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View Poll Results: How Long Do You Mix A Fresh Batch Of Salt Before Putting it in the Tank?
A Couple of Hours 47 28.66%
12 Hours 8 4.88%
24 Hours 59 35.98%
2 Days 35 21.34%
However Long it Takes the Heater to Get it to Temperature 15 9.15%
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Old 11-28-2009, 09:16 PM
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Originally Posted by whatcaneyedo View Post
A little warning: Twice I mixed up Seachem Reef salt and let it sit circulating in a 20gal garbage can with a small powerhead for about a month between water changes. The first time I did a water change everything looked a little ****ed off, the second time the tank crashed; 2 coral colonies, 2 fish and a brittle star died. The tank was a 4 year old 135gal. There was nothing directly wrong with the salt, when I used it again after letting it mix for less than a week everything was fine. But for some reason it seems seachem can not be allowed to sit and mix before use for a month.

I make about 25G at a time with Deltec salt and then I do 5G a week changes. So some of my new water is just sitting there circulating for over a month sometimes. Never had a problem but this worries me a little.
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Old 11-28-2009, 10:35 PM
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Done a little reasearch. Sounds like leaching. I don't think we let our water sit in a contanier for any period of time. Even if it's food grade, unless we can find a glass contanier about 50g. Just make it and use it.
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Old 11-29-2009, 03:13 AM
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Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post

I make about 25G at a time with Deltec salt and then I do 5G a week changes. So some of my new water is just sitting there circulating for over a month sometimes. Never had a problem but this worries me a little.
I've let IO salt sit and circulate several times for a month at a time without incident. It wasnt until I switched to Seachem that the problem happened. Leaching is a viable reason. I've got a few other theories as well but nothing concrete.
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Old 11-29-2009, 03:57 AM
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I am usaly ready with in an hour for a waterchange, if I am feeling lazy somtimes it sits but not usaly. all depends on the efectivness of your mixing, a paint mixer on a power drill mixes up salt real good.

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Old 11-29-2009, 04:02 AM
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Originally Posted by RuGlu6 View Post
I put a new salt water mix in my tank as soon as salt is disolved never more then few minutes and no air, no heating.
Been doing this for years, fish and coral seem ok with that.
I do this too, never had an issue with my coral or fish.
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Old 11-29-2009, 06:12 AM
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Originally Posted by no_bs View Post
Done a little reasearch. Sounds like leaching. I don't think we let our water sit in a contanier for any period of time. Even if it's food grade, unless we can find a glass contanier about 50g. Just make it and use it.

I used a rubbermaid as a sump for many years, no problems.

What are you basing this on? Its a very broad statement.

Last edited by GreenSpottedPuffer; 11-29-2009 at 06:28 AM.
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Old 11-30-2009, 02:18 AM
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You need the Rubbermaid Brute container in gray, white or yellow:
This came up a few months back and the end result was that Rubbermaid confirmed that their other models leached chemicals and were not recommended for storing RO/DI water or saltwater for the aquarium hobby. They suggested sticking with their models that meet USDA guidelines as they do not have that problem. Several hobbyists (including Ltspd on this board) tested their RO water prior to storing it in their Rubbermaid container (wrong model) and then tested it a few days later and found phosphate levels that were unacceptable. So it turns out that only the more expensive Rubbermaid containers that meet USDA guidelines are recommended for use as water storage containers or sumps/refugiums for reef tank systems.

Here is another site that goes into detail.

Got me thinking!

Don't use anything else. I curently use a beige rubbermaid, and after a few weeks in there it gives off an smell! I do clean it out every 3 fillups but always will smell! So not knowing to now knowing. I will change. IMO.

Last edited by no_bs; 11-30-2009 at 02:26 AM.
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Old 11-30-2009, 05:42 PM
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Originally Posted by no_bs View Post
You need the Rubbermaid Brute container in gray, white or yellow:
This came up a few months back and the end result was that Rubbermaid confirmed that their other models leached chemicals and were not recommended for storing RO/DI water or saltwater for the aquarium hobby. They suggested sticking with their models that meet USDA guidelines as they do not have that problem. Several hobbyists (including Ltspd on this board) tested their RO water prior to storing it in their Rubbermaid container (wrong model) and then tested it a few days later and found phosphate levels that were unacceptable. So it turns out that only the more expensive Rubbermaid containers that meet USDA guidelines are recommended for use as water storage containers or sumps/refugiums for reef tank systems.

Here is another site that goes into detail.

Got me thinking!

Don't use anything else. I curently use a beige rubbermaid, and after a few weeks in there it gives off an smell! I do clean it out every 3 fillups but always will smell! So not knowing to now knowing. I will change. IMO.
OK thanks for the links.

I have been using the grey brute cans for a long time and haven't noticed any problems.
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