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![]() So it all started at the end of July (28th) with Petcetera's going out of business sale. I was there just to check out what % off they had, and they had a bunch of used 10 gallon tanks for $6! Then, I saw a rimless "20 gallon" tank for $8. I checked the dimensions and figured out it was a 15 gallon, not that it really mattered. I asked the clerk if she knew if it would hold water, she said it probably should, and was just used for crickets. I figured, well, it's too good of a deal to pass up, and scooped it, hoping it would hold water.
Checked it outside, and there was no leaks, horray! After some deliberation, I decided to put it on my dresser. I had an ancient Fluval 1 internal filter laying around, and started that up with just a bit of filter floss. Used an old UVB CFL bulb and gooseneck lamp, and stuck a couple water lettuce and water hyacinth in there. ![]() The next day (July 29), I decided on sand for a substrate. We had a bucket of sand that was either playsand or a burst sandbag. Rinsed that forever, until it was clear, but still when I put it in it made the water nice and muddy. I brought in filter reinforcements (an Aquaclear 300), and let it run for about 24 hrs. ![]() It still wasn't clearing up too well, so I did about 2.5 water changes, and added some activated carbon to the Fluval. By the next day it was looking quite presentable. Bought some corkscrew val and stuck that in there too. ![]() Added some rocks from my rock collection (I think most of these rocks I collected when I was about 10!). This one is my favourite. It a reddish purple with blue/silver stripes, and it almost looks like putty! ![]() Went back to Petcetera (Boy, did they get a lot of my money when they closed! ![]() ![]() Looks really cool when the big light is off: ![]() Initially I was planning on doing a planted tank with maybe some inverts, but it's hard to find inverts here. I figured I'd get some white cloud minnows, since I've had them before, and I know they're hardy. I also looked up betta care, and thought it'd be pretty cool if I set it up with a couple of female bettas. First I basically mirror-imaged the tank, so the cords for the filter and the light would be closer to the plug-in. (You can also see how nicely the water has cleared up) ![]() Made a lid out of scrap egg crate, since I know white clouds are jumpers, and I've heard bettas can be jumpers too. ![]() So on Aug. 1, I went to the pet store and bought 5 white clouds. They only had one female betta in at the time, and they said she was brought in by someone who was "going to more aggressive fish." But I thought she was pretty, and picked her up. Was posting some pics on bcaquaria, and I find out "she" is actually a male Plakat betta! ![]() Part of how he was properly identified was this giant bubble nest he blew in his first couple of days in the new tank. ![]() Decided to call the minnows the "Rat Pack". ![]() ![]() And the betta (now properly identified as male) I call "Morbo". ![]() ![]() |
![]() I wanted to add some driftwood to the tank (since it was looking pretty bare), but after two trips to the beach collecting little bits of driftwood, I realized most of it was softwood. So I pretty much gave that up, and decided to look for a rock with lots of nooks and crannies instead. I brought home about 4 rocks, and the largest worked out the best.
I also picked up 3 feet of background from Petcetera for $1 (which I will eventually cut down to size), and a new lamp from Rona. ![]() New rock: ![]() Morbo went and checked the new hiding spot right away. ![]() ![]() When I put the background in, Morbo discovered his reflection, which he spent several days flaring at. ![]() ![]() Family portrait; All 5 members of the Rat Pack and Morbo: ![]() Next up, I'm hoping to get some Java moss to start on the rock, and some ghost shrimp. Right now, I think my tank is in a happy place. The nitrate levels are going down, thanks to the plants ![]() |
![]() Off to a good start! I know people say that you shouldn't use softwood driftwood in your tank, but if you find a piece you like and it seems pretty hard (like it doesn't squish or anything when pressed) go ahead and use it... I used roots that I found out in the bush around home here for my tetra tank, and scrub them good once in a while, it's fine (though the wood is definitely breaking down slowly).
Calvin --- Planning a 29 gallon mixed reef... |
![]() Sept. 6: Added some java moss to the rock. Morbo (betta) seems indifferent, but the white clouds have become more outgoing since I added it. They're swimming around the tank more, and "playing" in and out of the java moss.
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![]() I was noticing some diatoms in the tank, and it got me thinking about getting maybe a small pleco, or other algae eating fish. Then I remembered someone posted about keeping an oto with their betta, so I looked up care of ottos, and decided to get a few. I couldn't decide how many to get. I heard they do better in groups, but I was afraid there wouldn't be enough food for them if I got 3 or more. I also wasn't sure if Morbo would pick on them (since some bettas are more aggressive than others). So I decided to get two.
