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Old 08-28-2009, 05:49 AM
lucyw lucyw is offline
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Originally Posted by clowningaround View Post
I guess now we have enough fish in the store to at least last us the weekend.LOL.
Hi Ken I am new to Salt water and have been reading about how important a quarantine tank is. I am trying to convince my hubby there is quicker ways to introduce fish in our tank than keeping them in a quarantine tank first. I noticed on this page that you can put fish up for sale in a day or so upon receiving them . Is there anything I can do to eliminate having to set up a quarantine tank.
Thank You
Old 08-28-2009, 03:13 PM
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Originally Posted by lucyw View Post
Hi Ken I am new to Salt water and have been reading about how important a quarantine tank is. I am trying to convince my hubby there is quicker ways to introduce fish in our tank than keeping them in a quarantine tank first. I noticed on this page that you can put fish up for sale in a day or so upon receiving them . Is there anything I can do to eliminate having to set up a quarantine tank.
Thank You
Quarentine tank is VERY important, I can't stress that enough.

Secondly, paitence is a virtue, as if you get impatient you have a possibility of losing everything in your tank.

Now that the disclaimer is out of the way...

Diseases are the major concern for quarentining fish, when we get new fish, they are stressed, and sometimes medicated.

Ich is a major concern to everyone, all fish have the potential of Ich that can destroy your tank. Ich can be brought on by stress.

Unfortunately our practices have to be mofified when we have limited space and orders of a hundred fish at a time we cannot follow our own advice to the tee.

We strive to reduce ur losses by the following;

Tank Maintence
Our tanks are prepped and cleaned
UV sterilizer is installed on the bank of tanks prior to new shipment
1/4 copper dosage added to tank water

Fish Intoduction
open our packages in a darkened room (less stress)
introduce ImmunoVital (immunity booster) to the water
species selection in each tank (non aggressive together, aggressive on their own)

Our fish are quarentined for a minimum 48 hours, if they show signs of anything we will not sell anything from that bank until they are look after.
If problem occur, we are lucky as it will only affect a maximum 6 of our tanks, as our systems are not interconnected.
I am considering a proper quarenteen facility, but it would have to be at another location than the store.

Store Location



Last edited by BlueWorldAquatic; 08-28-2009 at 03:27 PM.

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