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Old 09-22-2009, 07:34 AM
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Originally Posted by fraggalrock View Post
How are you finding the rsm for heating issues? I have had to turn my heater right of because it gets over 82 finally now I am about 77 to 78.I am running the fan as well and leave the skimmer hatch up for airfllow.
Heaters only come on when needed so either the heater was not set correctly and was in fact was heating your tank above 80 or something else is raising the temp up and your incorrectly blaming the heater. Turning off the heater will only cause the temps to drop too far overnight or when the tank is at its coolest.

You should continue to use the heater and make sure it is working correctly by coming on and maintaining the temps when it drops below 78 or 77.
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Old 09-22-2009, 08:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Snaz View Post
Heaters only come on when needed so either the heater was not set correctly and was in fact was heating your tank above 80 or something else is raising the temp up and your incorrectly blaming the heater. Turning off the heater will only cause the temps to drop too far overnight or when the tank is at its coolest.

You should continue to use the heater and make sure it is working correctly by coming on and maintaining the temps when it drops below 78 or 77.
I have to agree with Snazz here, my small 10 gal nano setup heats up to 79 MAX with the MH on it and room temp over 25 C. But I have to keep my heater on at a minumin temp of 77 F other wise my tank is going down to 67 F over night!!! Yikes!!!

Anyways, if your room temp is high, your tank temp can be pretty high too, heaters only turn on once they hit the minumin temp set.
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Old 09-22-2009, 04:10 PM
mseepman mseepman is offline
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One other consideration should be the Finnex 30M. Aquacave ships to Canada without issues and they are priced quite well. They come with T5HO so you should be able to have corals of your choice.

Or you could get the HQI version with combo T5Ho lighting...only a little more.

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Last edited by mseepman; 09-22-2009 at 04:14 PM.
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Old 09-22-2009, 05:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Snaz View Post
Heaters only come on when needed so either the heater was not set correctly and was in fact was heating your tank above 80 or something else is raising the temp up and your incorrectly blaming the heater. Turning off the heater will only cause the temps to drop too far overnight or when the tank is at its coolest.

You should continue to use the heater and make sure it is working correctly by coming on and maintaining the temps when it drops below 78 or 77.
Thanks..Sorry I didnt mean to highjack your thread,ive been following it with interest and I thought I would get some input from you guys.I have my rsm away from windows and my place is cool.I run my lights for 10 hours,without the heater on my temp dropped to 80 overnight.

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Old 09-23-2009, 02:21 AM
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my personal feeling on ALL AIO is you get subpar everything for way too much money. JBJs quality is absolutely horrible, ive had a couple of there products and they remind me of Hyundia Tiberons, they are just flashy enough to attract enough people willing to part with there money, but when you look under the hood you see cheap ballasts, cheap glass, cheap plastic everywhere. Even the stands are overpriced garbage. RSM's not entirely sure, never had one, but im guessing they aren't that far off. Personally, if i was gonna spend a grand on a tank and wanted an AIO, i'd do some serious homework, and build it myself or get someone to. its not hard, it lets you pick ALL your equipment and you learn alot during the process.
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