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Old 11-25-2009, 04:26 AM
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Default Market Research: Buying local vs. online. Please help!

I'm just finishing up a project worth 65% of my grade for one of my business courses, but I need some help! Please feel free to contribute if you can, any comments would be greatly appreciated. Please keep in mind that my research relates to buying aquarium products/livestock online vs. in local stores. I've gotten responses from fellow students, and some outsiders, but I obviously need the opinion of people who matter the most... the hobbyist!

When purchasing aquarium equipment and livestock, it is believed that a potential customer makes his/her decision based on five categories:

- fragility (how easily something is broken during shipment, regardless of whether or not the vendor replaces the item)
- how perishable the item is (fish/coral/frozen food)
- ease of shipment (the higher the weight/size of the item, the more it'll cost to ship, ie. salt)
- technical aspect of the item (how beneficial would it be to buy local so that you can get some local technical help, the Neptune controller comes to mind)
- availability (obviously, if the product is only available at a local shop, or only online, you'd only buy from there)

I believe these categories apply to most people who debate between buying local and online... except maybe perishability. Please rank which one of these is most important, with the most important at the top and the least important at the bottom and post any comment that you may have. Anyone who responds will be entered in for a draw for $20 at a yet to be determined shop (yes, its only 20 bucks, I can't afford more, I'm a student :P ).

Thanks for your participation!
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Old 11-25-2009, 04:38 AM
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1. Perishibility (will it be alive when it gets here?)
2. Fragility (will my Solana be broken by the time it gets here?)
3. Shipment (will my Solana cost me my left kidney to ship to a remote area?)
4. Availability (where can I get cool expensive stuff to put in my new $1K Solana?)
5. Technical (who can tell me how to add a sump to my Solana?)

Planning a 29 gallon mixed reef...
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Old 11-25-2009, 04:39 AM
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- fragility (how easily something is broken during shipment, regardless of whether or not the vendor replaces the item)
- how perishable the item is (fish/coral/frozen food)
- ease of shipment (the higher the weight/size of the item, the more it'll cost to ship, ie. salt)
- technical aspect of the item (how beneficial would it be to buy local so that you can get some local technical help, the Neptune controller comes to mind)
- availability (obviously, if the product is only available at a local shop, or only online, you'd only buy from there)

- technical aspect of the item. My BubbleKing SM250. Bought in Calgary rather than J&L because I want support if something breaks.
- availability. My light had to be purchase from a vendor outside my city. It's sold my no-one else. My 60" bulbs. Regardless of how much you beg they just aren't stocked anywhere. Ordered from US vendor knowing they are very fragile. Had no choice. BRS for sch 80 fittings since it wasn't easy to get local. To be fair I never looked very long as I'm impatient.

The other 3 haven't mattered to me yet. I've paid huge shipping bills, shipped fragile items in the case of my bulbs to get exactly the ones I wanted. Livestock I have only bought local but I plan to buy a few fish that may be ahrder to find. I will purchase online if need be. So really the two I've mentioned are the only ones mattering to me. I'm particular about what I want and only those 2 have influenced me in getting just what I've planned on getting.

I think I'm rambling. May or may not help you!
My 67 392 225 101 94 34 97 404 28 93 209 gallon reef.
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Old 11-25-2009, 04:51 AM
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- how perishable the item is (fish/coral/frozen food)
- fragility (how easily something is broken during shipment, regardless of whether or not the vendor replaces the item)
- technical aspect of the item (how beneficial would it be to buy local so that you can get some local technical help, the Neptune controller comes to mind)
- ease of shipment (the higher the weight/size of the item, the more it'll cost to ship, ie. salt)
- availability (obviously, if the product is only available at a local shop, or only online, you'd only buy from there)

I try and buy as much as I can locally so I get the help I need when problems arise, I like to deal face to face especially when spending lots of $$ and I really do not like to buy livestock without seeing first hand the size and condition.

Last edited by Mrfish55; 11-25-2009 at 04:54 AM.
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Old 11-25-2009, 04:53 AM
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Originally Posted by BlueAbyss View Post
1. Perishibility (will it be alive when it gets here?)
2. Fragility (will my Solana be broken by the time it gets here?)
3. Shipment (will my Solana cost me my left kidney to ship to a remote area?)
4. Availability (where can I get cool expensive stuff to put in my new $1K Solana?)
5. Technical (who can tell me how to add a sump to my Solana?)

What type of tank are you running btw?
My 67 392 225 101 94 34 97 404 28 93 209 gallon reef.
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Old 11-25-2009, 04:57 AM
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
What type of tank are you running btw?
Clearly a BioCube 29. You really should read his post again, it's quite obvious.
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Old 11-25-2009, 04:58 AM
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For me, it's availability - I've bought frags from guys out West simply because I can't find some of those species/varieties in Ontario.

With regards to everything else, I can find most things locally, but I still deal with out of town suppliers/online shops. Why? Because the places that stock the things I want and have the expertise locally are also associated with bad business practices, poor customer service and generally cost more.

For me, items 1, 2 and 3 all go hand in hand.
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Old 11-25-2009, 05:00 AM
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Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
Clearly a BioCube 29. You really should read his post again, it's quite obvious.
I think you both clearly missed it. Livestock need not apply: the tank itself is alive.

Originally Posted by BlueAbyss View Post
1. Perishibility (will it be alive when it gets here?)
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Old 11-25-2009, 05:09 AM
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1.availability - I try to support local stores and only order online when it cannot be ordered locally- although - sometimes online prices for dry goods cant be beat
2. how perishable the item is (no point in ordering livestock if the shipping will kill it)
3.ease of shipment (the higher the weight/size of the item, the more it'll cost to ship, ie. salt)
4. technical aspect of the item - i really do need help with this stuff!
5. fragility -not too worried about this one, as most vendors will package products accordingly
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Old 11-25-2009, 05:10 AM
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1.Perishable would be my #1, ordering out of province fish or coral is hard for me to do. Like to see what I am paying for first in person (unless to awesome of deal,lol)
2.Fragility is very close 2nd. Hate it when you pay for something and it come's in piece's.
3.Availability is middle of the pack for obvious reason's
4.Tech support is good to but you can usualy find someone somewhere with the info you need.
5. Shipping the least of my worries there are many way's to decrease shipping cost's.

And that for what it's worth is my 2 cent's.
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