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Old 07-20-2009, 02:46 PM
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I've been lucky in the fact that most of the workers in the LFS's in Edmonton know who I am and they know that I am knowledgeable in this hobby so they have been very honest with me. I've also noticed that for the most part they are fairly honest with others as well, more so about info on fish then equipment but over all I like to think they wouldn't out right lie just to make a sale, but obviously it does happen.

I will say though that the two main stores I support: Marine Aquaria and Blue World, have very knowledgeable staff and I can't see either store lying about anything just to make a sale.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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Old 07-20-2009, 04:40 PM
Haloreef Haloreef is offline
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I've been in this hobby a short time, (7+ years give or take) and I don't profess to know it all by any meens but to say LFS's all lie is a crapy statement to make. I live in the Fraser Valley and as already stated we have quite a few stores to choose from. I have purchased stock from all of them. I do tend to support one more than others ( because I have a good relationship) with not only the owners but the other customers that frequent the store. I do not feel that I have been lied to by any of thease stores. As a matter of fact when I was really new I had times when I was told certain things would not be sold to me because I (my tank) was not ready. It was hard to take at first but now I am thankfull for the advise. Nothing would have gotten me out of the hobby faster that putting out money for dead stock. With the way the economy is now it is a hard for them to stay afloat I think it will be a sad day in our hobby if/when we loose them. All you have to do is look on Canreef to see all of the tear downs going on.
Support your LFS. and Online vendors. I for one do not want to do all the CITIES doc's it would take to bring my own Acro's in.
And all those who know me know I read my Ass off before I purchase anything, do your home work and educate yourselves.
My 2cents
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Old 07-20-2009, 05:01 PM
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Ken you have good point,
No way on earth I would come on here and start bashing LFS in general as I help out at one ever so often (and there are tones of amazing ones in Calgary). It would be nice if all LFS conducted themselves in the manor that Blue World does but it is the sad truth that sometimes that line between service and profit is smeared. Going on your point though, I think naturally bad LFS weed them selves out as people will always need supplies. Good service is rewarded by return business, which in turn is profit. Keep up the good work !

Last edited by Zoaelite; 07-20-2009 at 05:06 PM.
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Old 07-20-2009, 05:41 PM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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Originally Posted by blacknife View Post
so you would gladly give pieces of it away to noobs and expect them to live eh?

oh well .. but just think of all the $$ i have spent trying to make things better in my tank to keep it alive.. hah.. thats what the salesperson is thinking..
Umm, yeah, I would actually, but I know that if they were MY customer, their tank would be kickass.

But I digress, I'm not trying to sell anyone any Goniopora...
This and that.
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Old 07-21-2009, 05:43 AM
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I have a bit of a hard time with the image of the big bad retailer picking on the poor sweet honest consumer.

Most of the bad advice I see in LFS's is just that. Bad advice from employees who have great intentions but limited experience. No single person can know it all and ultimately the onus should be on the consumer to check several sources and make an informed decision. I think the actual instances of something more sinister going on, like deliberate misleading of a customer, are very rare.

So, do your own research... take everything ANYBODY says with a grain of salt because everybody has their own opinion even if it's not a particularly qualified one. Give the sales guys/employees the benefit of the doubt, 99 times out of a hundred they're just trying to be helpful and yes, they should know when to say "I don't know" but sometimes pride does get in the way. As for the rare occasions when someone is deliberately mislead, those are unfortunate, but the stores are digging their own grave.

And really, when we hear a story like Sharuq's about a woman who dropped $1000 on a strip light and cannister filter we all shake our heads and curse the LFS that sold it. But when you give it a moments thought, any waterhead who will drop that kind of money without doing even the most basic research, probably shouldn't be keeping fish in the first place. They should maybe stick to hamsters or sea monkeys or something like that.
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Old 07-21-2009, 05:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Slick Fork View Post
I have a bit of a hard time with the image of the big bad retailer picking on the poor sweet honest consumer.

Most of the bad advice I see in LFS's is just that. Bad advice from employees who have great intentions but limited experience. No single person can know it all and ultimately the onus should be on the consumer to check several sources and make an informed decision. I think the actual instances of something more sinister going on, like deliberate misleading of a customer, are very rare.

So, do your own research... take everything ANYBODY says with a grain of salt because everybody has their own opinion even if it's not a particularly qualified one. Give the sales guys/employees the benefit of the doubt, 99 times out of a hundred they're just trying to be helpful and yes, they should know when to say "I don't know" but sometimes pride does get in the way. As for the rare occasions when someone is deliberately mislead, those are unfortunate, but the stores are digging their own grave.

And really, when we hear a story like Sharuq's about a woman who dropped $1000 on a strip light and cannister filter we all shake our heads and curse the LFS that sold it. But when you give it a moments thought, any waterhead who will drop that kind of money without doing even the most basic research, probably shouldn't be keeping fish in the first place. They should maybe stick to hamsters or sea monkeys or something like that.

Two words: Caveat Emptor.

No one is putting a gun to head and forcing you to buy something.
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Old 07-21-2009, 06:04 AM
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Personally, I'd like to hear from all the vendors on the horror stories dealing with us customers!!
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Old 07-21-2009, 06:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Personally, I'd like to hear from all the vendors on the horror stories dealing with us customers!!
Honestly since I took over Blue World June 1st, I have had only 1 "customer" (not really a customer) that I would really not want to see again. Everyone else has been so open and accomodating it is amazing. I thank you for your patience in our time of crazyness and adjustment, we're just trying to get everything in place for the fall rush to server everone better.

As for the "Customer", I was suprised in the fact that she didn't want help from one of my employees since he was a "kid" (Taylor), this kid has more knowledge and heart than most teenagers I see know-a-days.

I was helping another customer, Shannon had her hands full with the Seahorse tank, and Taylor became avaliable. This customer asked Shannon for her help, but since she was preoccupied, and that she saw Taylor finishing up with someone else, she aske him to help the customer.

This "customer" demanded that Shannon help her, and didn't want a "Kid" to help her, and stormed out. Screaming that we just lost her sale. SHannon followed the "customer" out and tried to diffuse the anger to no avail.

Unfortunately we lost our fist "customer", but with "customers" like that, I don't care if you want to buy out the whole store, I can do without.

If this is the worst I see, I can see myself in this business for a long time.

Ken - BWA

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Old 07-21-2009, 01:49 PM
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Ken, give it a bit, your collection of stories will increase . A friend of mine used to run a really cool little freshwater boutique type store, and one day this guy comes in with what is obviously a year old or more powerhead. He wanted his money back. Steve asks him what's wrong withit, guy say nothing, just don't need it anymore. lol But he won't accept the fact that he can't return the used PH for a refund and starts getting cranky about it. It took over 30 minutes to get this guy to leave.

But there are the customers that always want a deal, you're making too much, and the fish died that you sold me 6 months ago, I want a new one etc....And talk about lying...sir, how did your fish die? Idunno...(knowing full well that little Billy dumped dish soap in tank).
I've spent a lot of time in fish stores, and trust me, I've got more customer stories than employee stories
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Old 07-21-2009, 03:30 PM
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Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic View Post
Unfortunately we lost our fist "customer", but with "customers" like that, I don't care if you want to buy out the whole store, I can do without.

If this is the worst I see, I can see myself in this business for a long time.

Ken - BWA
Hmm. I haven't been to your store yet Ken...OBVIOUSLY.
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