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Old 09-20-2009, 07:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Clay&Chey View Post
I considered the 1080p projector but to always having to control the light even just so you can seevwhat song to choose when you want background noise was to much of a pain. I went with a 1080p 52" LCD and have been happy ever since.
controling light to see menues isn't realy that big of deal, but I only have two small windows and am in the basement. I thought about going with a 55 or 60 inch plasma or lcd but I have a 52 inch upstairs so I want to make the one down stairs more of an experiance.

One thing I do need in a reciver is the ability to putput two different HDMI feeds. (or 1 HDMI and one componant) I am going to have the projector and a 42" plasma behind the bar and want to make it stupid easy to pick which one I am going to have on. so if the reciver can't do that it is out by default.

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Old 09-20-2009, 07:46 PM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
Ok here is an aprox layout of the room, the projector screen is red and will be a 92" screen. the brown retangle is the couch. purple is the speakers, and the brown outline in the L" area are the bar cabnets. I was thinking using a 5.1 setup for the actualy movie watching, but having two other speakers on the fireplace wall so I can do 7 channel sterio when I am listining to music and socilizing at the bar.

Attachment 4921

Your thoughts on 7.1 audio are a little off, what I would suggest is to do a 5.1 theater and have an amp that handles a second zone for the bar speakers.

If you take a 7.1 system and move two of the speakers out of the field your going to run into sound issues. You will get surround sounds out of the speakers your placing by the bar, not full range. Unless I'm misunderstanding your post.

The way you have your theater set-up now isn't a great set-up for a 7.1 theater unless your willing to hang speakers from the ceiling. The left surround would be too far from the listening area.

Could you flip the area?

Sort of like this?


Last edited by Parker; 09-20-2009 at 07:53 PM.
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Old 09-20-2009, 07:50 PM
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Something like this but with a fireplace instead of a tv:

Most likely the screen wouldn't come down far enough to cover the actual fire place.

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Old 09-20-2009, 08:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Pescador View Post
I used a DIY screen kit from these guys, it turned out pretty good.

Our room is basically the same shape and multi-function too but the screen wall is angled more facing the corner so 7.1 worked out pretty well.
I looked at that stuff befor, have you used a cloth screen befor to give you a comparason between the two?
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Old 09-20-2009, 08:12 PM
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Had another thought, are you planing to output to the two displays at the same time? Most of the midpoint receivers don't offer dual out at the same time... I know some of the high end ones do.. a few from Marantz, Denon I believe has a model that does it... There may be a bunch more now.. it's been awhile since I've looked around.

Last edited by Parker; 09-20-2009 at 08:15 PM.
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Old 09-20-2009, 08:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Parker View Post
Your thoughts on 7.1 audio are a little off, what I would suggest is to do a 5.1 theater and have an amp that handles a second zone for the bar speakers.

If you take a 7.1 system and move two of the speakers out of the field your going to run into sound issues. You will get surround sounds out of the speakers your placing by the bar, not full range. Unless I'm misunderstanding your post.

The way you have your theater set-up now isn't a great set-up for a 7.1 theater unless your willing to hang speakers from the ceiling. The left surround would be too far from the listening area.

Could you flip the area?

Sort of like this?
Nope won't work, the couch is 12' wide so if I flip it sideways I will have about 1 foot of space for trafic to pass through, not acceptable to me.

as for the 7.1 I was thinking it right, I was going to turn off the surounds and basicly reasign them to only be on in sterio mode. this set up gives you more even power than when you use a second zone setup. so yes I was only going to use 5.1 for watching movies. I have 6.1 upstairs and it is pretty much useless as I have only found 2 movies that are in 6.1, asside from starwars.

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Old 09-20-2009, 08:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Parker View Post
Had another thought, are you planing to output to the two displays at the same time? Most of the midpoint receivers don't offer dual out at the same time... I know some of the high end ones do.. a few from Marantz, Denon I believe has a model that does it... There may be a bunch more now.. it's been awhile since I've looked around.
well I would like the option to be able to do that, but probably not, just one at a time. Yamaha makes one that has dual HMDI and will output both at the same time.. I was originaly looking at this one as then all I would have to do is turn on the tv I wanted to watch

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Old 09-20-2009, 08:19 PM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
Nope won't work, the couch is 12' wide so if I flip it sideways I will have about 1 foot of space for trafic to pass through, not acceptable to me.

as for the 7.1 I was thinking it right, I was going to turn off the surounds and basicly reasign them to only be on in sterio mode. this set up gives you more even power than when you use a second zone setup. so yes I was only going to use 5.1 for watching movies. I have 6.1 upstairs and it is pretty much useless as I have only found 2 movies that are in 6.1, asside from starwars.

Cool, the whole time I was typing I was sure I was misunderstanding.
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Old 09-20-2009, 08:48 PM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
I looked at that stuff befor, have you used a cloth screen befor to give you a comparason between the two?
No I never have, the budget ran out. I was just going to go with the misty grey paint route but I figured I'd give these guys a try.

As for light concerns, I've had a Sony and now a Panasonic projector and I can still see the screen with the lights on.

Is your basement already framed? Fireplace is in?

A couple of the best ideas I stole, a PVC conduit in the ceiling from the projector to audio equipment for running wires. A closet behind the screen to access everything from the back. Remote dimmers for the lights can be learned by your remote.

Here's a pic from construction, cutouts for center speaker and equipment rack.

I went widescreen because we watch more movies than TV or computer. It ended up just about 100 inches.

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