, things will 'equalize', but judging by history, human nature and Darwin's theory, it's unlikely.
Holy cow, did I just write that! Where the H did it all come from?? ... and I have no idea of which way to vote, so I probably won't.

Edit: I guess my vote would be "neither" beneficial, nor detrimental, because it will never exist. What a downer..or a good thing, if you're the guy/gal running the show... Vive la difference!
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Last edited by mike31154; 11-24-2009 at 04:08 AM.
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Old 11-24-2009, 03:56 AM
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Originally Posted by howdy20012002 View Post
The answer to this question is totally how you interpret the is very vague and I didn't vote because I am not sure what question I am answering and the answer would be different depending on what is actually being asked.
I personally believe in Equal Oppurtunity, but not legislation which make minority groups have more oppurtunity than others. Once minority group have laws putting them before others, this makes unequal oppurtunity for those other groups.
I definitely don't believe that we are equal. Thank God, because it would really be a boring place if we were all identical. We are all different..even identical twins, while biologically the same, are different in interests and capabilities.
I believe that is is our equalities that make us strong as a society. Plato states that people are best doing what they are naturally suited to do. Not everyone is a leader....but those that aren't a leader might be really be good at building houses or teaching or plumbing. Generally, most people are suited to do certain things regardless of what that may be. There is not enough time in our life times to be good at everything. Therefore, this breaking down of responsibilities and skills makes us much stronger as a society and we can accomplish much more as a diverse group then individuals all trying to be individuals.
just my 2 cents worth
(I just started university again this fall...just trying to make it sound like I am getting my money's
Seems like it's paying off, well said Neal
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Old 11-24-2009, 01:33 PM
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Equality is a myth in society - by virtue of a body attempting to legislate, regulate and enforce equality you produce inequaltiy.
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Old 11-24-2009, 02:17 PM
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Originally Posted by mark View Post
obviously overstating but in the Federal Gov't this goes under equity placement assumed to make up for past hiring so we have a more equally representative work force.

actualy it is target hiring which is what the goverment does to try achieve a proportinate ethnic workforce. not equality hiring at all. in equality hiring genders, race, religion are usaly hidden from the interviewers untill the final selection.

*everything said above is just my opinion, and may or may not reflect the views of this BBS, its Operators, and its Members. If cornered on any “opinion” I post I will totally deny having ever said this in a Court of Law…Unless I am the right one*

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Old 11-29-2009, 03:28 AM
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Default the point of this poll:

I have a theory that equality is detrimental to marriages and crime in particular (among many other things). I was wondering any of you would come up with this idea on your own.

Speaking IMO, I believe that by society trying to push equality (among other things) on everyone that men are feeling more inferior than they have in the past. Men have a natural want/need of "me look after woman". With women supposedly having equality in particular place like the workplace men aren't given what used to be their man-time where they go to work at a "manly job" working with men talking about whatever (godawful) things they want to. I really believe men have this need. Now women are barging about their workplace, now they can't talk about godawful things, and can't "be men". This gets taken home where their wife - now a journey[wo]man welder - makes more money than him. Wife wears the pants, and bosses the man around the house. Now man feels like child, which is exactly what woman treats him like. There goes the sex-life, who wants to have sex with a child? (ok some do, but that's not this topic) Without a sex-life the marriage doesn't do so well. (unless you're Mennonite, but they get manly men - kind of)

In the case of crime, everyone's "equal" right? People are taught from a young age to be equal to eachother which creates a society that disrespects authority because, "hey they're equal, right?"

I really believe equality is a brick in the wall, but it's a big brick. Just my (quite random) thoughts...
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Old 11-29-2009, 03:50 AM
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i like this thread many of you have said some very interesting things,i hope this thread keeps going.
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Old 11-29-2009, 04:05 AM
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Women are superior to men. No question...
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Old 11-29-2009, 04:06 AM
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I disagree. I believe men are superior, they just aren't allowed to be anymore.
~ Mindy

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