A bag shot, since I wasn't sure if I'd see them after I let them go: ![]() After I let them go, they swam to the bottom, and just sat there for a couple minutes. Then, once they were rested, they went right to work! ![]() ![]() They're way faster than I would have thought though! I'm sure they are as fast as the white clouds! I liked this pic, he reminds me of a tadpole or something. Plus, he really blends in with the dead end of the val. ![]() One oto finds a hiding spot in the "cave." Probably not a good idea, since that's one of Morbo's hangouts. ![]() "Taa Daa!!!" ![]() The Rat Pack was pretty curious about them. Even while they were still in the bag a few members of the Rat Pack came over and checked them out. The otos seemed quite cool with the Rat Pack too. I even watched one of the otos school with the minnows for a few minutes! Just swimming back and forth with them, it was pretty cool! Didn't get a pic though ![]() Once Morbo noticed them he was curious about them. He went real close, and just looked at them. He didn't try to nip them or anything, which was good. Then after about 30 seconds, got bored and swam away. Morbo says, "Who are you and what are you doing in my secret hiding place?" ![]() Then, he did the funniest thing, he just *had* to squeeze past the otos behind the filter to his favourite spot. Just caught a quick blur of it: ![]() Just three otos hanging out. Wait... Morbo: "Guys, I don't see what the big deal is about algae. It's just not doing anything for me." ![]() And a few other random pics: These two were really "going at it" after dinner. Flaring at each other up and down the tank for at least the 5 minutes that I was watching! ![]() ![]() I'm pretty proud of this pic. Usually the white clouds are hanging out separately, and I only see them come together about once a day. Even when they're together, they're moving at lightning speeds, so it's hard to get a decent pic. But with the flash on and a lighting fast trigger finger, I got this pic, which you can see all of them clearly! ![]() Night time flaring. Morbo, "Who's that handsome devil?" ![]() |
![]() Looking great. Very clean and natural.
Love all the pics ![]()
freshwater 55gallon bowfront Saltwater 55gallon column seahorse tank saltwater 65G mixed tank w/ 30G sump |
![]() Thanks
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![]() A couple updates to post.
First, I got a really cool decoration. There's a little import store in town, and all the items they carry are free trade. I've seen these paper weights before, and thought they were so cool, but didn't have anywhere to put one (and didn't need another dust collector). But I went in on Monday to look for some other stuff, and suddenly realized it would look really cool in the aquarium. Long story short, these are river rocks which are first lacquered, then a layer of silver foil is painted on, lacquered again, and then polished smooth. The whole process takes about a month and a half. If you want to read it, I took a pic of the info sheet here. I thought the one I got was good, since it can sit upright. The pic really doesn't do it justice though. It's amazing how the foil catches even the smallest bit of light and it almost looks like it's glowing. ![]() Tank shot: ![]() Still not sure what to name the otos. They are slightly different in colour (one is more grey, one more brown), but I can only tell them apart when they're next to each other. I thought the name "Sharky" suited them, so I might just call them Sharky1 and Sharky2 :P Thought this was cute; Pigtails! ![]() The Inuksuk is where all the cool fish hang out... ![]() And for the second update, I finally got some ghost shrimp. I've been calling petsmart every week for about 2 months. Yesterday when I called, the person asked, "Is this the person who calls every week?" I said, "Yeah, that's me." She said they didn't get any in, but she took my name and number and said she'd call me when they get some. 2 minutes later she called back and said, "Looks like we did get a few in!" So I went and scooped 10. Got looking at them closely, and at least 2 of them are full of eggs! Fingers crossed for some baby shrimp! ![]() ![]() ![]() This is one of the pregnant ones. She was just sitting on top of the java moss for a while after I released them into the tank. ![]() I thought I wouldn't be able to see them once they got settled, but they seem pretty confident in their new surroundings. They've just been cruising around picking up food. They're really interesting to watch. Sometimes you see a little group of 3 or more cruising across the bottom together. So far, I haven't even seen Morbo pay attention to them (I figured he'd be the biggest threat to them). One of the Rat Pack was pretty interested though. He sort of charged a shrimp, and the shrimp jumped straight up ![]() |