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Old 10-15-2009, 02:53 AM
tonyntuyet tonyntuyet is offline
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
How about an oyster or a mussel maybe?

yea he loves that but i only want to give them that as a treat
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Old 10-15-2009, 04:29 AM
kipsix kipsix is offline
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
The next smallest eel, IIRC, is the snowflake. I hear of many reefs keeping these. Although they are usually available in the 8" size, they do top out around 24" so I think they would be a little more adept at crawling out. And I would think they are big enough to take down things like cleaner shrimp and whatnot, although I'm not positive on that one.
Don't forget Richardson's (sp?) Eels, they only get to about 12". As well as, if I recall correctly, a Mottled Eel (?) also stays around 12".

I have a golden dwarf, richardson's and a white eye in my tank. I know that they have eaten a sand sifting goby, peppermint shrimp and whatever crabs wind up in the tank. My richardson's also eats the occasional hermit crab.

Sorry no pic to contribute.
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Old 10-15-2009, 05:42 AM
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I thought mottled eels were more like 24" max size? I could be wrong on that. I don't think I've heard of a Richardson's eel though. Sure you can't muster a photo? Come on, if *I* could manage a crude video, surely you can manage a photo. (The gauntlet is thrown! The challenge is uttered! ) Or at least a latin id on the species name maybe?
-- Tony
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Old 10-16-2009, 05:51 AM
kipsix kipsix is offline
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
I thought mottled eels were more like 24" max size? I could be wrong on that. I don't think I've heard of a Richardson's eel though. Sure you can't muster a photo? Come on, if *I* could manage a crude video, surely you can manage a photo. (The gauntlet is thrown! The challenge is uttered! ) Or at least a latin id on the species name maybe?


Richardson's Moray - Gymnothorax richarsonii (around 12-16")
Mottled Moray - Echidna delicatula (up to about 16")
Golden Dwarf Moray - Gymnothorax melatremus (up to 12")

(Thanks to Coral Magazine, their recent article on Eels brought the Mottled Moray to my attention.)

Well I found a pic of the Golden Dwarf from when he/she was housed in my BC29. Found a pic of the Richardson's when I first got him. Tried to take a pic of the White Eye this evening, but I don't get home till the lights are out, and by then he's cruising the tank look for 'lost' inverts.

Next time I feed them I'll try to get a shot of all three.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg golden dwarf.JPG (74.9 KB, 51 views)
File Type: jpg richardson.JPG (74.9 KB, 56 views)
File Type: jpg white eye.JPG (62.4 KB, 53 views)
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Old 10-16-2009, 06:40 AM
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Wow those dragon eels are off the hook! They seem to be pretty dang aggressive!

And for the record Tony gave me a chance to look at his eel in person the other day. It's a lot bigger than it looks online =) What I'm driving at Tony is awesome video and I hope your success with him continues!
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Old 10-16-2009, 05:04 PM
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Tony and Wendel, those videos are great! Thanks for that.
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Old 10-16-2009, 08:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Tony, your video is awesome!! Your eel rocks too, much brighter than most specimens I have seen!

I have read of the Yellow Dwarf eating small fish like gobies, even as large as a firefish. For this reason I hesitate to put one in my tank for fear of my Jawfish and Blue Assessor being eaten as both are small and stick in their holes/caves/rockwork where the Eel would be. I would REALLY like to have one though! I also have several little critters like small crabs and small comensal shrimp that I think would be goners.
I have sexy shrimp, a peppermint shrimp, anemone crab, green clown goby, and a few other small gobies and blennies and my dwarf golden moray eel shows no interest in them.

Originally Posted by globaldesigns View Post
K, I have to ask everyone here then:

1.) Do you have coral with them?
2.) Are your tanks covered?

Reason is that I would love to have one, but don't want it carpet surfing and I have alot of coral...

If I can have one, I want a smaller version, what would you recommend?
My dwarf golden moray stays mostly in one of 3 different rocks he likes to hide in. He is in my reef tank and leaves the corals alone. My tank is not covered but I have a 7 inch cap on the top of my tank and I put gutter gaurd up to cover the overflow box.

Great pic.'s and vid.'s everyone Keep them coming.
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Old 10-26-2009, 11:26 PM
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Mine had his first sump surfing lesson last night!!!

THAT didn't take long. I knew something was up last night when he didn't come out for food, but I couldn't find him anywhere and thought, oh well, maybe he's just not hungry. I checked the filter sock in the sump but he was not there. This morning before work, I sat and watched the tank, lights were off still but fish were all active anyhow - I could find everyone but him, so tried food again - nope no reaction. Now I'm sure something's up, so I did a sweep search of the floor 5' from each direction of the tank, checked the filter sock again - nope, nothing ... so I'm checking every nook and cranny to see if he's gotten himself stuck under a rockslide or something. Nothing! Finally catch a glimpse of a yellow tail under the sump return pump.

Sooo... he's back in the DT again but man, that didn't take long (only had him for a month or so). I am *so* relieved I finished off the "eel fence canopy" because I'm sure between a choice of going into the overflow and over the tank, any sane fish would choose the "over the tank" option (the overflows are not really THAT easy to get into). I'm surprised he found his way out of the filter sock, but I'm glad he's safe and sound one way or the other.

Do not, do not, do not (!!!) underestimate these guy's abilities to get out of your tank!!!!! Close off every potential opportunity - it's only a matter of time before they find the ways out IMO..
-- Tony
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Last edited by Delphinus; 10-26-2009 at 11:29 PM.
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Old 10-29-2009, 09:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
Mine had his first sump surfing lesson last night!!!

THAT didn't take long. I knew something was up last night when he didn't come out for food, but I couldn't find him anywhere and thought, oh well, maybe he's just not hungry. I checked the filter sock in the sump but he was not there. This morning before work, I sat and watched the tank, lights were off still but fish were all active anyhow - I could find everyone but him, so tried food again - nope no reaction. Now I'm sure something's up, so I did a sweep search of the floor 5' from each direction of the tank, checked the filter sock again - nope, nothing ... so I'm checking every nook and cranny to see if he's gotten himself stuck under a rockslide or something. Nothing! Finally catch a glimpse of a yellow tail under the sump return pump.

Sooo... he's back in the DT again but man, that didn't take long (only had him for a month or so). I am *so* relieved I finished off the "eel fence canopy" because I'm sure between a choice of going into the overflow and over the tank, any sane fish would choose the "over the tank" option (the overflows are not really THAT easy to get into). I'm surprised he found his way out of the filter sock, but I'm glad he's safe and sound one way or the other.

Do not, do not, do not (!!!) underestimate these guy's abilities to get out of your tank!!!!! Close off every potential opportunity - it's only a matter of time before they find the ways out IMO..
So glad I put gutter guard up around my overflow. Although mine barely pokes his head out of the rock he lives in. I have a "feeding" station now in that rock. I stuff food into one hole of the rock and he moves from his spot to eat it, then he goes back to his spot again. Everynow and then he will go into a different rock (there are 3 he likes) but the one I feed him the most in is the one he likes the best.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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Old 10-29-2009, 09:24 PM
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I probably should have mentioned that I have gutter guards on my overflows already.

I think basically unless it's glued down they'll find a way.

The bottom line though is I'd rather he find his way into the overflow and eventually the sump, rather than the floor. Inconvenience (of having to fish him out of there) trumps heartbreak.
-- Tony
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