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Old 07-18-2009, 08:08 PM
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Default Trying to figure out what reef safe fish to put in my 130 gal

help is appreciated

reef tank: sps, hard, zooanthids for the most part
tank size:130gal
sump 45 gal (with fuge)

current stock:
clownfish: 2 orange
urchins: 2 long spined orange eye, 1 pencil, 1 black tiny spiked

i want to add:
chromis: 8 green
tangs:blue hippo tang, powder blue tang, (what other tangs get along/ dont fight ?)
cardianls:flame or banggai
gobies:Pinkbar Goby
dragonets: 1 green mandarin and 1 spoted
dartfish: purple firefish or Pearly Gudgeon
blennies: scooter or lawnmower
anthias: lyretail
pistol shrimp: candy stripe
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Old 07-19-2009, 05:15 AM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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How old is the system?

Mandarins/scooters are not very good for new tanks, except if they're already eating frzn. However, if you keep them with fast fish who eat up all the food quick, they can easily starve to death unless target fed regularly.

I have 6 yellow tangs in with my powder blue & my hippo/regal no problem.

I have a yellow & purple in with my powder brown (goldrim) & hippo in my other tank, no problem. Different shaped tangs from different families will usually be ok. Usually. No guarantees.

Lyretails (anthias in general) like multiple small feedings daily. Something to consider.

Love lawnmower blennies. Almost always have one in reef tank or its cousin, the black sailfin blenny. Midas blennies are even more beautiful.

Chromis will start off great, but often pick on the smallest. Mine haven't (knock on wood) but others have.

Firefish & gudgeons like very calm tanks with no fast swimming aggressive fish.

Cardinals tend not to swim around a lot. They find a calm spot & hang out there, almost motionless.

Hope that helps.

If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it!
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Old 07-19-2009, 06:13 PM
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that helps a lot, ill make sure the tangs are all going to be different when i put them in. the tank is almost a year old, however i just moved it to my store two weeks ago, so i wont put any fish in it for two months. after blue oceans has their first annual frag frest.
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