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Old 10-30-2009, 06:54 PM
marknash marknash is offline
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Question flame angel

hello everyone.. we are new to the hobby and were wondering if anyone had any advice or objections to adding a small flame angel into our 48 gallon tank. we currently have about 40lbs of live rock, 2 clowns, 1 chromis, and 1 benggai cardinal. we are hoping to have corals as our tank matures..
ive heard that flame angels may bully other tank mates.. but we figured if we put him in last.. it might be ok.. and they are hit and miss with eating corals.
Any Help would be appreciated
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Old 10-30-2009, 07:01 PM
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I have a flame and a potter's angel... A flame angel is ok for your size of tank, and should not bother the other fish, however if you add another dwarf/pygmy angel later, it will most likely be territorial.

I lost my first flame ( I don't know where, nothing found, but it was gone) so I got another, the potters bullied it for a day, but now they swim together without issues. So if you want 2, then I would add them at the same time to be safe.

In regards to corals, BEWARE, Angels of any size are prone to nip at them... I have large coral colonies and many of them... I can say I have never had an issue, but again BEWARE, they can nip.

Have fun, and welcome to this expensive but BEST HOBBY!

Setup: 180G DT, 105G Refuge (approx. 300lbs LR, 150lbs Aragonite)
Hardware: Super Reef Octopus SSS-3000, Tunze ATO, Mag 18 return, 2x MP40W, 2X Koralia 4's Wavemaker
Lighting: 5ft Hamilton Belize Sun (2x250W MH, 2X80W T5HO)
Type of Aquarium: mixed reef (SPS & LPS) with fish
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Old 10-30-2009, 07:02 PM
BigHammer BigHammer is offline
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i had a flame in my 55 and i found him picking at the LPS, he was removed shortly after.

if you are confident in your ability to get him out without tearing the tank down id say give it a shot, because they really are beautiful.
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Old 10-30-2009, 07:08 PM
marknash marknash is offline
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Thanks Guys... we are going to go down to pick him up sortly.
how long should we acclimate this thing for.. the other fish.. we have just been floating them in our tank.. and slowly adding our water into the bag.. over about 30-45 min
.. i knwo we are supposed to quarantine first.. but we dont have a QT. working on getting one.. we had no idea.. how expensive this hobby was going to be!!
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Old 10-30-2009, 07:13 PM
hillegom hillegom is offline
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Here is a good acclimatization policy
Just remember, you wouldn't have received fish that were shipped 24-48 hours in a bag.
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Old 10-30-2009, 07:16 PM
BigHammer BigHammer is offline
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i acclimate by putting the specimen in a fair sized tupperware container with about half water from the store.

then syphon from the main tank through some airline tubing and have a slow drip into the tupperware. i use a little adjustable plastic valve that lets you regulate flow, but you can also just tie a knot in the tubing to create the drip

once it fills i drain about half the water in the sink and repeat the procedure. once its full again hell be ready for his new home.

not a bad idea to cover the tupperware aswell incase he decides to jump

Last edited by BigHammer; 10-30-2009 at 07:20 PM.
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Old 10-30-2009, 09:34 PM
marknash marknash is offline
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So we ended up getting another benggai and a flame angel.. they are currently sittin in the dark.. in their bags.. in our tank.. they both ate well at the store and appear healthy.. fingers crossed!!
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Old 10-31-2009, 06:45 PM
marknash marknash is offline
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Exclamation Ich?

so we left our lights off all night.. the cardinal an angel are both eating. except we noticed some white flecks all over the angels tail and fins..
i heard that its either lymphocytosis.. from poor water quality.. so i checked our parameters.. and everything is good.
so i lead to believe that this is ich, or brokynella.. (not sure which one angels usually get)
hes eating and looks healthy ..swimming around and stuff..
Not sure what to do now.
thanks in advance for your input
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Old 11-02-2009, 02:57 AM
Coleus Coleus is offline
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picts would help but i think it is ich.
Kitchen Measures

Last edited by Coleus; 04-30-2011 at 05:17 AM.
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Old 11-02-2009, 08:36 AM
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if it is eating i would not even consider QT. just keep doing what you are doing. if your not already using garlic, now would be a good time to start soaking your food.
72 Gallon Bowfront Reef.. Hardware:2x250w Luminex Elite HQI Reflectors (Phoenix Hexarc Bulbs), Galaxy 2x250w Electronic ballast, Euroreef 130 Skimmer, Sedra KSP 7000 Retern... Live Stock: Pair of Hawaiian Flame Wrasse, Leopard Wrasse, Pink Streaked Wrasse, Pair True Percula Clowns, Potters Angel, African Flameback Angel, Orange Fin Tomini Tang, Yellow Assessor, Tailspot Blenny, Purple Firefish..

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